Is there a device for checking 35mm negatives before you print them.

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This is a heretical question rather than something I'm planning on doing at the moment. But if I wished to print 35mm film after processing is there a way you can check the image quality of the negative before going to the cost of printing ?

Thanks all
This is a heretical question rather than something I'm planning on doing at the moment. But if I wished to print 35mm film after processing is there a way you can check the image quality of the negative before going to the cost of printing ?

Thanks all
Some of the old slide viewers had a slot you could feed strips of film through, but obviously these do not make a negative positive.
It's called experience.

I used to able to look at a B&W negative and tell if it was going to be a contrasty print or well exposed etc.

But that was in the 90's.

In fact I could look at a scene and imagine how it would look in monchrome.

Those were the days weren't they @flashp ?
There are phone apps that do a quick and dirty invert of negatives, I believe....