iPHONE images... post your iPhone/Mobile pics HERE... :-)

ok nothing special or photographically any good, it was dark in my living room and had just downloaded the app 'Ghost Capture' so thought would give it a whirl:


Anywho showed the wife and well she freaked :D I had to show her the app to believe me that there was not 1 a ghost or 2 some wierdo on the Garden.

After calming down for the :eek: she got :annoyed: and I got :bat: haha oh well the things we do for a giggle :)

Hahaha, that's brillaint. Will need to look out that app now! (y)
My mate drafted me in to operate his "behind the basket" camera at the local basketball match on Sunday. You can see the results of that in his thread here

I took my iPhone of course and got this shot of the team mascot engaged in serious pre match tactical discussion...
Seen these stuck all over the place a couple months ago. thought it was quite funny

(i've never checked the link)

Lol very good, i do have large hands it's not the photo adding the extra 10lbs lol
Dudes and Dudettes of the iPhone brother/sistehood, check out this - there is an FTP program out that lets you upload to your websites FTP from your iPhone and would make it even easier to upload to TP on the move!


Had a spare couple of hours yesterday morning so thought I'd add some more images to my "bank" for my Glasgow iPhone project. Headed over to west end as I thought the light might make stuff in the glasshouses in botanical gardens look interesting. Others from after the gardens still to come...

1:Kibble Palace greenhouse.




Had a spare couple of hours yesterday morning so thought I'd add some more images to my "bank" for my Glasgow iPhone project. Headed over to west end as I thought the light might make stuff in the glasshouses in botanical gardens look interesting. Others from after the gardens still to come...

Great bankers Gordon... (y) ...you are right about the light and the shapes make for really interesting images... :clap:

Couple more from yours truly in my quest to manage one-a-day posted to The Best Camera community... :D

1. Endov... the line...


2. Toeing... the line...


3. Munkeh-ing about... no line... :D


4. Cucumber Sliced... and that is NOT my reflection... :naughty:


Enjoy... :shrug:

Really like the yellow line ones venom...

few more

:LOL: ...so you just had to outdo me on the yellow lines didn't you Gordon... :D ...great shapes and brilliant lighting once again though... (y)

A couple more from the 3G S then... :shrug:

1. A drop or two of Snow...


2. Towering lamp posts Batman...


3. Trax...


Enjoy... :D

Where are those tower blocks? I'm sure I've gone past them before...

:LOL: ...You did m8... :shrug: ...near the bottom of page 7... :naughty:

Spotted this hiding behind a lamp post this morning (iPhone)

Loving that snow snake Glenn... (y) ...very well seen and taken m8... :clap:

Gordon... they're actually near Ponders End station alongside the London Cambridge (Stanstead Express) mainline track (also pictured above)... :D

From my first Fell walking experience up in Keswick!! 4 pics stitched with Autostitch, pretty pleased with the result :D

some of these pictures are amazing.. never knew a camera phone could take awesome pictures
take it we are allowed to post process them to hell, as the iphone prob has the worst camera on a phone goin!
take it we are allowed to post process them to hell, as the iphone prob has the worst camera on a phone goin!

YUP ...pretty much anything goes Jack... as long as it comes from a mobile phone camera... :D

Although I would not necessarily agree with your statement... :shrug: ...it's truly subjective imhgo... :naughty:


Indeed, it may be a crappy camera but if you use the limitations creatively you can make very good images. I had a N97 before my iPhone and although it had a very good camera I couldn't be bothered using it....I'd rather use my CanonG9. However, the iPhone isn't retending to be a useful high spec camera. it is a bit like a polariod or a holga...it is what it is....
Indeed, it may be a crappy camera but if you use the limitations creatively you can make very good images. I had a N97 before my iPhone and although it had a very good camera I couldn't be bothered using it....I'd rather use my CanonG9. However, the iPhone isn't retending to be a useful high spec camera. it is a bit like a polariod or a holga...it is what it is....

Totally agree Gordon... (y) ...and then some... :thinking:

Above all, for me it is just so much fun in so many more ways than even my D-Lux 4 (Green) Safari... :D

I :love: it to bits... :LOL:


A couple of recent ones from my own 3G S that most definitely are SFW and well down to the usual standard... :D

1. Tardiesque... or just a plain old call box... :cautious:


2. Hozirontals... ain't got no... perspective baby...


3. Grrrrrowl... on the brand new bigger cat and this one's yet to purr... :)


4. Incy Wincy BellPush... good job we are already arrived and not visiting our house this morning... :)


5. IF... Carlsberg did Rubbish 3... PROBABLY... :D


Enjoy... ;)


indeed that is probably the best rubbish in the world...

Here are three iPhone shots from my shoot Friday. I made the triptych in photoshop as I can't find an app to do it in phone. The shots were not manipulated at all in photoshop though, just cut and pasted in to the new wide background image

one from last week :)

Genesis 07-07-07 Manchester taken with Sony 700i


son loves these. just got an iphone so want to see how bad the camera people say it is or not
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