Long development time

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I sent a roll of colour film to a processsor in Brittany. They received it on Monday and sent the negatives and CD back via Mondial Relay on Tuesday morning. Today is Friday and the parcel is currently at the other side of France somewhere close to the Belgian border, 605km from here and over 100km further away than where the developers are based :mad:
Coming by train
Quimper is around 500km almost due north of here. The parcel has already done 750km travelling north-east of Quimper having passed through Paris and Reims. I think it is taking the circular route around the French borders.
I once sent a parcel (from Hove in England) to a forum member who lives in the south of France. It spent a week at a sorting office in New York before resuming its journey. Remember the motto of British Rail - it's better to travel hopefully than to arrive.
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I can think of a couple of couriers in UK like that. I was moving my wheely bins and found a package behind the shed delivered by Amazon to to me but supposed to go to someone in a different town with a post code no way similar to mine and it was a month old. and soaking wet. So at least yours will be dry and presentable