Iphone Photography applications?

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So my husband has picked up his new iphone 4 yesterday and so I have inherited his old 3GS :D

Been wanting an iphone for ages so now looking forward to picking some apps for it. First thing I did was to look at what photography apps there are :)

Theres loads available but I was just wondering if there are any that people on here can recommend? Don't mind paying for them as long as they are worth paying for and wiill get used.

All suggestions welcomed.

PS I know there is a thread in the off topic section which I am going to trawl through ;)
I know you can get Photoshop mobile for free from the App store. There are also depth of field and exposure tools I have on my 3GS. I would just have a search around the App Store site and see what you can find that takes your fancy really. There is a lot of good stuff out there and some of it is free too.
Photogene and Hipstamatic are two of the best apps out there for the iphone.

Handi do full manuals for Canon camera on your iphone. Certainly for the 40D/50D etc range.

Photocalc is good for sunrise/sunset times plus lots of other stuff.

Strobox for drawing lighting diagrams.

Don't forget all the great photography podcasts which are fee
I've heard that Hipstamatic is very good but haven't bought it yet (waiting for pay day!).

One that I can recommend is photocalc - has various tools for calculating exposure, DOF and even includes a location based sunrise/sunset calculator.

Check out this site for more iphone photography related stuff:
Tilt-Shift Generator. It's great fun and will surprise you. :)

Hipstamatic is really very good :) Ideal for taking random photos with!

I have been walking around London for the last couple of days with the 40d + 17-40L in one hand, whilst taking photos with my iPhone ;)
As mentioned. Hipstamatic, Tilt Shift and Best Camera are my main photo apps :)
NDCalc is very handy if you use ND filters...it converts the standard exposure time to a 'filter adjusted' time. It really comes in handy if you use a 10-stopper :)

Gonna have to try the tilt shift and Hipstamatic apps!