Is there a foolproof method of knowing it's loaded?

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What a plonker!

Risked going to the Norfolk coast today with a light meter, one MF camera, two lenses, a loaded film cassette and a new film still wrapped.

Only when I got my 18th shot off the 12 ex film and walking through shade did I see for myself how it had happenned.:bang::bang::bang::bang::bang::bang::bang:

I keep an elastic band round my unloaded camera bodies. I didn't this time though. :bonk::bonk::bonk::bonk::bonk:

Maybe I should store them with the backs open??
Oh dear! Now hands up who hasn't check a film was loaded with the rewind lever before using the camera...yeah I know some cameras don't have a rewind lever :)
I'll probaly get stoned for this but, the only cameras I leave with film in are the ones with a little window in the back where I can SEE that there's film in there. Any of the others, I try and shoot the roll up in a session - easy enough with 120 film - or just waste the end of the film - film stock's (relatively) cheap, missing a shot because you've got a empty camera is priceless!
i check in my darkbag before i go out, or i only put the memo clip on when i know the film is in :D
I'll probaly get stoned for this but, the only cameras I leave with film in are the ones with a little window in the back where I can SEE that there's film in there. Any of the others, I try and shoot the roll up in a session - easy enough with 120 film - or just waste the end of the film - film stock's (relatively) cheap, missing a shot because you've got a empty camera is priceless!

I tend to do the opposite, my cameras all sit with film in them so they are ready to go whenever i am. I reckon I get through a roll quickly enough that it isn't sitting there too long.
I tend to do the opposite, my cameras all sit with film in them so they are ready to go whenever i am. I reckon I get through a roll quickly enough that it isn't sitting there too long.

Yes, that could work. But that's 30 rolls of film. Which is only 18 more than right now. Sounds like possible plan. :clap::clap::clap:

Or to quote from a moment at work today when something cropped up about 40% staff absence over the Christmas period. And there are 20 of us. Ahem, someone and it definitely wasn't me started with "well, if it was 50% that'd be half of us and 40% is just less than 50%...." I should mock: I'm the "no film" photographer. Doh!
What camera is it? I don't think it's possible to shoot with an empty magazine with my blad or RB67. Generally speaking though an exposure counter showing '0' with a MF camera indicates an empty mag or a loaded film which hasn't been wound to the first exposure.
Decide you're going to do some very specific photography, say low-light action sports for which you want to use some high ISO film.

I can absolutely guarantee that at that point the camera will be loaded with a fresh, barely started roll of Ektar.
Decide you're going to do some very specific photography, say low-light action sports for which you want to use some high ISO film.

I can absolutely guarantee that at that point the camera will be loaded with a fresh, barely started roll of Ektar.

I reckon at that point i'd say "Screw film - i'll shoot digital" :LOL: - hey - I never professed to be a purist :naughty: