leica r7

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A friend of mine has brought me a list of camera gear, he wants a in the ball park guide to wether its worth selling. I dont have a clue what this camera is all about some advice would be great,

The Leica R7 is a classic Leica SLR from the 90's. Horrendously expensive at the time, although undeniably high quality. They're very sought after nowadays, so don't so anything rash! Someone who posts in this forum uses one I'm sure and will probably be able to advise on likely value. You can always have a search on ebay to get some idea of value. Condition is all important with this sort of gear of course.
thanks CT, Its my friends uncle he just wants to get rid of it! I better tell him it could be worth a few quid!
its in mint condition all in original boxes and so on, Im off to look at it tomorrow just to stop him driving me crazy! He reckons one of the lens was £7000 when new, I just thought he was having me on as per usual!
I will let you know what happens, Im pure digital, never owned a film slr.
I shouild have said actually that you have to figure in the price of what Leica glass he has as the lenses can often make the bodies look like a snip. Most people could run to a decent Leica body if they really wanted one - it's the lenses which are a daunting price!
CT's right, its the lenses that are the expensive part!!

I have a broken Summicron 35mm and even that would be worth around £200, for one in good condition they are around a thousand!
I have a broken Summicron 35mm and even that would be worth around £200,

Nah; you wont get that much. 50 quids at the most. Send it to me, and nice fella; I'll send you a 100 quids :LOL::LOL::LOL:

( And yes, this is a joke)
I have offered £750 and he is sleeping on it!
all the kit is in pristine condition there is a r7 body, 35-70, 80-200, 28, and a 60 macro lens right angle view finder flash and a few filters. All have original boxes and manuals
Im thinking I may buy it, he will probably settle for £800 I didnt want to pressure him. I rang a couple of dealers up and it seems it worth between £750 and £1000.
Well that sounds great! (y)

A word of caution though. The fact that it's boxed and immaculate is good but it's not always good that it hasn't been used for years. These cameras are better for being used, and problems can creep in with long periods of unuse.

It's probably every bit as good as it looks, but make sure the shutter is firing on all shutter speeds and that they sound about right - particularly the slow speeds. Check all the lenses to see that the apertures aren't sticking and do have a good look at those lenses for any sign of mold.

Don't let me worry you unduly - it just pays to be careful. Good luck -let us know if you get it - with some pics of course. :naughty:
thanks CT,

I will go in the daylight and test it before I hand over any cash, I think he has looked after them beautifully. I loved the feel of the quaulity of the lens (what is the plural for lens) It will be more learning for me though, a split focus screen what the :LOL: is one of them! a first for me.
It be 'lenses' It's a Leica -build quality is a given. ;)

The split image screen is in just the same place as it is in your DSLR and is still largely ground glass, but in the centre is a clear circular bit divided in half. As you turn the focusing collar on the lens and look through the viewfinder you'll see the two bits of your subject in that circle separate or come together and line up perfectly for accurate focusing. You'll soon get the hang of it.

Have a read of the manual... :)

thanks, saved it, thats an awful lot of reading. I really must go and get some sleep :LOL:
Cason..allow me to let you on to a secret.

Leica is the most overhyped brand of all times; and their SLRs are primitive and featureless. The glasses are made of metal and heavy as hell. No autofocussing; and no auto winding. Even for a film, thats backward.

The results are obviously mediocre; and only those who are a sucker for brand fall for it; carrying it as an accessory.

Discerning photographers always go for the ultra reliable Japansese makes.

Being a nice guy that I am, I am willing to consider swapping my Nikon ( no less) F65, plus the original Nikon kit lens for this pile of Leica crap.

( All the above said in Dragon's Den voice...:LOL::LOL::LOL:)

Just kidding, best of luck
Cason..allow me to let you on to a secret.

Leica is the most overhyped brand of all times; and their SLRs are primitive and featureless. The glasses are made of metal and heavy as hell. No autofocussing; and no auto winding. Even for a film, thats backward.

The results are obviously mediocre; and only those who are a sucker for brand fall for it; carrying it as an accessory.

Discerning photographers always go for the ultra reliable Japansese makes.

Being a nice guy that I am, I am willing to consider swapping my Nikon ( no less) F65, plus the original Nikon kit lens for this pile of Leica crap.

( All the above said in Dragon's Den voice...:LOL::LOL::LOL:)

Just kidding, best of luck
you had me going there for a mo :clap: