Its the photographer, not the kit - challenge

Shot on an ancient Mamyia 645 that I got from a jumble sale for a quid.


That is simply stunning. Its the sort of portrait I want to take, absolutely brilliant. (y)(y)(y)

And your website has some equally wonderful stuff.

Took this pic of our old cat a couple of years ago on a Minolta Z1 that I bought on ebay for 20odd quid

Before I had my 40D I had a fuji finepix s6500fd, cost £120.


Taken with a Nokia N73 I was given as my wife didn't like it, so technically free
Tornado spin up dissipating, shot from outside my front door.

Taken with my first cheapo 640 x 480 digicam.

Camera cost about £30, the shot is priceless..

Subsequent investigation revealed it touched down briefly 1/4 mile from my house.

White patch in upper mid left of shot is bottom of secondary funnel cloud, not noticed until I looked at the pics and way to close for comfort.


Taken with a camera phone - nokia n86, most infuriatingly awful phone I've owned but it does take a decent pic. Phone was free :)
couldn't make my mind up which one i liked the best so thought i'd pop both on (is that allowed?)

1st: taken in Newquay with a fuji s1000fd (paid around £150 but they're much less now!!)


2nd: as above fuji s1000fd

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couldn't make my mind up which one i liked the best so thought i'd pop both on (is that allowed?)

1st: taken in Newquay with a fuji s1000fd (paid around £150 but they're much less now!!)


2nd: as above fuji s1000fd


bummer, clearly i did that wrong!!! lol :bonk:

sorry, i'm new so i'll try again!
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so i'm going to attempt to post again, after reading a thread on how to do it!!
here goes ....

couldn't make my mind up which one i liked the best so thought i'd pop both on (is that allowed?)

1st: taken in Newquay with a fuji s1000fd (paid around £150 but they're much less now!!)

[/url] DSCF0252 by Charlene Marie, on Flickr[/IMG]

2nd: same as ..

[/url] DSCF0244 by Charlene Marie, on Flickr[/IMG]