'Little Venice' London with Dynax 5

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First results on C41 Film of a Long Boat trip in 'Little Venice' Regent's Canal, London
I used my 2001 Minolta Dynax 5 loaded with 08/2007 dated Kodak Colorplus 200 which I rated at 160 ASA. The negs were a little 'Thin' so next batch I will rate at 100 ASA to make up for being outdated. I scanned negs on my old Epson 1650 flatbed + Vuescan Pro + PhotoShop 7 and very little adjustment had to be done. Lens was the Minolta AF Zoom 28-100mm f3.5-5.6 D mostly at f5.6 on AV programme.
Little Venice 01.jpg Little Venice 02.jpg Little Venice 03.jpg Little Venice 04.jpg Little Venice 05.jpg
08/2007 dated
Kodak Colorplus 200

…next time you want to got that film I suppose you'd
have better chance in an Antiques shop! :)

Surprisingly, it kept a good DR though the emulsion
seems to have lost quite much of it bite…or was it the
Dynax that is a tad soft, Peter?
Good Morning Mr Kodiak : Well I think the slight under-exposure had an effect -- I have some MORE of that batch in my fridge so will give it more exposure next time and maybe use a PENTAX !
I was going to post,but,then I thought no,as you do not reply.
You can 'Post ' OK --- I will say I am better ;known; for using 'PENTAX ' cameras that's all -- I have taken all my 'Prizewinners' on PENTAX but when I get GIVEN some gear whatever the make I USE it !