Critique required Kell's 2023 TP52 - WEEK 52. Shots(s) of the year.

Snappers - that's a very strong image - perfect for monochrome.
Connected - great capture.
What a difference a week makes - from the bright sunshine and warm temps in Madrid to the cold and rain of London.

Still - with plenty of LIQUID falling from the sky, I had plenty of choices for this week's theme.

(PS - if you check the date taken, it says the 25th - I only noticed the date wasn't set correctly when I imported two sets of shots from two cameras and couldn't work out why they weren't filing properly in LR. But I did take them tonight.)

One of the fountains in Regent's Park:

TP522023 - WK17 - Liquid-00971 by Kell, on Flickr

Can't remember where I took this one. If only there was some clue.

TP522023 - WK17 - Liquid-00979 by Kell, on Flickr

I was crouching down to take a nice reflection of a colourful ad on this 6sheet, when the ad changed and I thought of Liquid Lunch
TP522023 - WK17 - Liquid-01001 by Kell, on Flickr

Then I saw this nice line of puddles and thought I might get a nice splash from a foot or two:

[uTP522023 - WK17 - Liquid-00996 by Kell, on Flickr

What I didn't expect was to capture someone wearing two different shoes. For that quirk, I'm submitting this one as my shot this week.

TP522023 - WK17 - Liquid-00994 by Kell, on Flickr
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Snappers choice was good with the strong shadows

Think the brew dog followed by your odd shoes are the best of the set. I didn’t read your explanation before looking at the odd shoes shot and was thinking can’t be the shadow, why has he used selective colour or whatever it’s called
Liquid - love your chosen shot Kell, but the mono feet is a cracker too for me.
Snappers choice was good with the strong shadows

Think the brew dog followed by your odd shoes are the best of the set. I didn’t read your explanation before looking at the odd shoes shot and was thinking can’t be the shadow, why has he used selective colour or whatever it’s called

I’ll be honest, I didn’t notice the odd shoes through the lens - it was just starting to get dark - only when processing.
Liquid - love your chosen shot Kell, but the mono feet is a cracker too for me.
Thanks Simon,

I definitely had some choices this week.

It was just the absurdity of the mismatched shoes that swung it for me.
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The Punk IPA is my favorite because of the colours, but how strange, I wonder if he has another pair like that at home, or the local trainer shop is missing half a pair.
Really like the fountain. just goes to show you don;t need anything in the sky! The frozen droplets and the contrasty B&W conversion really work well.

ANs the advert at the bus stop is great too. Really vibrant colours on a dreary day. The red and whites of the colours surrounding I think help the orange and blue pop even more.
Really like the odd shoes great spot.
Chosen shot is great... I wondered about the two shoes when I first looked at it. Love the way the reflection leads your eye to the green shoe.

I'm not a Royalist (I don't mind if you are), but i took this on my w2ay through Marylebone Station as I don't think the Royal Family have ever felt more distant from the lives of 'normal' people.

TP52 WEEK 18 - Distant
by Kell, on Flickr
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Good take on the theme, and I am with you 100%, time for the Royals to become part of are distant past, me thinks!
For balance, I rather like having a monarchy, or at least those that behave like royals should. And he should get credit for projects like the Princes Trust. Good photo of a photo though !
Distant, great idea. Yes some of “the family” have been in the news for the wrong reasons in the last few years.
I like your angle on the theme. I'm pretty ambivalent about them but can't imagine they have much idea on how the average Joe Bloggs actually 'lives'.
Having had a few beers on Thursday night, the idea for this pic came to me after I woke up feeling a little bit 'FRAGILE' the next morning.

TP522023 - WK19 - Fragile-3497 by Kell, on Flickr

But I think I preferred this interpretation. Whether you believe in WOKE culture or not, it's certainly been true in the past that we don't often think about the power that our words carry. Sometimes we need to speak with a little more FRAGILITY.

TP522023 - WK19 - Fragile-3495 by Kell, on Flickr
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Both good shots - I prefer the headshot :)
I thought it was a protest about free speech and how fragile it has become, (i was thinking of the anti monarchy arrests) quite agree with you we could all think a little more before we speak, really like this, imaginative and conveys a bit of social commentary.
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Yeah, I meant all that too... ;)

I thought it was a protest about free speech and how fragile it has become, (i was thinking of the anti monarchy arrests) quite agree with you we could all think a little more before we speak, really like this, imaginative and conveys a bit of social commentary.
Both nice shots with great interpretations on the theme. The B&W works well too.
Well set up and taken for both. Either convey the theme nicely in their own way.

Hope removal of the tape wasn't too painful!
Well set up and taken for both. Either convey the theme nicely in their own way.

Hope removal of the tape wasn't too painful!
I thought I might have problems with my beard, but it stuck to my lips more.
When I feel like that I think photography is the last thing on my mind. Nicely documented and works well in mono.
LOL, made me laugh Kell. The b&w processing is great. I kind of like the first shot the best.
All squizzel shots are great :D , this one is very sharp and fits the theme perfectly.
All squizzel shots are great :D , this one is very sharp and fits the theme perfectly.

Thanks Roger,

Latest LightRoom upgrade has added an AI denoise. In the past I did it manually.

Haven't really compared the two side-by-side yet, but so far it's quite impressive.

This was taken on a Sony RX10. Right at the long end, so 600mm equivalent on a 1" sensor.

I'm quite liking this camera TBH,
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Bit of a shoehorn but a lovely squiggle shot :)
That's a wonderful shot Kell. Tack sharp and full of character.
Nicely seen and taken in it's natural environment, not a bird feeder or peanut in sight.
Lovely capture and a nice sharp image. She/he certainly has bitten off more than etc..
Nice squirrel, I had a quick go with Lightroom denoise and it’s pretty impressive I think and it sharpens a bit