You could argue that they're all so commonly used that they have become nouns in their own right - in which case they'd all be lower case except at the start of a sentence.
This is how I write them.
When typing jpeg/tiff I am not typically referring to the specific group/process which the acronyms represent. Instead, I am referencing a particular file/image in general object oriented way, much like the word "car." And the same is true for "raw." We generally use it to describe an image from a raw format of various formats... the raw data itself is fairly useless to us. And luckily, the use of the word raw as an adjective has the same rules, so it eliminates the potential error.

That said, I don't really care and I have probably written them in every way imaginable at one point or another. I also always say "I".."S".."O" instead of "eye-so."
This is how I write them.
When typing jpeg/tiff I am not typically referring to the specific group/process which the acronyms represent. Instead, I am referencing a particular file/image in general object oriented way, much like the word "car." And the same is true for "raw." We generally use it to describe an image from a raw format of various formats... the raw data itself is fairly useless to us. And luckily, the use of the word raw as an adjective has the same rules, so it eliminates the potential error.

That said, I don't really care and I have probably written them in every way imaginable at one point or another. I also always say "I".."S".."O" instead of "eye-so."

Always wondered why ISO?
i was just refering to the fact its in capitals RAW. cheers mike

I know.... as is everything else. Doesn't mean it's RAW if you were to write it down. Raw is not a file format. You don't write RAW fish.. it's raw fish.
Always wondered why ISO?
It's properly pronounces "eye-so." From the Greek isos which means equal; as in isosceles triangle, which has two equal sides just like the "sunny sixteen" exposure triangle does.

But before that it used to be ASA/DIN acronyms... so I've always said ISO as if it were an acronym. Didn't know any better, and now it's too ingrained to change easily.
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It's properly pronounces "eye-so." From the Greek isos which means equal; as in isosceles triangle, which has two equal sides just like the "sunny sixteen" exposure triangle does.

But before that it used to be ASA/DIN acronyms... so I've always said ISO as if it were an acronym. Didn't know any better, and now it's too ingrained to change easily.
tis this...
International Organisation for Standardisation;):
You would have thought, but it's a translation thing. Not all languages put the words in the same order.

The road sign in Geneva is OIS (Organisation International de Standardisation).

Even then, they're using the English instead of Normalisation.
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It's properly pronounces "eye-so." From the Greek isos which means equal; as in isosceles triangle, which has two equal sides just like the "sunny sixteen" exposure triangle does.

But before that it used to be ASA/DIN acronyms... so I've always said ISO as if it were an acronym. Didn't know any better, and now it's too ingrained to change easily.

Yep, but shouldn't it be Iso?
Yep, but shouldn't it be Iso?
They always type it as ISO.
Not all languages put the words in the same order.
Initializations are always in the same order irrespective of the language.
There also used to be a bit on their website about how to pronounce it, which essentially said "eye-so, but we don't really care"... that's how I found out I was wrong. That part's not there anymore, but it does still say that it's a word derivative, and not an initialization/abbreviation.
I guess it's similar to ANSI, ISIS, NASA, OPEC, etc... they're all acronyms which are pronounced as a word. Not initializations like ASA, DVD, CIA, FBI, FCO, etc....which are "spelled out." But those are all abbreviations and they are the same in every language.

It's kind of funny, because it's mostly just photographers that spell it out (i.e. it's an "eye-so" file (.iso) or an "eye-so" standard (ISO9660, which is where the .iso comes from).
But, if they don't care I don't care... which is good because I can never remember to say it "correctly" anyway.
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I believe din is deutches international nummer,Asa is American standards agency. And neither could agree on which to use so I.s.o was decided on international standards organisation, which was acceptable to both sides.
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I believe din is deutches international nummer,Asa is American standards agency. And neither could agree on which to use so I.s.o was decided on international standards organisation, which was acceptable to both sides.

Iso is Greek for equal - it's not an acronym or abbreviation.
… more like Deutsches Institut für Normung
… more like
American Standards Association

… more like
International Standardization Organization
though their official name is
International Organization for Standardization

That's what I said it might be being confused due to the fact it's not my 1st language ;-)

…no damage done, Mike! :cool:

I too scrap up a few things in english! :D
Oh dear can't let this one lie

The wife prefers it when I shoot in RAW

Say she can't take the smell of burning rubber :exit::exit::exit:

Did you say WIFE, Jeff?
…You mean… someone loves you? :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:

JPEG or JPG or jpeg or jpg or…
TIFF or TIF or tiff or tif…

So, RAW or raw?


RAW is the acronym for… nothing. It is an adjective.


…but then why RAW?


I would assume that it helps to clear up on a matter of if you are talking about unprocessed image or file format.

Let's say as an example:

A friend who knows nothing about photography and computers asked you: "Hey, how come your photos look dull? They look lifeless."

You as a photographer, knowing your friend is not savvy, try to explain in easy way: "That's because they're raw, fresh out of the camera, I have to process them to make them look right. It's like you and your beef, you buy it raw from the shop, then you cook it to your liking."

But when it comes to those who do have some photography and computer understanding, you would just say: "It's still in raw format." or written/typed as It's still in RAW format.

Who knows? Maybe half of us would know that RAW means nothing, and it just really means "raw" as in uncooked/unprocessed, but the other half, still struggling to understand, just accept it to imply a file type.

As for JPEG, TIFF, BMP, DOC, etc., or jpeg, tiff, bmp, doc, etc...

I suppose it depends on how you like your filenames to look. For example, some may like the neat look as follows...

C:\User\Train book project
My book project about trains.doc
Train photo, Flying Scotsman.jpeg

Rather than feeling like My book project about trains.DOC and Train photo, Flying Scotsman.JPEG

Kinda feeling like computer is shouting at you, trying to point out to you what kind of file they are, as if computer thinks you're still stupid enough to try to open a doc file in Photoshop, in addition to the usual warning box This program cannon open this type of file.

Or for others, some may like it to look right, like for example...


Rather than funny looking A001.jpg or a001.jpg.

It's just my option, let those who think RAW means a file format, assume it means a file format until they have picked up enough experience and understanding to know it means nothing, and they start using the correct format, like saying it's a NEF file, and knows you should write it as it's a raw [unprocessed] file, not as it's a RAW [format] file.

It's also my option, everyone should use either upper or lower case letters depending on how they like their filename's text to look.
"Hey, how come your photos look dull? They look lifeless."
This is where I write "the file is raw" meaning the file is
untouched as RAW is a generic term that will identifying
a (or any) given maker's recorded file as in "…you could
do better with the RAW file!" meaning what ever the maker.
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