Light room removing media to make space

Edit My Images
I all,

I'm not the kind of person to delete media, I've been burned this way before...

I have a question about filling up a laptop with pics and needing space!

I have a 2tb NAS backup, and I have a second backup of that offline... However, now I've filled up my laptop drive, I don't know what to do!

The NAS will be too slow to run as the primary storage, so I'm thinking about using a portable USB drive for all mobile media, backed up by NAS&offline

I'm wondering how people manage media in limited hdd laptops??

Everything runs out of space eventually, laptop or otherwise. We Move all our old images off the main editing pc onto a NAS. They are a bit slower to access, but if you only need to look at a few once every couple of months it doesn't really matter. Keep things you are accessing regularly on the local hard drive.

The whole lot (NAS and internal drive) is then backed up off site.
Simples... (plus another couple of backup 'cause I'm paranoid)
You might find that a USB drive is quicker than a NAS at transferring data. I store all my images off the HD but they are stored on FW800 drives which I find is fast enough even with 25Gb image files.
Do you really need to keep every image on your hard drive? If I haven't used an image 1 year after it was taken I remove it from Lightroom (they are backed up on NAS) as there is no need to keep them clogging up my system.
Hi All, Sorry i've not responded, I've now got time to look into this again as captive, away for work so my evenings trying not to booze it up in Germany will be moving media around and deciding how I handle my data.

I'm not thinking of storing "live" data on my NAS as the network speed will delay things a little too much...

I've got a USB2 drive sitting here (not quite FW800 but i'm going to see how it performs...

With regards to keeping the images in LR... I'd not considered taking them out of the database... I guess with all the RAW editing in LR the database can get quite large?!

The only reason I would like to keep everything in LR is consistancy... I found that I had to jump 100% into LR and use it for viewing, editing (xfering out to CS5 when needed) etc...

If old pics are removed from database, whats the best way of viewing the images?


The way I work I've never needed to reimport anything.

But I guess you could export as DNG, delete then reimport when needed. DNG would keep all processing etc.
The way I work I've never needed to reimport anything.

But I guess you could export as DNG, delete then reimport when needed. DNG would keep all processing etc.

What about personal/family snaps?

My sports photography and commissioned work I will archive away and probably never want to see again, but holiday snaps I'll want to keep and flick through etc.. If not in lightroom, what else is recomended for viewing?


I only keep the good ones. I'll bin 75% of images I take just keep the best ones.
Craikeybaby said:
I only keep the good ones. I'll bin 75% of images I take just keep the best ones.

Is that something to brag about?? ;)
Haha. I'm just ruthless when it comes to keeping photos.

The only thing worse than a full hard drive is sitting through someone showing you hundreds of photos when lots of them are the same, but with slightly different settings/poses.
IF you want things out of the lightroom catalog to make it quicker and easier to browse just make another "archive" catalog. Use the File>export as catalog option to make a new catalog, and then import that catalog into your archive.