lighting at football grounds


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as most of you know lighting at non major football clubs is very poor

what is the best way to find out the best position to be in to get max light

i did a ground last week lights looked brilliant but i still had problems and when i moved to where looked best ie where the beams of light where i had so much mixed up light conditions on my images i didnt know where to shoot from

i have several homes games coming up so would be helpfull to get your opinions before these come along
dont do much now under non-league standard lighting but what i do is look for the best lite area and try just to shot when the play is in that area but i know what you mean as the light does vary a lot mainly in the corners
You shouldnt really be judging your position by the best lighting but where you expect to get the best shots from. I find at lower/non league grounds the max lighting is in the centre with the worst down the side lines.
You shouldnt really be judging your position by the best lighting but where you expect to get the best shots from. I find at lower/non league grounds the max lighting is in the centre with the worst down the side lines.

Hi Graham
In that general lighting situation, Where would you advise the best position to benefit from the available light ? I suffered from the same problem...I changed position 4 times in the second half the other day...
Only time I would change position is if the sun was directly in my lens with the back lighting causing players to be underexposed. Sometimes on sunny days the stands can give huge shadows accross half the pitch. At lower league grounds you can usually sit where you want so no problem getting the sun behind you. In the case of the stands causing shadows then you have to use your own judgement.

One of the worse cases at kids tourmaments where cars are parked close to the edge of the pitch and the sun reflects off the windscreens! Sometimes its just a compromise with the weather, background and best position to sit.
Alex, stay where youre happy, dont keep changing positions under poor lights, its not worth it and sods law all the action will happen where you just moved from.
At Castle Park we have a huge stand along one side of the pitch, that is pig for casting a shadow across three parts of the pitch.

Just a little bit...
Only time I would change position is if the sun was directly in my lens with the back lighting causing players to be underexposed. Sometimes on sunny days the stands can give huge shadows accross half the pitch. At lower league grounds you can usually sit where you want so no problem getting the sun behind you. In the case of the stands causing shadows then you have to use your own judgement.

One of the worse cases at kids tourmaments where cars are parked close to the edge of the pitch and the sun reflects off the windscreens! Sometimes its just a compromise with the weather, background and best position to sit.

I meant in the flood lit situation you described Graham
I meant in the flood lit situation you described Graham

Sorry Simon, misunderstood your question.

Basically I go where best suited for the action regardless of the lighting. No point sitting were the exposure is best if the action is all going away from you. Last Saturday I was at the KC Stadium (Hull) with very good lights and tomorrow Blundell Park (Grimsby) with four candles!
Hi Graham
In that general lighting situation, Where would you advise the best position to benefit from the available light ? I suffered from the same problem...I changed position 4 times in the second half the other day...
Where were you shooting
Sorry Simon, misunderstood your question.

Basically I go where best suited for the action regardless of the lighting. No point sitting were the exposure is best if the action is all going away from you. Last Saturday I was at the KC Stadium (Hull) with very good lights and tomorrow Blundell Park (Grimsby) with four candles!

fork handles? they won't be much use at a night match
Get up high as you can, in the terraces if they have any.. set your camera up on a wide angle and take a shot. The lightest spots on the pitch will obviously be the spots to aim for :)
Every press photographer should have a set of steps in the boot ;)
To some it might sound silly Phil but i know one guy who takes a 2 step homemade collapsable stool/platform to the big finals, takes him about 18 inch off the ground and its got a flat base so as not to dig into the field, he was there at the Old Trafford GF about 1 yard behind you for the onfield trophy/cele shot, the one behind the sponsors banners, that way hes sure of getting in the centre.
Every press photographer should have a set of steps in the boot ;)

That's fine if you can drive somewhere. I end up looking bloody daft on the Tube carrying a set of B&Q's finest! :D

Mind you, that's the penalty for being 5'8!
To some it might sound silly Phil but i know one guy who takes a 2 step homemade collapsable stool/platform to the big finals, takes him about 18 inch off the ground and its got a flat base so as not to dig into the field, he was there at the Old Trafford GF about 1 yard behind you for the onfield trophy/cele shot, the one behind the sponsors banners, that way hes sure of getting in the centre.

I recall seeing him.. he looked odd stood on his own on his little podium but if it does the trick!! :)

That's fine if you can drive somewhere. I end up looking bloody daft on the Tube carrying a set of B&Q's finest! :D

Mind you, that's the penalty for being 5'8!

I know your pain :LOL: The groundsman should have a few rungs in his shed :)
I'm talking about line ups rather than sports Phil.

Same principle, but rather fewer friendlies to borrow stuff from! :D