iPHONE images... post your iPhone/Mobile pics HERE... :-)

Oh Go on then..


The new iPhone app is good fun!!
Wow what is that in this image, it looks AWSOME !!!!!
It was ok when i left it two minutes ago
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A little help please.

Any idea why Flickr isn't showing that my uploaded pics were taken on my iPhone 4S?
Hope this helps Richardodaforce

I have to drag and drop from phone to desktop then upload to flickr.
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Can't you just use the Flickr app on the phone?
My first shot with the Galaxy SII.

We went up tp Byron's Seat on Harrow Hill to see fireworks as far away as Windsor, Reading and Oxford. It's out the back of St Mary's Church, which was beautiful in the spotlights (IMO). I'm quite impressed with the image as it is, straight out of the phone.

2011-11-05 19.15.20 by NickD71, on Flickr
One from my walk through the park this morning. I have wanted to get this shot for ages and I am a bit naffed off that I didn't have my gear with me as it is the only time this week I have been through there with no people on the path. So out came the HTC :) The park is actually called South Park (!) and it is my local park:

south park path
by rednorters, on Flickr

Thanks for looking (y)
Nice picture but there's a strange green line going most of the way across the top. An artefact of post-processing? A camera glitch? A weird sky that day? :)

I noticed that once posted. Think it's from the processing stage. Used that Picasa on Flickr for the first time with this one. Don't think I'll be using it again.
Craikeybaby said:
Not bad considering the lack of exposure control on the iPhone, or did you use an app to control that?

Straight out of the iPhone
Some absolutely brilliant pictures and different effects here. Heres a recent one from my 3Gs taken in Bungalows & Bears in Sheffield (I don't make a habit of taking pictures in toilets....honest).





