Its my 52 - Week 48 & 49: MECHANICAL & DISTANT

wow, some amazing shots here.. hard to pick a winner each week form them :)

stand outs for me are the lock and rope, love the textures on them both.. but do like your winner of the grass for the vibrant colours

love the silhouette building shot, fabulous detail and a great sky too..

the sculptures are all excellent but I keep going back to the first of them, lots of impact for me and a great blue background

I love the rain on the B+W set.. fabulous focus and love the sparkly bokeh effect
Jean: No worries, there are SO many 52's I lose track myself and end up looking at lots of them, some I comment some I dont, strangley enough I seem to comment in my head, then when I revisit them and see no comment I could swear i did.. ..something I must watch out for, lol.

:LOL::LOL::LOL: I thought it was just me who did that - and I blame old age! :LOL:

Buildings: Definitely I agree with your winner!

Sculptures: This is harder, and I think the last of the runners-up gets my vote. I like the rim light on this shoulder and the way he stands out from the background. (y)

Shapes: #1 runner up is excellent, but for sheer originality and spotting something most people would ignore, I agree with your winner. The processing suits the image, too. :)

It sounds like getting t'internet access sorted was more traumatic than moving countries! Glad all is well. :D

Incredible shots there Dade, also been browsing your flickr.. you certainly have an eye for detail and gives me something to aspire to. Great job!
Its been a hard chore recently, things not going quite fast enough for me and things just simply working against me.
I am in the process of trying to start my own business, and its not all fun and games. But things are going in the right direction for the most part at least.
Having a few issues to deal with has hampered my photography and my creativity; I have done the week but not especially happy with the results to be honest.

Runners up



Winning shot - THEME: FLORA & FAUNA
Having a few issues to deal with has hampered my photography and my creativity; I have done the week but not especially happy with the results to be honest.

You can tell... Personally, I'd be happy with any of these, but I think they're a step down for you looking at your other weekly efforts. Having said that, your chosen shot is very good. Really sharp and clear. You've done well if you were struggling.

Hi Dade, I love your B/W shots but especially the first and the last. Absolutely stunning.

You may not be happy with your flora and fauna shots, but I love these too. I love the way the light shines through the fern and the water droplets on the swan. I also did a broken egg shot this week but it is not as good as yours!

Hope you get all your issues sorted soon and back to usual creativity.

Just catching up with everybody's 365's who I've been following but haven't commented on for a while, been so busy with exams but now they are over!

I think it's great that you put a selection of your runner up photos, especially since there are many interpretations for each theme. I really like the broken egg shot for Flora & Fauna, great perspective and depth of field, but the pink flowers one is great too.
Having been beavering away with the business side of things, designing website, business cards and documents, my photography had taken a hit.
I decided this week I wanted to try to get my mojo back and focus more on the photography, so I went down to the local supermarket and grabbed a bunch of fruit and veg with the aim of doing some hi-key photography as I had yet to make use of my light tent.
Luckily for me my friend and business partner Hussian came over and we setup lighting and concepts for shots. To be honest I have to say Im very happy with the outcome.
The winning shot was chosen because I liked the idea and afterall look of the shot

Runners up




Winning shot - Theme: HI-KEY
I'm sure you must be posting more than once a week :p
I know that I've fallen behind with commenting the last few weeks, but I seem to have missed loads of yours.

Your Hi-Key shots are truly inspirational . . . seriously!
I notice that the shots I have on my reshoot list all seem to be following a theme (except present) - chopped, produce, ingredients and these have given me the boost to get out and do something along these lines for at least one of them.
Pin sharp, beautifully exposed and so much impact for something so simple. I particularly like the garlic shot. The simplicity of all that white, but the way that you've kept it distinct from the b/g is stunning.
The only thing that lets some of them down for me is that you've lost the top part of the reflection in some of them.

Flora and fauna : All good shots, but not your best week. I just know that you're capable of better than these. However, your chosen shot really does work well.

Black & White - Ian has already said it all for me on this one.

Heh... #1 is superb and just prevents me commenting on any of the other shots.

I'd have that on my wall... And I have no idea why. I just really really like it.

All the other shots just fade next to it. Don't tell me what it is... :)


At the risk of being lazy I 100% agree with that sentiment.
Trying to catch/keep up....

Of the B&W images I like the first with the stunning abstract of the wall, and your chosen one which made me do a double take as the snails on the can look like eyes....

F&F - the egg shell is very well lit and shot but my favourite here is the fern - I like its position in the frame and the delicate patterns against the plain dark background.

Hi-Key - you've controlled the lighting really well. I particularly like the garlic and your chosen one is fantastic, even if it makes my astigmatic eyes go a bit zizzy!
How do you manage to produce such stunning images from such simple props?

The lighting and detail on these is perfect. The only slight niggle has already been mentioned - the chopped off reflections. It doesn't really detract from the shots too much though. It's just me being hyper critical when I can't find any major faults at all. Well done (y)

Cheers for all the comments guys, I must admit, I have been super busy and havent offered much feedback of late, i will rectify this shortly ;)

I am still cracking on with getting the business upa dn running, takes ages doesnt it!
This weeks theme in 'Industrial', so where better to go than Ironbridge Gorge, the apparent birth place of the Industrial revolution.
To be honest the weather wasnt kind to me and I didnt get the kind of shots of the actual Ironbridge I wanted :(
So i focussed on some small detail shots of the iron works around the area.

runners up




Winning shot - Week 23 - THEME: INDUSTRIAL
Honestly, Dade, I love every shot you've posted since I last looked in. You just have a really fantastic eye for what makes a decent shot, and your execution is always spot on. You really are a very talented togger. Well done.
Wow such wonderful praise - at this rate i will need a bigger camera to match my head, lol.

Cheers Dean, very encouraging - especialy when not feeling on form ;)
Hi Dade, your hi-key shots are all winners IMO. Fantastic shots.

Pity about the weather for your industrial shots, but you have still managed some lovely ones. Your winner is stunning. Perfect DOF. But I also really like the coloured chain. Excellent shot.

You have not posted anything yet that I don't like :clap::clap::clap:

Each week has an amazing set of shots for it, how are you managing to pick a winner ?


Flora and fauna... the Swan is a very close second to your chosen image but wow

hi key.. a superb idea and excellently shot.

industrial, the winner is excellent, and so well executed... I do really like the rusty old chain too.
Why don't I visit this thread more often? What a great set of shots. The more recent ones (Hi-key & Industrial) include some absolute belters.

Well done, Dade - super work!

Another excellent set of images Dade (y)

I love Ironbridge and intend to spend more time in the area over the next few months. We mainly go to Blists Hill but have the passport tickets so will explore some of the other bits soon.

Rusty chain is my favourite of this set.

All excellent images yet again/as usual!! Your chosen one is perhaps the most 'artistic' but my personal fav is the rusty chain and wheel.

We visited Ironbridge over 30 years ago - our photos are all self-processed B&W and I had forgotten that the bridge was blue - or maybe it wasn't then. :D
Honestly, Dade, I love every shot you've posted since I last looked in. You just have a really fantastic eye for what makes a decent shot, and your execution is always spot on. You really are a very talented togger. Well done.


Absolutely superb again Dade.
I don't know how you're keeping this up with setting up your business too. I'm struggling just to get one decent shot a week.

I'd have been proud of any one of your shots for last week, but for me it's a close run thing between your chosen shot and number 3.
I like the simplicity of the one you chose, but there's something really special about the use of DoF in the third one. It's got a real 3D quality.
Again folks all I can do is say a big thanks for the continued support. I have had a rough time of late and things were getting very much on top of me, luckily i had a lot of support around to keep me going.
My 52 fell by the wayside, even though i was taking shots, i was happy with none of them and nothing much else for that matter - anyhoo wont bore you with the details, but I have revisited my shots and sorted out some decent ones I could use.
So this week is 3 weeks in 1.

The weeks theme was historic and not being back to Shrewsbury in 20 years was pretty historic, I am pleased to say not that much had changed and it still had a great feel to the place unlike Telford, where the decline is all to apparent.
Shrewsbury is steeped in history so made the perfect option for this shoot.
The runners up were



Winning shot - Week 23 - THEME: HISTORIC
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Having just shot my first formal wedding I was assigned the job of shooting the details and candids, so I set about to work using my keen eye and my macro lens. It was a wonderful day and a great experience for things to come.
Weddings are a lot of work but I really enjoyed shooting away and getting involved in the enjoyment of the day.
So what better theme to use than Wedding details, hope you like them ;)

Runner up shots (and there were lots to pick from)




Winning shot - Week 23 - THEME: WEDDING DETAILS
And finally the half way point, PHEW!!!!!
Having shot the wedding and done a few portrait shots recently I noticed the sun was hampering my efforts some what. So I set about trying to use it to my advantage and also understand how to use fill flash better, as off camera flash is pretty new to me.
I chose my model and a local park and off we went in the midday sun to try to see if i could produce anything worthwhile. I know its not the best time, but usually when people want photos is midday especially at weddings, so I had to learn to work with it and not against it.

Below is my attempts to do just that, hope I did a good job, but you guys can let me know where I went wrong ;)
runners up




Winning shot - Week 23 - THEME: PLAYING WITH LIGHT
wow love your pics of shrewsbury
The station is a beautiful building and you have shown it in all its glory
The bridge (portland) going over to the quarry is great showing all the amazing deatail of the bridge ( TBH I dont like the bridge far to bouncy !!!!)
Railway tracks i think are taken from Lauras tower ?? nt so keen on that nothing to take interest or to draw the eye (imo)
greta pic of the castle although i would prefer it to be straightened but agin thats my opinion
You've taken some really awesome photos, all of the fruit and veg ones are excellent, and the wedding rings are fantastic.

I can see why a 52 can be a better option over a 365, you can be much more selective and take time to get a top quality photo. I have felt at times with my 365 that certain day's photos are a little rushed and there's always the pressure to get a shot for that day.
Wow - beautiful set of shots - too many for me to individually crit each, but I love portraiture and those are a lovely set! I enjoy the photos on this thread.

Every time I look at your thread I never know which images to comment on because your runners up & winners are always great! I love your chosen image with the wedding bands, great detail. However I think your chosen portrait has had a bit too much softening going on with her skin. great shot though, and the slightly desaturated colour is great, just my kind of processing :)
Cheers Bob ;) ---> good area knowledge and points to think about

Wicker Man, my hats still off to you that you have managed to do so well, but youre right at least with a 52 you can 'pick' your photos better.

Phil, cheers bud

Louise, thnks VERY much I am pleased you like my images, and good points you picked up on, personally i dislike the hair slides more than the softening ;)
I'm with Louise... way too many great shots to look at Dade...

The winner in history is lovely, but I think the first is my preferred... the colour tint seems more historical.

I love the dress tie details and the silver lady... but the rings are excellent.

All the portraits are good, but the light in that last one appears to have done just what you were aiming for.
A lot of excellent shots here. I particularly like the railway lines, PP'ed to look like a old postcard. Wedding pictures are not my thing at all but I like your final choices. Keep on the good work!
I'm struggling to comment on all of these too Dade.

The second historic shot is the one for me - but I genuinely like all of them.
And your wedding shots are beautiful. I bet the bride was over the moon with them. I 100% agree with your chosen shot - gorgeous, elegant and it's just the type of thing I'd want printed at the front of the album.

I'll focus on your portraits though, since that's where you wanted C&C.
Unfortunately portraits aren't really my thing, but I'll try to offer something constructive ;)

What strikes me with all of these is the variety of poses and angles that you've chosen - it really makes them stand out from the boring straight on shot and I'm sure that it's something you could apply to weddings. The third one in particular stands out for me. Love the high angle and the composition with the lake in the background is beautiful.

It's interesting to see the different ways that you've dealt with the harsh sun too.
The first one shot in the shade of the tree has worked perfectly. You would never have known what the lighting conditions were actually like. But I also like no.2 where you've made use of the light and shadows to make them a feature of the image. It's a very dramatic look and works well with the strong colours.

The only one that doesn't really work for me is no.4.
I'm finding the dark shadows over her lower legs a bit too much - her legs seem to be just on the verge of disappearing into the background. Maybe a little more fill flash needed in this one - or possibly the flash directed differently :shrug: . . . sorry I can't be specific, I don't know much about the lighting side of things

There's something very special about the dappled light falling through leaves though, so I think that this is a shot worth persevering with. If you can really get to grips with capturing that effect well in bright midday sun I'm sure that it could be put to use for some stunning wedding shots.
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again folks really lots of thanks for the kind encouraging comments ;)

Sarah, you feedback wonderful, thank you for taking the time and also being so encouraging.
The 52 is a great project to push you and to try new things, i am finding it even more relevant now i am integrating and applying the techniques to real situations.
some food for thought you offered and I shall see what I can do, although sadly my model (my girlfriend) has returned home to Spain for 3 months so maybe a while before you see more shots of her :(
I had a quick trip down to London as I said above, but whilst there, not only did I take some shots of the city but I managed to fit in my theme for the week too.
The theme being Authority. Now given the issues between photographers and the police, plus the fact they were armed I didnt bother taking shots of them, being the obvious choice.
So I went a little more around about seeking authority figures and locations etc.
I do miss the excitement that London has to offer, if you live there, appreciate the vibrancy of it ;)

anyway on with the shots,
runners up




explanation: the reason I chose this image as the winner, is that as I see it as he is challenging the heavens authority in defiance, i told you it was more abstract ;)
Winning shot - Theme: AUTHORITY
Wow! I have just looked through your thread and your photographs are amazing. I agree with your winning shot for 'authority' it looks so powerful and dramatic.
Struggled with this one to be honest, at first it seemed easy then after a while it seemed samey and boring. I did try to catch an M&M bouncing but a little to ambitious as I couldn't get a shot I was happy with.

This is one I may revisit when feeling more inspired ;)
anyhoo ill keep this short and 'sweet' - enjoy the shots

runners up



Winning shot: SWEET
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A good selection of shots for Authority - for me Nelson is the least effective but I'm sure that is mainly the small size posted here. I agree with your final choice - a cracking image.

Sweet - these don't attract me so much but probably because I don't have a sweet tooth so that they all make me think "yuk"! No reflection on your photo skills, though. I think your chosen one is the best image but the processing dilutes the sense of "sweet(ness)" for me - the first one fits better IMO.

Looking forward to next week's offerings...
Really liking the authority image Dade, it works really well. The Neslons column shot made me chuckle though...

Sweet, not keen on the image you've chosen, the processing doesn't make that look particularly sweet or appetising... personally, I really like the M&M's.