Wild Kingfisher set

Very nice Russ (y)
“Cracking” set of images Sir, nothing more to be said.(y)

Excellent work Russ, particularly the first. Is the first a crop, and if so, would you be able to have less negative space above, and maybe more of the perch to compensate?

Hope you get a good run at them this year

Ahh Russ these are wicked,god job mate.Mike asked something simialar to what I was pondering last night.......,are they crops,.not just the first.Oh by chance I also agree re the position on the bird in the frame.Last frame is my fav.............. I was shooting the feeders earlier mate and making the same choice,often popping biirdy up a bit when landing on top of my chosen stick. I haven't looked yet my choice was almost subliminal mate,it's been really interesting just staring at your ,re Mike's comments and musing what I'd been playing with myself earlier.

Russ it's been a real treat musing stuff but looking at these...............,fank you kind sir:D No one can resist a good kingy image anway
I think my pref is 4, 2, 1, 3
Russ 'ere's a thought:) while my personal pref is probably no 4,the image with the pussy willow,is probably the one i'd hang on my wall !! I might burn those fluffy blobs back a bit though mate close to the beak and above,I don't think I'd clone them just knock them back,they bother me,god knows why:D some might prefer a more to the camera HA ,but I like it mate

good stuff kiddo,ha you ain't the only one who gets jealous;)

