Lightroom library thumbnails after move to 4K monitor

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I've just upgraded to a 32" 4K monitor and pretty pleased with it.

One issue i have is it's left me with fairly small thumbnails in Lightroom library view.


My eyes are starting to deteriorate so was hoping i could have larger preview sizes but the thumbnail slider is set to maximum.

Does anyone know if there is a workaround on this ?

Ideally i'd like 3 or 4 images per row to make choosing a bit easier

Thanks in advance,
Would using the filmstrip, along the bottom, make them bigger, I think you can adjust the size, of the filmstrip.
Tried that but the max is even smaller than the thumbnail size. Found a part workaround in that if you view individual images full screen you can quickly sequence through using the mouse wheel and select far quick than cursoring through. Not perfect but helps.
View Menu, about 1/3 of the way down, Increase Grid Size (hotkey =, decrease is -)
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Sadly replicates the slider so already at its max although will decrease to smaller
Have you tried changing the Hi-DPI scaling option within the properties of Lightroom.exe?

Might give you a better experience.. might not!