Kestrel hover


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Wow spot on fella I can tell you have done this before :) Fantastic colours and pin sharp and its defo got its eye on something.

That to me is a perfect image, lighting, focus, detail its all there. Well done a cracker(y)
Wow that is one amazing shot, love the lighting (y)
Fantastic shot. I've tried many times with absolutely no success so full marks to you!
Fantastic shot, but like the others I wonder how did you do it? Ghillie suit, luck, bit of both, or was it that vole costume:)
Lovely shot, it does help when they stay still, and I have always found Kestrels to be fairly tolerant of humans, provided you keep still.

You have caught it in a really nice pose (y)
If I had shot this I would cross Kestrel off my list of shots to get.

Spot on.

Keith (y)
I would like to disagree with all the comments Joe, but I am to young to be Linched :D Great capture, I do miss my 300 prime :crying::crying:
I tend to open posts with titles like this hoping I might learn something. Angles that look good and what not. What I don't expect is my first reaction to be "wow, that's awesome". That, however, was my reaction to that photo, an audible wow.

Not much more to add really.
omg what a cracker :clap::clap::clap: