Just built my DSLR Camera Trap......GENET captured last night with dinner!

Glynn I know nowt of martens in France..do you have beech marten or only pine?
Glynn I know nowt of martens in France..do you have beech marten or only pine?

Hi Stu, we do have the Beech Marten over here, but more commonly called a Stone Marten or 'Fouine' in France. - We have both in our area!

I have captured many images of both, but they rarely slow down, when travelling through the trees, so lots of 'headless' shots. ;)

At the moment, the camera is out at a local lake on the barrage (damm wall), so I have built up some wooden tree stump barricades, to try to force any wildlife through a smaller opening, in an attempt to get some 'head-on' shots. - I'll find out in a few days, if it was sucessful!
Glynn I should have said I know nowt of martens thank you for the details in the reply
all the luck

so much skill in this game countered with so much luck however big the skillset is ya always need lady luck ;)
Superb wonderful images especially the Genet , we have seen one but not managed to photograph one