Kidney stones advice

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ok i went in a month or so back to have a stone removed that had slipped from my kidney into the urethra and was utter agony. Now they said at the time there was one left in the kidney and will be dealt with later on with the sonic gun thing to break it up from the outside. So i'm going back in two weeks time to have it cracked up.

Just wondering what to expect in the days after from anyone who has done the same. Knowing how painful the first one was when it went into my tubes, i have to wee the bits out that they break up through the same tube, will it be pain of a similar level or do they break them up small enough to hardly notice them passing out?
You have my heartfelt sympathy. About 20 years ago I had what the doctors described as "sand in the urethra" and the first attack was truly excruciating. At the hospital they put me on a drip that made the pain go away and after a couple of sessions with a urine bottle they pronounced me clear and sent me to the GP. He gave me some heavy duty painkillers and instructions to take them when (not if) the pain came back. He also gave me a preprinted sheet of things not to eat. I had to use the painkillers a couple of times over the next few months and they worked like magic. Since then I've had no trouble at all.

My guess is that if they give you a packet of painkillers to take away with you after the operation then they don't crack the stones small enough.
I had a 7mm kidney stone stuck in my urethra a couple of months ago and it was surgically remove. Gee, I'd have another child any time. lol
Anyway, although smaller, passing the broken up stone will still be pretty painful (sorry). Make sure you get some good painkillers.
Also get some info on what type of stone you have as different diets affect different types of stone.

Good luck!