Little Owl. (Images 5 and 6 Added)

Belting images Cedric, with 5 edging it for me. I like the movemnt and cross looking stare your getting.
Lovely set. I can feel the waves of envy flowing across my dark green body. I haven't even seen one of these for years, let alone photographed one. Nice looking perch too. (y)(y)(y)
great set and enjoyed looking, but not as much enjoyment you had when taking these shots (y)
Some birds definitely give you a bit of an adrenaline jolt Adam, especially when you've just decided it's gonna be a blank day, your attention starts to wander, and suddenly it's right there in front of you. :D

For a while this owl sat in a tree close to the hide getting mobbed by other birds who aren't fooled by the cuddly looks and know them for the fearsome little predators they really are, but there was no way I could get the angle for the shot though the hide lens opening.

I bet, 0-100 in half a sec, what a buzz!
Its almost like animals are psychic sometimes isn't it, where you dreaming about food at the time. ;)

Patience paid off again Chedders... always such a pleasure to catch your threads. (y)... I got all inspired to build a hide in my garden after being reminded of what I’m missing seeing these. ... North facing, sunlight in the faces of my foxes and birds instead of being in shadow, ooh I'm almost excited.
Belting images Cedric, with 5 edging it for me. I like the movemnt and cross looking stare your getting.

Thanks Brian. I like that one too, but I think he's just saying "Pssst... wanna buy a watch?" :D

I like No2 as well despite the blink., but people seem to overhelmingly prefer No4.
Amazing !!!

i get so much inspiration from this site, now just need to get out and practice.

No. 2 for me too Ced !
I do have a soft spot for L.O. as I see so few around up here.
