'Jungle' Cruelty Charges.


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I watched the episode where the rat was killed and eaten, and I have to admit to having been a bit impressed at the resourcefulness and will to do that - just the sort of determination needed to survive in a real survival situation.

Whether the rat was humanely killed is another matter, and I'd be the last person to condone uneccessary cruelty to any animal, but this is a programme where the heads are bitten off live mealy worms as a matter of course, and all manner of insects and worms are eaten live by the contestants! It seems to be a very strange double standard? :thinking:
i think its absolutely ridiculous to make any sort of judgement of animal cruelty.

1. A rat is vermin. When i shoot a pigeon at home, I don't get done for animal cruelty.
2. They did it to survive.
3. We eat animals all the time
4. As you said, eating all the bugs etc. Surely the killing of an animal for pure humility is worse!
I'm sure there is something more appropriate the RSPCA in NSW can be doing with their resources.
i think its absolutely ridiculous to make any sort of judgement of animal cruelty.

1. A rat is vermin. When i shoot a pigeon at home, I don't get done for animal cruelty.
2. They did it to survive.
3. We eat animals all the time
4. As you said, eating all the bugs etc. Surely the killing of an animal for pure humility is worse!

They did not do it to survive. They did to because of some poxy vote. None of those so called celebs are going to die out there regardless of what they do.

Is it right for them to make an animal suffer for our entertainment?
They did not do it to survive. They did to because of some poxy vote. None of those so called celebs are going to die out there regardless of what they do.

Is it right for them to make an animal suffer for our entertainment?

surely far more cruel things happen to animals on that show, think of the poor spiders that get squashed under katy prices rediculous norks. surely the rat got off lightly.

it seems to me that NSW has some rediclously excessive environmentalists and animal activists, rally australia this year had stages cancelled because environmentalists threw rocks at the cars, ****ing morons
Usually I think if you kill an animal to eat it, then fine. If you're just killing it for sport... then not fine.

Unfortunately it's a bit blurred in this instance. The "contestants" if you can call them that, were hardly going to starve were they? They may have felt a bit hungry, but compare it to some of the poor kids in third world countries and ask them if that's starvation?

Either way it was tough on the rat.
The only way I'd watch that awful show is if it was the "celebrities" that were being fed to wild animals - now that would boost ITV's failing ratings :D
As I understand it, the NSW legislation states that animals may not be killed as part of a production. As such, they were in breach of that legislation which is why they are being charged.
Its all a bit out of proportion really. I have no idea whether it was a clean kill, because I didn't see the rat being killed. The celebs didn't do this to play up to the cameras though. They did it for some variety in their diet, after having no meat for some time.
I do agree there was no real need to kill the rat, because they do get enough nutrition to survive. The reaction of the RSPCA is a bit disproportionate given what happens to other animals in the name of entertainment in that show.
As I understand it, the NSW legislation states that animals may not be killed as part of a production. As such, they were in breach of that legislation which is why they are being charged.

Animals of some sort have been killed in every series of this "entertainment" show. OK, they may not be fluffy ones but surely even wichetty (?sp) grubs are animals and they get eaten alive. I'm also pretty sure that some of the fish in programmes like Rex Hunt's Fishing Adventures and the like get snuffed for the pot and I'm equally sure that some of them have been filmed in NSW.

And no, I'm not a vegetarian and yes, I'm quite happy to kill for the pot.
Animals of some sort have been killed in every series of this "entertainment" show. OK, they may not be fluffy ones but surely even wichetty (?sp) grubs are animals and they get eaten alive. I'm also pretty sure that some of the fish in programmes like Rex Hunt's Fishing Adventures and the like get snuffed for the pot and I'm equally sure that some of them have been filmed in NSW.

And no, I'm not a vegetarian and yes, I'm quite happy to kill for the pot.

I was simply explaining as to why charges had been brought.
And I was simply pointing out that practically every contestant is as guilty of the charges as the ones currently being charged. As are the production team and those who devised the Bush tucker challenges.
I think the whole jungle programme is just cruel. Cruel to my senses.
Well it seems the RSPCA are notified and are present at each show where live critters are involved. In this instance it was not planned for any live creatures to be involved, so the RSPCA weren't notified and weren't present. The rat meal was a pure spur of the moment thing on the part of the celebs. :D

Apparently it was killed by Gino cutting it's throat and it was done with his back to the camera so how efficient he was I don't know.

It seems that they've been inundated with complaints anyway about how animals are used for entertainment on the show, quite apart from those eaten alive on air, so perhaps the RSPCA are responding to those.
fair enough on that point of mine which has been questioned, but the others still stand ;)

Also if they are in a breach of production regulations then soo be it, fine them for it, but its its still only a rat....

It's hunting. If I want to eat a pigeon, I'll shoot it and eat it (yummy). If they want to eat a rat, then i don't see why they can't kill it and eat it (less yummy)
I agree, heck at the end of the day its a flipping rat! I know its not protocol or something to do so on live tv, but stil..
Cool (y)
I always said it was a rat eat rat world :D
Obviously this was in Oz so they may have different laws regarding rats to us
I have no idea.
I wonder if Weils disease (Leptospirosis) is Prevalent out there?

I would bet that it actually wasn't a wild rat at all, too many diseases that might
affect the poor old celebs
( I didn't see it so of course I could be wrong).
In a country where we are only just calling for a national standard on Animal Cruelty it does seem very hypocritical. But as someone hinted at, it was a tame rat and not wild.

Where the line is blurred appears to be between insects, grubs, ants etc and mammals. Why is it on to eat bush tucker and not rats I don't know. And if the law states that you cannot kill an animal on tv does it matter whether the RSPCA is there or not?

Invertabrates are not covered by this law.....interesting!
How about doing them for cruelty to US for inflicting this utter drivel on us in the first place!?
Not that I follow the show but I believe the reason for the uproar and cruelty charges, are that the rat was a pet rat belonging to a member of the camera crew..
In a country where we are only just calling for a national standard on Animal Cruelty it does seem very hypocritical.
Thanks for that insight (y)

But as someone hinted at, it was a tame rat and not wild.
That be me :D
As someone who kills these, and a myriad of other pests for a living,
I guessed that it probably wouldn't have been wild ( for the reasons I stated above)

Where the line is blurred appears to be between insects, grubs, ants etc and mammals. Why is it on to eat bush tucker and not rats I don't know. And if the law states that you cannot kill an animal on tv does it matter whether the RSPCA is there or not?
Invertabrates are not covered by this law.....interesting!

Its like everything else I guess a line has to be drawn somewhere.
"People" want these things killed but don't want to see them killed

Inverts by definition do not have a spine or central nervous system
so I guess the theory behind it it they can't "reason" or feel "pain".
But thats a whole new discussion

And of course I doubt that any of this would have
got a second mention if not for the RSPCA
as per another recent thread.
This is a very high profile case and of course the RSPCA will jump on the band waggon
its good PR and a fund raiser

As I said above, that too is (was recently) a whole new discussion

surely if anyone is at fault it's the tv producers not the two people...
surely if anyone is at fault it's the tv producers not the two people...

Yes, I would agree with that, along with the general public for wanting more and more "excitement" in these so called reality programmes.
seems somewhat OTT to me. waste of time and money, far more important **** going down that is more important than this. poor old Ben..
The other thing I find strange is that we're talking about a country that enforces a law that sees anglers having to chuck LIVE carp up the bank so they can't be returned because they are deemed a pest and a threat to 'native' trout stocks and their offspring.