Lens advice for 20/30D

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Hey guys, my first post here after a while of lurking so be nice :D

I've dabbled in photography using a Nikon D40 (not mine) every now and then and I'm finally coming into enough disposable income (joys of being a student...) to purchase my own DSLR+ lens'.

Anyway, I'm looking at purchasing either a 20D or 30D over the next one/two weeks and I'm deliberating over which lens or lens' to go for.

Hopefully my purchase will include the standard 18-55mm lens so I'll at least have that to go along with whatever second lens I go for, if not, then the lens I go for will be my primary lens for now.

I currently have my eye on the Sigma 28-70mm 2.8 EX DG macro which seems to go for around ~£250 second hand which is within budget.
What I'm asking really if there's any other recommendations around this maximum budget of around £250.

My interests are pretty general really but I'm looking at getting into portraiture, architecture/people and places sort of stuff and maybe macro photography.

Many thanks in advance!
It would be a good lens, but 24mm on a x1.6 crop sensor 'might' be a little wide for what you want sometimes. It could be worth considering an 18-50mm f2.8, I've just sold my Sigma version of that lens, the latest one with Macro capability, for £250.
wouldnt you prefer buying a secondhand d60 seens as you've had experience with it, i would also consider the d80 with the motor built in so you can use the gems such as the nikon 50mm f1.8. also consider what photography you want to do, like me for example shoot portraits products and macro and so far i haven't the need for wider than 50mm so it all depends on what you shoot.
By D60 I mean't to say D40, woops!

I just find the D40 a bit small in my hands and fancy going for something a bit larger/heavier if you get what I mean. I've also used a friends 40D and I find the controls of the canon a bit more intuitive to use.

Also I'll hopefully be sticking with photography for a long long time and the canon system seems to offer the most in the future for me imo.
Duncan - go for a 30D; bigger screen than the 20D for hardly anything more. Great camera as a used buy.

Just recently getting a 30D as my first camera from a friend i have found that the 18-55 has been really useful and i have also bought a 'cheap' zoom lens , a sigma 70-300 which has allowed some good shots in my opinion as a newbie.

Sorry if this has been no use but from the opinions i have recieved from people it is dependant on what photography you want to take, for me i want to take all sorts of photos but im sure certain areas of photography will appeal more over time