just ordered my first L -oooooh yeah

I think it is just that, in general, the "L" marks the best lens of a given focal range/aperture that Canon make. However, there are good ones and bad ones as there are with any lens range and many of them are getting a bit long in the tooth now - especially at the telephoto end. I do wonder if the 70-200 II will be the start of a new range of telephoto lenses?
Guys, why do you care so much? Don't let it get to you ;)

the most revealing thing about the nikon guys in this thread is that the thread title clearly suggests the thread will be about a canon lens and equipment and yet a few nikon owners clicked to read it.

A thread specifically about nikon I'd never have the inclination to read in the first place, me wonders what makes you guys care enough to read about something thats irrelevant to you?
the most revealing thing about the nikon guys in this thread is that the thread title clearly suggests the thread will be about a canon lens and equipment and yet a few nikon owners clicked to read it.

A thread specifically about nikon I'd never have the inclination to read in the first place, me wonders what makes you guys care enough to read about something thats irrelevant to you?

It's called having an open mind Joe.
It's called having an open mind Joe.

Really? I call it going..

to great pains to point out how gear is just a means to an end, and it's all about the pictures at the end of the day, whilst simultaneously making a beeline for threads like this to get all wound up about other people's equipment choices! :bonk:

come off it, why not be honest about it... you've explained already that you don't get the fascination with L stuff so it's clear exactly why you came into the thread

How does that contradict having an open mind then? I don't get something, so I enquire to find out more. Seems pretty straight forward to me.
Don't have any rock pics that rock yet lol

tried it out on my daughter


Tried out my watch too, looks nice and detailed.

How does that contradict having an open mind then? I don't get something, so I enquire to find out more. Seems pretty straight forward to me.

it seems very straightforward to me to, but for different reasons than you state.

It's all good though (y)
Congrats to the OP, glad you like the lens.

The rest of this thread is pathetic though, I mean honestly..... :wacky::dummy:
Congrats to the OP, glad you like the lens.

The rest of this thread is pathetic though, I mean honestly..... :wacky::dummy:

:plus1: to both points there; perhaps we can move on from debating the intent of the thread's title and discuss the macro capabilities of the lens in question.

Joe, I'd be interested to see some 100% crop-aroonies of the watch pic (not that your daughter isn't very sweet; just that her face isn't old enough to contain any fine detail :D)
:plus1: to both points there; perhaps we can move on from debating the intent of the thread's title and discuss the macro capabilities of the lens in question.

Joe, I'd be interested to see some 100% crop-aroonies of the watch pic (not that your daughter isn't very sweet; just that her face isn't old enough to contain any fine detail :D)

100% crop, no pp done

I think there would have been merit in posting the pics first...;)

Looks good. Slight bokeh fringing for and aft - my ZD 50/2 macro does that too a bit at wider apertures. Interesting to see how the sharpness changes with/without IS turned on.
Don't have any rock pics that rock yet lol

tried it out on my daughter


Tried out my watch too, looks nice and detailed.


If that isnt a picture that shouts "HOW GOOD A LENS AM I" then take me out and shoot me.
Absolutely stunning detail and colours.

Who do you work for again?? :)

I'm guessing you're please with it..... (and ultimately any other opinion quite frankly isnt worth a hoot).

Pretty awesome (y)
I think there would have been merit in posting the pics first...;)

Would be tricky on a post about something new arriving the next day Andy...

You seem to spend a lot of time on these Canon threads - are we converting you? :p

Image looks pretty good to my eyes. It's a lens I would be interested in but I'll be sticking with my Sigma 150 Macro for now...
Got some nice detail in this rock


also I'm interested in video with this lens, particularly of bugs if I can get over my irrational fear of them, did this test

[YOUTUBE]<object width="640" height="385"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/qO9oCF2PzPM&hl=en_US&fs=1&"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/qO9oCF2PzPM&hl=en_US&fs=1&" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="640" height="385"></embed></object>[/YOUTUBE]
Would be tricky on a post about something new arriving the next day Andy...

You seem to spend a lot of time on these Canon threads - are we converting you? :p

Image looks pretty good to my eyes. It's a lens I would be interested in but I'll be sticking with my Sigma 150 Macro for now...

Which rather makes the point about flag-waving! The OP could have waited a day :D

I think these threads only serve to entrench my existing position wrt Canon! :razz:

See you tonight - we (I think you know who) are doing are best to whoop your a** in the mono portfolio next week! :LOL:

just went for a wander in the garden and found this little devil, it really was tiny.


100 % crop of his heed

Which rather makes the point about flag-waving! The OP could have waited a day :D

I think these threads only serve to entrench my existing position wrt Canon! :razz:

See you tonight - we (I think you know who) are doing are best to whoop your a** in the mono portfolio next week! :LOL:


Andy, the only people in this thread who were banging on about brand snobbery were you and Barnaby. It was that hoopla alone that lent quite a negative tone to proceedings, not the title of the thread. From what I can see Joe started the thread yesterday in excited anticipation of receiving a rather good lens as a freebie from his company, and once he'd received it he posted some rather good pics. I've noticed that the pair of you have got yourself involved in these sort of 'gear war' debates before; you must love 'em, but whatever floats your boat (y) To say that threads like this only serve to entrench your position is simply admitting to talking yourself into something :LOL:

I've never seen a post or thread shouting "Yay, I've just got my first Nikon 'pro' lens! Woohoo!"

As for this; for all I know there could be plenty of posts in such a vein, but I don't go looking for them, and I simply couldn't care! Good for any Nikon user who wants to build their kit around pro-quality lenses and shout about it, it's nowt to do with me! But, I guess for people who like to indulge in a bit of (bi-)partisan brand bashing to pass the time, all the L-designation seems to do is give them a big red target with which to get all holier-than-thou on other peoples ahhhhses. :p
I agree, got nothing against AndyElliot but it's quite rich coming from him the comments about flag waving, when half of his posts are about why Olympus is superior and that 4/3rds is somehow better than everything and that we should all buy Olympus just because.

I agree, got nothing against AndyElliot but it's quite rich coming from him the comments about flag waving, when half of his posts are about why Olympus is superior and that 4/3rds is somehow better than everything and that we should all buy Olympus just because.


Just a bit of redress for the little guy... That is a somewhat subjective summation of my comments to date...

So far, I don't think I've ever said A is better than B. Possibly A is better in this regard than B, but B is better than A in this other regard and also A and B will be practically indiscernible in other situations. For the most part, it's more general comment or not equipment related at all. I am more than aware of where my own setup has weaknesses - and also where it does not. It is clearly not worth trying to persuade certain folk with quantitative reasoning. They will be more than happy to believe the marketing rubbish. Something I would encourage everyone not to do, irrespective of whether that marketing rubbish is from Canon or wherever. As for flag waving - just look at the thread title!
can everyone stop using my thread for this debate, it's getting a little tiresome and boring. I feel like I'm back in the classroom with some children bickering.

This thread is about the 100mm 2.8 and the fact I now own it and how smug I feel.

thank you
Just a bit of redress for the little guy... That is a somewhat subjective summation of my comments to date...

So far, I don't think I've ever said A is better than B. Possibly A is better in this regard than B, but B is better than A in this other regard and also A and B will be practically indiscernible in other situations. For the most part, it's more general comment or not equipment related at all. I am more than aware of where my own setup has weaknesses - and also where it does not. It is clearly not worth trying to persuade certain folk with quantitative reasoning. They will be more than happy to believe the marketing rubbish. Something I would encourage everyone not to do, irrespective of whether that marketing rubbish is from Canon or wherever.

Haha what flowery old nonsense. Do they accept forum posts for Pseud's Corner in Private Eye? :LOL:

Your opinion is hardly surprising given the fact that you've gone to the trouble of highlighting the 'L's in red in your sig though is it?

And I have a red L in mine, so what? Not allowed to customise our signatures now for fear of attack? Rich coming from someone whose actual username is brand-related! I'm beginning to find your agitation at people's equipment choices a little disturbing, and massively pointless. You get all upset about the OP's tongue-in-cheek thread title and allow your angst over it to dominate the entire thread, which is actually about a macro lens, not brand snobbery or lens marketing. Like I said before, why do you care so much? Coz you clearly have a huge, huge issue... :wacky:
There isn't an emoticon for that...

Like that Gene Simmons character out of Kiss, me...
Like I said before, why do you care so much? Coz you clearly have a huge, huge issue... :wacky:

I don't have an issue, and I'm not in the slightest bit upset. I just posted a question and have simply been responding to the replies. You're free to do whatever you want, but surely I'm free to think whatever I want of you because of that?

I do find it sad that there's an over emphasis on kit rather than results sometimes, and perpetuating the notion that 'L' glass is something to strive to achieve is not going to anything but continue this trend.

Sorry for being more interested in photography than a product nomenclature.
I don't have an issue, and I'm not in the slightest bit upset. I just posted a question and have simply been responding to the replies. You're free to do whatever you want, but surely I'm free to think whatever I want of you because of that?

I do find it sad that there's an over emphasis on kit rather than results sometimes, and perpetuating the notion that 'L' glass is something to strive to achieve is not going to anything but continue this trend.

Sorry for being more interested in photography than a product nomenclature.

Barney, it was you who turned the thread into a debate about kit snobbery before Joe even had a chance to post pictures. Not the first time either though, eh? ;)

The thread is (well, was) about a macro lens before it got hijacked and turned into one about L-lenses in general.
I don't have an issue, and I'm not in the slightest bit upset. I just posted a question and have simply been responding to the replies. You're free to do whatever you want, but surely I'm free to think whatever I want of you because of that?

I do find it sad that there's an over emphasis on kit rather than results sometimes, and perpetuating the notion that 'L' glass is something to strive to achieve is not going to anything but continue this trend.

Sorry for being more interested in photography than a product nomenclature.

you should be more sorry for constantly banging on about your point in a thread about the lens and the fact not about the L. Just cos I mentioned it in the title doesn't mean I'm buying it just because of that, I already said the only reason I'm getting this instead of the non L is because work are paying and this one has IS.

Can you lay it to rest yet? pretty please?
Barney, it was you who turned the thread into a debate about kit snobbery before Joe even had a chance to post pictures. Not the first time either though, eh? ;)
I think we can safely blame the post for the delay in giving us something to look at and allowing a vacuum of expectation to be filled with bun fighting...

Portrait picture looks excellent, in as much as you can tell from a small picture on the web. The 100% watch crop doesn't quite look as sharp as I would have hoped - hence my question about the IS - I don't think this is showing the lens off to its best.

And, yes, I'm just interested - I have no intention of buying Canon. I like stuff - okay? Oh, and Joe, your daughter looks charming...

Barney, it was you who turned the thread into a debate about kit snobbery before Joe even had a chance to post pictures. Not the first time either though, eh? ;)The thread is (well, was) about a macro lens before it got hijacked and turned into one about L-lenses in general.

No idea what you mean by that last remark, but given the title of thread it's hardly off topic to question what's so exciting about getting an 'L' lens now is it?

It's interesting that the only posts you've responded to are the ones about this debate, and you've completely ignored the photos the OP has posted, so you can hardly blame me for the way the thread has developed. Takes two to tango after all.
I think we can safely blame the post for the delay in giving us something to look at and allowing a vacuum of expectation to be filled with bun fighting...

Portrait picture looks excellent, in as much as you can tell from a small picture on the web. The 100% watch crop doesn't quite look as sharp as I would have hoped - hence my question about the IS - I don't think this is showing the lens off to its best.

And, yes, I'm just interested - I have no intention of buying Canon. I like stuff - okay? Oh, and Joe, your daughter looks charming...


I think it's probably my inability to use it properly at the moment that results in the not superb sharpness, I'll try and get something better for a 100% crop another time when I've become a bit more skilled

charming is one way of putting it! she's a cheeky minx!
I think it's probably my inability to use it properly at the moment that results in the not superb sharpness, I'll try and get something better for a 100% crop another time when I've become a bit more skilled

charming is one way of putting it! she's a cheeky minx!

Mine's 7 - it gets worse...
This thread is about the 100mm 2.8 and the fact I now own it and how smug I feel.
... and rightly so. I LOVE my 100mm f/2.8 L IS Macro. It's one of the sharpest I have.

Some flower shots using a 30D...



Handheld 1/25th:

BTW, it's MUCH more than just a macro lens, it's the perfect focal length for portraits
and the IS + fast focus makes it ideal for ... running dogs... :)

5D2 cropped (quite a lot),
No idea what you mean by that last remark, but given the title of thread it's hardly off topic to question what's so exciting about getting an 'L' lens now is it?

It's interesting that the only posts you've responded to are the ones about this debate, and you've completely ignored the photos the OP has posted, so you can hardly blame me for the way the thread has developed. Takes two to tango after all.


Joe, I'd be interested to see some 100% crop-aroonies of the watch pic (not that your daughter isn't very sweet; just that her face isn't old enough to contain any fine detail :D)

Pretty awesome (y)