Just had a note from the door from Cambridge Police...for taking photographs!

ridiculus, waste of police resources etc etc, people moan that theres not enough bobbies on the beat, yet are quite willing to completely waste these resources for stupid reasons, i bet this do gooder would be the first to moan if someone had broken in to his house and the police were wasting there time interviewing some one for taking a picture...........................:dummy:

Ahhhhhh thats better :)
Theiving little scumbags who keep trying to pinch the lead off our coal cellar roof don't get followed up on at all. Does anyone from TP fancy a nightime meet in our street?

would you like me to bring my arsenal? sandbags, barbed wire and pack away watch towers from IKEA>???

Never mind terrorism... this is far worse! ;)


Let me know the street, i fancy trying out some street photography!!!! Lets really wind 'em up!

And they would be doing their duty.

"Let experienced officers decide what action to take"

Given the WPC's apologetic mood, I'd say they knew exactly what had happened, so why did they bother hauling you in over it?
Why couldn't they have used their discretion and told the neighbour that it's probably nothing, and it's not illegal anyway.

Did your neighbour really think "OMG terrorist! He's going to blow up his own neigbourhood!" :bang:
Why would a terrorist get out in the street with a camera putting themselves in a situation where a police officer could simply walk up and ask questions or whatever... when they can sit at a computer and load up Google street view do what they need to do without a sole knowing? :cautious:

Or am i missing something here? :thinking:
Why would a terrorist get out in the street with a camera putting themselves in a situation where a police officer could simply walk up and ask questions or whatever... when they can sit at a computer and load up Google street view do what they need to do without a sole knowing? :cautious:

That's just what they want you to think.

Trust no one.

Report everything.
The lunatics, encourage by that ***** Blair, ( it was on his watch all this PC **** started) have taken over the asylum.

Seriously, the coppers have no choice but to follow up any complaint but they should sort out the sad gits who make compaints that waste their time.
Where as Cambridgeshire Police tell me that despite my wifes car being vandalised 3 times, I should not point a CCTV camera outside the boundary of my property. Seems it could invade someones privacy. No one seems to give a **** that some little ******* goes around scratching cars. It would appear that local Authorities are allowed to invade privacy where as the tax payer is not.

Not sure which neighbour's car you were taking photos of, but I would be concerned if someone I did not know was taking pictures of my car. However, I would probably not report it to the police though. Probably shout 'oi!! what are you doing?' Was it just a random neighbour? Perhaps the one that complained?
Perhaps the rozzers felt that they had no choice. I came across an article in the Telegraph yesterday which seems to be germane. I've been unable to copy a link but this is an extract:

The Independent Police Complaints Commission admitted that police may receive many unusual letters from the public – including ones which complain that officers are spying on them through their television screens.

But in new guidance to all forces across the country it states that even if the complaint seems to be “bizarre, implausible or intrinsically without foundation” it should still be recorded and investigated.

However police officers have responded by saying they will be wasting time by following up many of the letters and calls.

One police officer, who did not wish to be identified, said: “One guy has claimed that police implanted a microchip in his brain and use it to control him.

"He says that police control hundreds of 'rats' in the country and that they kill them off when they have completed their task.

"What are we meant to do when people like this call up or write in to complain? Are we really meant to take his complaint seriously and waste valuable police time ensuring his rights are respected?

"The IPCC guidance is as ridiculous as some of the people we get calling us up.”
Given the WPC's apologetic mood, I'd say they knew exactly what had happened, so why did they bother hauling you in over it?
Why couldn't they have used their discretion and told the neighbour that it's probably nothing, and it's not illegal anyway.

Did your neighbour really think "OMG terrorist! He's going to blow up his own neigbourhood!" :bang:

Nobody "hauled me in" - I walked over myself to find out what the incident number referred to. I only live a 2 minutes away from Parkside Police Station (I suspect if I'd been out in the sticks no one would have visited..)
I find this sad more than annoying, it’s just so sad that local communities have broken down to the extent that a neighbour feels the need to call the police rather than just wander over and say hey Andy what you doing?

Yes it’s annoying that the police didn’t simply inform them that there is nothing illegal in your actions thus saving them having to respond to the next time this neighbour feels the need to ring them for something so trivial, I wonder how many estate agents have to deal with incidents like this every day?

If you know who contacted the police then maybe you could pop over and have a polite chat with them and thank them for being so public spirited you now feel safer living in that street knowing that someone is keeping an eye out for suspicious behaviour your parked car has to be so much safer because of them.
find out which neighbour. go take photos of their front door. from the street of course.
No no, what you want to do, assuming you know in which house the neighbour resides, is print out the photograph of their front door from Google Street View, then tape it to their front door. :)
A sad reflection of the world we live in, but would haver thought that the police could have dealt with this very quickly by informing complainant that no crime or misdemeanour had been committed and thus no further action would be taken unless a formal complaint was registered.

It seems they did try and sort it out last night (wonder what time of day it was reported, must have been daylight though, as a lens test wouldnt be good under street lights, lol) when they came to the door, and I suspect that would have been the end of it... Its a pity you had to make the effort to attend the station!
To be honest what really annoys me is that when mine and five others neighbours garages were broken into, we all called the police to report it, we were all given crime numbers but no one ever visited and about five weeks later a knock at the door and the was a dibbleman there to ask if we had heard anything further about the break ins. When I said no, he said it was unlikely they would catch the people and to put it down to experience.

Another time about 4am in the morning I heard a noise outside and on looking out of the window I saw a group of youths trying car doors walking up and down the street, I called 999 and reported it and continued to watch them make their way up the street for about another 20 minutes. I never saw any police drive up or down the street and then went back to bed. About 30 minutes later (after just having got back to sleep) the phone rang, and it was someone from the police asking if the youths were still in the vicinity. Bunch of ******s!

I have no time what so ever for the police and knowing a few (my best mate was one and my brother in law is one) and some of the things they do/have done are certainly not within the law. Amazing what you can get away with when you flash your warrant card!

Police have to prioritize their incidents, life and limb incident always get deployed to first. The sad fact of the matter is, like every force in the UK, there are not enough response officers to go around, so they cant attend each and every job as quickly as they need to. It certainly sounds as if no frontline officer was available at the time of the incident, and when one came free they called to see if they were still there. Cant blame them for the lack of officers, this is down to government bureaucracy and cut backs, and its getting worse with forces cutting budgets and officers. Unfortunately, this is the UK in the 21st century, but dont blame it on the overworked frontlline police officer that gets deployed to job after job everynight. And what people dont appreciate is that every job they go to then subsequently needs a thorough investigation which the attending officer has to deal with. When the officer has about 30 crimes on his 'account' to investigate at any one time but is still getting deployed to priority incidents without a break, can you see why not everything gets dealt with within a few minutes?

...and with this 'Policing Pledge' the government have 'brilliantly' come up with, every call requires police attendance, even the smallest job where no crime or incident should ever be recorded. Hense this thread! So even more police time will be wasted, when there are even less police on the streets to deal with everything. See where this is going?

...slightly off tangent!
It seems they did try and sort it out last night (wonder what time of day it was reported, must have been daylight though, as a lens test wouldnt be good under street lights, lol) when they came to the door, and I suspect that would have been the end of it... Its a pity you had to make the effort to attend the station!

I picked a lens up from my sorting office Thursday, did my usual test shots (which I've been doing for 4 years) - brickwall to test for de-centering, a chimney 200 yards away to check infinity focusing, street sign over the road for wide open sharpness, and neighbours car for focusing accuracy.

Still amazed an officer felt the need to hammer on my door at 10pm about this, then follow up with the note you see above the following day. Just how much time has been wasted on this? No wonder my council tax is going up..Seems a helluva waste of my times and theirs? :shake:
I picked a lens up from my sorting office Thursday, did my usual test shots (which I've been doing for 4 years) - brickwall to test for de-centering, a chimney 200 yards away to check infinity focusing, street sign over the road for wide open sharpness, and neighbours car for focusing accuracy.

Still amazed an officer felt the need to hammer on my door at 10pm about this, then follow up with the note you see above the following day. Just how much time has been wasted on this? No wonder my council tax is going up..Seems a helluva waste of my times and theirs? :shake:

Indeed. Chances are he was dealing with other things, as this call would have been given a low priority response (rightly! :LOL:). He probabally wasnt able to call until then, which was too late. Again, its this policing pledge where everything has to be attended to, and Cambridgeshire police seem to be following it to the letter.
**immature joke edited out!**
I'd be frightened to go out in my street with a DSLR - I'd probably get mugged!!
Dont think anyone would call the cops to help me either!
Why would a terrorist get out in the street with a camera putting themselves in a situation where a police officer could simply walk up and ask questions or whatever... when they can sit at a computer and load up Google street view do what they need to do without a sole knowing? :cautious:

Or am i missing something here? :thinking:

And do the Police really think that a terrorist would respond to a compliments slip requesting that they attend the station for a chat? Thats like saying that they buy a return bus ticket, pure idiotic.
like that form i had to fill in once

Q, are you now or have you ever been involved in terrorist activity

bet that caught out a few of the IRA :bonk:
The saddest thing is that people living on the same street hardly know each other at all these days.
Well at least my neighbours haven't tried that one with me yet...

I love car detailing and occasionally take a few pics when I'm done and do some odd angles and walk around a bit. I sure do get some odd looks in the process but nothing more... :LOL:
what a sad Society we live in....and things will only get worse.
The fear of terrorism and The Human Rights Act was the worse thing that this Country could ever adopted!!
And do the Police really think that a terrorist would respond to a compliments slip requesting that they attend the station for a chat? Thats like saying that they buy a return bus ticket, pure idiotic.

That was quite funny, although maybe in bad taste.