Lazy day at Heathrow

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The sky makes these for me Ade, the con trails adding greatly to the shots.
Good the sky full of contrails and a good position too. I had a look at your Flickr photo and see you used the 24-105 at 32mm. If you can get there easily then try it with a much wider angle if you have such a lens. I would have used my 17-40mm at 17mm on this to give the plane much more size and presence. I did one like this at Brize Norton and also Skiathos (Greek island) and they turned out very well.
This is what you can get Ade. I keep shooting from a point where they are quite close and keep firing on A1 Servo High fps.

This is at 17mm 1/1600sec but I don't think you'd need it that fast. This was taken with a 5D11 full frame so it was 17mm.

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Ade..I've just looked at your Flickr page and the photos are excellent.I came back on this morning to tell you about Myrtle Avenue at Heathrow but having seen your Flickr photos I assume you are aware of it. I go there with a near neighbour but can't find another decent spot,especially for take off.The above photo was taken on the Greek island of Skiathos.I'm sure you'll be aware that this location and St Martens are famous for very low incoming flights and jet blast victims ( as they take off.

I also saw your ringed tailed lemur photos.Great little creatures. We saw them at Monkey World a few weeks ago
Morning John, I also go round to the Esso garage on the perimeter road and get this type of take off shot

I have a PDF file somewhere will all the pins in at the location I use around Heathrow. When they are using 09 I find there are only a few decent places to go, but when on 27 there are far more better opportunities.

Thanks Ade..My neighbour is familiar with locations there and on one visit we did stop at that garage but I was disappointed with that fencing but you have a great shot there. If they're heavy then they are still low like this one you've taken,if it's a cargo and light or a smaller passenger planer than the A380's and the like it will be up quite a bit before it gets to the garage area..that's my recollection. I've seen some photos where the photographer must have taken them at (through) the perimeter fence on the north side but I have no idea where he would park. There's also a long stay open (ground level) car park to get the morning A380's coming in from the Far East. I found this

Time I went down again.I'll give my neighbour a shout. It will have to be after our hols now... Skiathos again.This time I'll go on the steep road up the hill and get a shot from above them. We were there last year.
Excellent and different perspective to the normal Heathrow viewpoint and as said above the contrails adding extra interest to the shot. :) I prefer the landscape shot out of the two, but being very picky the side of the orange bullrush? on the bottom left side could be easily cloned out as its mildly distracting imo ;).

Had a peek on your Flickr page as they were posted very small here and saw you had also taken a more traditional but also excellent shot of a China Southern Boeing 787-8 B-2788, and absolutely love the processing you have done, would be very interested to know how you achieved that effect please? (y)
Hi Lostsoulal2. Now you have said yes it its distracting and never noticed when processing it.

The China Southern was taken with Terminal 5 in the background and all I did was remove all the background, filled it black and then used a plugin called Topaz Glow to get the effect.

China Southern Boeing 787-8 B-2788 by ADRIAN TANDY, on Flickr
Very nice photos. I live close to Birmingham airport but never tried to take photos of the planes like these. Need to find a place where I can take some but I don't know any good points. Anybody know places arounf Birmingham airport where I can park and take some photos?
Also the longest lens I have is the Canon 70-200 IS II.
Would that be enough for me to capture them close?
Also have the 1.4 extender.
Hi Lostsoulal2. Now you have said yes it its distracting and never noticed when processing it.

The China Southern was taken with Terminal 5 in the background and all I did was remove all the background, filled it black and then used a plugin called Topaz Glow to get the effect.

China Southern Boeing 787-8 B-2788 by ADRIAN TANDY, on Flickr
Thank you for the explanation, great use of the plugin to get that effect. :)
There are couple of places I got at Birmingham and they are the country park at then end of the runway and the roof of the car park at terminal road.

the lens you have would be good fort he country park but you might struggle on the roof of the car park. These are the only 2 spots i know of
Morning John, I also go round to the Esso garage on the perimeter road and get this type of take off shot

I have a PDF file somewhere will all the pins in at the location I use around Heathrow. When they are using 09 I find there are only a few decent places to go, but when on 27 there are far more better opportunities.


Some lovely shots there Ade, particularly the Etihad, the fencing almost nicely frames it. Theres a few decent spots for when they are on 09 ops, you just need to know where to look

IMG_3301 by Ben Stanley Hall, on Flickr

taken on the same sweltering Saturday
There are couple of places I got at Birmingham and they are the country park at then end of the runway and the roof of the car park at terminal road.

the lens you have would be good fort he country park but you might struggle on the roof of the car park. These are the only 2 spots i know of

Can you tell me how to get to that spot which is in the country park please?
Any postcode, road name, country park name would be appreciated.

Only 10 miles from me.
Thank you very much for the helpful info.
I shall visit the site soon.
Any pointers that I should be aware of?
Actually, I drove past that junction A45/Sheaf Lane hundreds of times but never realised that would lead towards the end of the runway of Birmingham Airport.
Live and learn.
Much appreciated.
In fact, I would have gone there even tomorrow if I wasn't flying to Dortmund for yet another wedding.
Oh well, chores of working life.
Next week if the weather holds I will be visiting.
Need to take out the Canon gear now which were not used almost a year.