Critique required Kell's 2023 TP52 - WEEK 52. Shots(s) of the year.

That is very cool Kell, the blue tones with just the pop of reddish colour from the streetlight works really well.

I’d often go for a b&w conversion on something like this, but much preferred this version.
That's a very nice image for Patterns and fits the theme perfectly. Great spots of colour among the blue tones
Excellent image Kell.
Colours add interest and you've got it nice and square.
Nice that.
Nice image Kell. Nothing wrong with an iPhone shot these days.
Week 12 - Tunnel.

A few weeks back we went on a walk around the local area and came across this tunnel under the M40.

Turns out there's quite a few in the area - I think they were built as farm tunnels rather than for pedestrians. Maybe the farm's been sold, as vehicle access is no longer possible, but it's still on a public footpath.

First one for context:

TP522023 - WK12- Tunnel_-3412 by Kell, on Flickr

This one for some of the graffiti down there:

Create and Destroy by Kell, on Flickr

Lucked out a bit with this exterior shot as the Oxford to London coach went past overhead.

TP522023 - WK12- Tunnel_-3342 by Kell, on Flickr

Originally, I thought I'd prefer the cleaner version looking South West...

TP522023 - WK12- Tunnel- by Kell, on Flickr

But giving them the overnight test, I think I prefer the added visual interest of this one looking North East.

TP522023 - WK12- Tunnel_-3377 by Kell, on Flickr

Thanks for looking.
Nice set - the mono does it for me :)
Nice set Kell. +1 for the mono, but I like the "clean" image too.
Good set and I like the way you have plenty of dark edge, highlighting what is through the tunnel.
Nicely done set Kell. The clean one for me as I like the clear line of trees and field.
Nicely done, I prefer the last one for the same reasons as you and I also think the colour works better, particularly the traffic cone giving that red pop in the centre of the image to draw the eye. Who knew such a simple subject could create such an elegant shape and interesting image.
Pattern - I absolutely love everything about this.. the light, composition, colour. Cracking!
Tunnel - definitely the last shot for me too - the details make a "story"
Week 13 - Spring is ... on the ground.

I have a habit of taking things apart and losing bits. Such was the case yesterday. Dropped something on the floor and as I reached under the unit to get it, happened upon this rusty old spring. No idea what's it's from. Whatever it is doesn't seem to be missing it.


Simply because I had several cameras next to me, I took multiple exposures with four very different cameras all set to their respective highest quality image.

Pentax Optio 550 (5MP)

TP522023 - WK13- SPRING-0156 by Kell, on Flickr
TP522023 - WK13- SPRING-0157 by Kell, on Flickr

Canon G5 X

TP522023 - WK13- SPRING-3026 by Kell, on Flickr
TP522023 - WK13- SPRING-3025 by Kell, on Flickr

Sony RX10M4

TP522023 - WK13- SPRING-00152 by Kell, on Flickr

TP522023 - WK13- SPRING-00162 by Kell, on Flickr

Canon 5D3

TP522023 - WK13- SPRING-3419 by Kell, on Flickr
TP522023 - WK13- SPRING-3420 by Kell, on Flickr

There's not that much to choose between them really. Didn't use a tripod and the spring was lit by a little reading light.
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I thought you might have found it in some dark corner of the garage. Can't really tell the difference between those cameras.

Thanks Stan - it was in the shed.

It's got some old kitchen units in there. Found it under one of those while searching for one half of a split chain link that I'd just dropped.

As for the cameras - the Sony is new (to me) and I've not yet got to grips with it so those two shots are excessively noisy as I didn't set the ISO.

But for close-up stuff like this, it's surprising how little difference it does make.
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Liking the spring shots Kell. Definitely went with the right one for me.
Cracking shot love the spiders webs on the spring and the shadow, . Can not tell the difference between the cameras. Had a Pentax Opto it was a great little camera for when I was out on the motorbike.
Cracking shot love the spiders webs on the spring and the shadow, . Can not tell the difference between the cameras. Had a Pentax Opto it was a great little camera for when I was out on the motorbike.

The Pentax was my first digital camera. I loved it and kept it for years.

The screws started to fall out and it was eventually held together with Duct Tape, but I still preferred it to any PAS that I subsequently bought. Unfortunately, my daughter dropped it and it died forever.

Once I started with 'proper' photography, I always felt that there was more that could have been got from that camera, so I bought one SH late last year for just over £20 to see if I could.

If you're at all interested, you can read about that journey HERE.
That's an interesting experiment and, as said, there's not much difference the the image quality, although the colour cast is slight different on my monitor. Nice spring shot too!
Great set Kell. I like the first two the best, for different reasons. The colour shot, out of context to where you would expect it and against the whit background is really dramatic. The b&w makes the shadow pop.
You have gash springs lying around, you have old kitchen units and a load of old cameras -- you have a hoarding problem! :D
As you said quite surprising how little difference the different cameras made, prefer the colour shots.
Nicely done. I believe I've walked past that pond a couple about 18 months ago when on holiday down there.....
Nicely done. I believe I've walked past that pond a couple about 18 months ago when on holiday down there.....

My wife's from North Devon and I've been going down there several times a year since about 1997. In all that time, I've never walked out to Baggy Point tll the weekend just gone.

Also, Easter weekend was completely the wrong time of year to do it as it was carnage.
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A little catch up as I was away from last Wednesday

Week 15 - Snapper's Choice

Taken inside the Reina Sofia museum in Madrid. I was messing about taking pics of the light coming through the windows when someone walked across the frame.

Felt very graphical in B&W.

DSC00796 by Kell, on Flickr

Week 16 - Connected.

I was taking some pics of these skaters in the sun and they were teaching each other various tricks. I guess it's easier to learn when you're CONNECTED to someone with both feet on the ground.

DSC00835 by Kell, on Flickr
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Both cracking shots, but as Tim says, the light and shadows is cracking:clap:
Two fab shots Kell :)