Loudon Sunsets.


Bo Derek
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5 minutes up the road from us at Loudon Hill, taken on Sunday at 4-30 - 5pm, almost dark and -4 already.:)


Lovely colours, and I think the people add to the shots, just visible enough to make a difference.
Really like #2, but #1 is also a lovely shot.
Thanks, I almost didn't take these, it was getting very dark.
Thanks guys, these seem to be well liked by all that have seen them and I've just had an offer to get a canvas done for a friend.:clap:

These are very strong contenders for the colour print competition at camera club although I can't decide between 1 or 2 myself.:thinking:

I may enter one into projected image and the other into colour print.;)
Two lovely shots. I love the sky in#1, but I think #2 is probably the better composition, so #2 wins for me.
Both absolute crackers IMHO :clap:

The colour is simply stunning and lovely composition on both. For me, number 1 is the best as the walkers give a proper sense of scale
Lovely scenes. I love the 3 walkers (y)

Wow stunning. I love the 2nd one, that would make a brilliant print

Same from me! lovely lovely photograph!! What a wonderful set of circumstances that gave you this.. very well caught too..

Thanks all, I happened to be in the right place at the right time, that's all but I did make the effort to get up there, so I'll take the credit.;):LOL:

Seriously, my confidence as a photographer had plummeted recently, I was in a bit of a wilderness, not knowing where I was heading or where I wanted to be. I decided to get back to grass roots stuff and being able to take 2 decent images for once and have it appreciated is a big boost for me, thanks.:)
Really nice atmosphere and colours.
Both great images. The walkers do add a needed sense of scale. I like them both and would be hard pressed to pick a favourite.
Thanks Strax, good to see a fellow Ayrshire bod. I'm originally from South Wales but moved to this lovely place almost 5 years ago.:)
amazing colours, who'd have thought london could provide such a scene?! Really like them both, I prefer #1 for its wider view but thats just me (y)
Thanks everybody, the response to these 2 images has done my confidence as a 'tog the World of good. I had been a bit off course for some time, even being told by a mate of mine to 'sort myself out', those words brought me back down to Earth and I was determined to get back in the saddle.

I now know where I want to be and these 2 images are getting there.

Once again, thanks all.:)