I've only gone and got one A KINGFISHER

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Went out today longing for a kingfisher shot and sat and waited and waited thought we had enough and then we could'nt believe it the little beauty showed and I had the privilege to watch him and take some shots of my first Kingfisher what a beautiful bird to see



Fantastic shots! It seems that a lot pictures of Kingfishers come from the midlands.
Cracking set, very well captured I've only seen a blue and orange streak so far! :clap:
Wow !!! That is a beautiful set, Karen, excellent captures :clap::clap:

It's too late now, you'll have been bitten by the KF bug, and there's no return to normal :)
Hip! Hip! Hooray! Kaz. All three well captured (y)
Now what you gonna do? See if you can capture a Dodo :D
Your now set for life time of disappointment, as you keep saying it's not as good as my kingfisher shot ;)

A real cracker you have there.
Excellent shot, well done. Shame this months competition is "Kingfisher shots!" :)
And a corker of a set they are too, well done Kaz (y)

That's an amazing set!

#2 in my list of 'pictures to get before I die'!
Absobloodylutely marvellous.....................to get a KF is good enough but to get one with fish as well............ :clap::clap::clap:

Excellent set - have yet to catch one.
absolutely stunning - well done, sir! :clap:
Beautiful, Just beautiful. I've only ever seen one in my life, on a canal in Burnley.
I felt blessed. :)
Those are really beautiful shots Kaz, didn`t get anything as exotic as a kingfisher while we were out just the odd Sedge warbler and chaffinch......infact we did better with the metal type of flying object having our own mini display by a Typhoon and a glimpse of the Vulcan both practicing (or in the case of the Vulcan most likely just on an approach to Cosford) for tomorrows airshow.
Cracking shot, I knew as soon as I left, it would return. A deserved shot for having the patience to wait.
Great shots, is a great feeling to have the privilege to watch these great birds. (y) (y) (y)
The picture of the Kingfisher swallowing the fish is my favourite, well done