Lightroom 4 Framing

I really don't think there is a feature in LR4 for this... I have used it obsessively for the last few weeks and haven't come across it. Stop being lazy and take it into photoshop!! (if you have it!) :D

If I come across it, I'll let you know :)
Or use the Mogrify plug in for Lightroom.
Definitely recommend this. It also has some great features for watermarking and adding text.

Another vote for Mogrify!

I always used to put a small watermark/tag in the bottom right hand corner of my images but sometimes it just looked plain wrong and/or detracted from the image itself.

With Mogrify I add a small white band to the left hand side of the image with my email address on so there's no degredation to the image itself (well no more than my general lack of ability anyway :LOL: )