LAN to LAN VPN on ADSL router

I'm still in the starting blocks.. Trying to determine which version DD-WRT to load. Latest stable release is dated 2008-5-20 but I read reports of issues with WAN port. There are 2014 versions in beta r23xxx and r24xxx but no information if they're suitable. My hardware version is B1. Which version should I load?
Have you read: ?

Personally, I'd load the latest firmware from BrainSlayer which appears to be here (just navigate to the latest): (may be worth checking on the forums for any known issues with your hardware).

Comparison of features for different builds is here: but you probably want the ...mega_RT-N66U.trx file... (you need something with OpenVPN in).

You may also want to invest some time reading the (often very technical and sometimes not particularly well explained) dd-wrt wiki pages.
Ahh... The fun begins!
Yes, read most of that. Have uploaded the K3 mega without a problem. Onwards..
Sooooooooooooo... a week has passed... Where are you?
I managed to brick one router so had to recover. Got some patch cables on order. Looking through the seemingly complex VPN configuration details...
Take it one step at a time... Get everything working at each step (i.e. a FULLY working network at both ends before you try VPN). If you don't, you WILL come unstuck :)
A quick update. Just working through SSL - had to install SDK, SSL, etc. on my PC. Incidentally, I'm experiencing considerable lag on wireless on the RT-N66U - on a variety devices (Kindle Fire, Nexus, iPad, etc.).
What you need to install SSL on your PC for?

The lag is strange though. Any reports of lag on the dd-wrt forums?