Lovely new neighbours

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Ive had a woman move in next door but one last week, my other half had the audacity to park in front of her house yesterday ( normal semi detached with no drive)..anyway rhis woman stuck a note on her car demanding that she dosnt park in front of her house again !!, sandie knocked on her door and told her to f**k right off, she will park were she wants if she wanted her own parking buy a house with a drive..anyway you can guess were i parked when i came home from work last night...i wonder how long i will leave the car there ..maybe a week maybe 2, ive had a note stuck on my car but its been scrunched up and chucked in her garden so they know ive read it...the car is still there
woman stuck a note on her car demanding that she dosnt park in front of her house again
These things happen from time to time, where people lack off road parking.

There was a minor case of it in our village but it was dealt with by ignoring it. The person gave up after a fortnight or so.

Cars parked in Exmouth G9 P1012154.JPG
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Il be going to work tommorrow on my motorbike, im off wednesday and thursday so wont need thd car , see how the weather is friday i might just go to work on the bike again...wonder how long she lasts before having a melt down
Sounds like she thinks she owns the road outside her house ask her to check her deeds or send her an estimate for road repairs I wonder how keen she will be to lay claim to it then
Many years ago I had a Hometune franchise and also had a regular customer every year to do a service and MOT , One year I noticed the car had done hardly any miles ? , I asked why and was told she had given up driving but is keeping the car parked outside her home to stop people parking outside, She had a drive and a garage as well ? !!
We had a landlady who did just that. The only miles the car did were to and from the MoT station. She liked the fact that I always pushed my motorbike away from under her window before starting it - I didn't have the heart to tell her that the bike's starter motor didn't work and I had to bump start it!
My wife’s grandmother used to get up at 5am daily to move the car off the driveway and onto the road to stop anyone daring to park there, and then moved it back around 9pm….
I can recollect long ago a similar parking dispute involving someone I employed. The neighbour eventually poured oil from an oil change over his cars bonnet. Then the police were involved. It's easy for disputes to escalate.
Shame you have followed her with her pettiness.

Sometimes you have to stand up to stupid idiots rather than ignore them. We had a neighbour, who thought that the public road outside his house was his designated parking spot. One Sunday, he went down the pub, then social club and got blind drunk, as he did on a regular basis. Whilst he was gone, someone parked near where he had parked and left a half space between their and my car. The drunken idiot came back and tried to park in the space, causing a lot of damage to my car, so I went outside and gave every single panel of his car a damned good kicking. He then drove off again, so I phoned the police, who turned up and waited for him. He refused a breath test so they arrested him. It transpired that he was nearly four times over the limit and was effectively (for his age) banned for life. Nothing was said about me trying to kick his car to death.
I'm glad I don't live on the same streets as some of you.
In our street most people do try their best to park outside their own house, obviously visitors and work people are different. But no one gets all worked up about it.
We have asked our neighbours to keep outside ours free for our disabled son (they won't put a space as the road isn't wide enough) and they were all more than happy to do their best.
It's just the neighbourly thing to do, everybody likes to park close to their house if they can.
Whilst I understand I don't own the road outside my house, it really annoys me when I get home and find one of my neighbors has parked there. When we bought the house 26 years ago there weren't as many cars in the village, most only had one but these days kids have grown up but not left home so most have 2 or 3 cars now therefore more cars than drive space. I have a garage and a drive but I keep my bikes in the garage and if I park on the drive I can't get my bikes out so I have always parked on the road outside my house (when able). for several years I had a work vehicle then company car but kept my own car so I could tactically park to ensure I got the space outside my house (everso slightly blocking my own drive), after I gave back the company car and retired I used one of my bikes to hold the spot when I went out in the car. All this may sound very irrational to some but I had always been used to easily parking outside my house.

Now let me reitterate I know I don't own that bit of road and anyone has the right to park there but it still annoyed me so I did something about it, I spent some money and had a parking bay built using the bottom half of my garden, now I don't care who parks the other side of the wall.


As I said some will find this very irrational but it saves me an awful lot of stress so I think it was worth it.
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I'm glad I don't live on the same streets as some of you.
In our street most people do try their best to park outside their own house, obviously visitors and work people are different. But no one gets all worked up about it.
We have asked our neighbours to keep outside ours free for our disabled son (they won't put a space as the road isn't wide enough) and they were all more than happy to do their best.
It's just the neighbourly thing to do, everybody likes to park close to their house if they can.
There are 2 kinds of people... :)

Somebody has parked a moped opposite my drive for the past month. It's a bit annoying because it makes it slightly awkward to get my giant car into the garage. If I see the owner I might mention that a few feet either way would be preferable but it's a public road so he can do what he wants.
I can recollect long ago a similar parking dispute involving someone I employed. The neighbour eventually poured oil from an oil change over his cars bonnet. Then the police were involved. It's easy for disputes to escalate.
I also thought that 'neighbour disputes' have to be declared in ones house sales paperwork i.e. there is specific (legally important?) question in the sellers questionnaire?
People often park outside my house, and wander off down the road, even though, generally there is
plenty of road parking further down to where they go :thinking: What baffles me is the people that live here parking their cars
on the road, even though they all have drives.
I guess that is to stop people parking outside their house.
It doesn't bother in the slightest, I have a 5 foot hedge and can't see anything parked in front of me or even opposite me.
I am quite territorial, when married we had 2 cars and only 1 would get on drive so when someone parked outside house it really annoyed me, mainly because the same is just big enough for 2 cars, mine and next-door but often people park so you can't get another one on there. Left lots of notes.
We used to live in London, in an area with narrow houses and more than one car per household. Occasionally one would have to park a couple of minutes walk away, but we always made sure we were friends with the neighbours. Friendship is more important than a parking space.
ive lived on a public road for 30 years now, only 8 years ago did i squeaze a very small garage in round the back just enough for our small car, it used to be for motorbikes but now they are gone i can just get the C3 in but about 5 years ago suddenly a really battered Peugeot 306 started appearing outside our front door it was absolutely knackered and covered in mould, anyway it used to not move for weeks then it would go for a few days and then back for weeks again. turned out it was the spare car from some people about 2 streets away that couldn't park it outside there own house. One night it got massively vandalised by local toots who just assumed it was absndoned then it dissapeard.
If my neighbour has friends or relatives around and they cannot all park on her drive she tells them to park on mine !!!!!!!!!!!
Actually that would p*** me off.
I hope you manage to park behind then so they can't get off.
It’s a public road at the end of the day designed for use of the public and not exclusively the homeowner. The homeowner has no more right to park outside their house than someone who lives a hundred miles away.
It’s a public road at the end of the day designed for use of the public and not exclusively the homeowner. The homeowner has no more right to park outside their house than someone who lives a hundred miles away.
That's all well and good.
I can also legally block your drive if your car isn't on it, but you'd be happy about that right? Or would you be a nice neighbour and try where possible to stay in front of your own house as everyone else would and everyone gets on.
That's all well and good.
I can also legally block your drive if your car isn't on it, but you'd be happy about that right? Or would you be a nice neighbour and try where possible to stay in front of your own house as everyone else would and everyone gets on.
Maybe start another thread if you want to discuss something different?
Maybe start another thread if you want to discuss something different?
No thanks. It's on topic, I'll keep it here.

Not sure you can legally park across an entrance.
Purely a civil matter.

The point being why would anyone instantly start parking wars with a new or existing neighbour.
What's allowed doesn't always mean it's best.
Oh well then how about my lawn mower slashing all four tyres in a freak accident or my wheel barrow accidentally gouging the paintwork down one or both sides.

Just as long as you make sure the car isn’t under the view of any cctv or nosy neighbours ;)
Many years ago we had a garage in a block across the road. It was the first one and friends of the house next to it used to park in front of the garage. We came home one Saturday to finnd a Porsche 944 on the drive, so I parked behind it. Had a knock on the door and some guy asked me to move my car "as he couldn't get out". Funny that, I couldn't get to my garage either.... I told him he's have to wait, to which he responded "But I'm going back to London this evening". I told him to get a cab.

30 minutes later the police turn up. Inform me that it's "illegal to stop another vehicle access to the highway" or something like that. My MG Midget was in the garage, so the guy had effectively done the same thing. "As long as you've moved in the next hour I'll tell him he'll have to wait until you finish your dinner". What a nice Constable he was, so I moved 59 minutes later. They didn't park there again. :giggle:
I wouldn't want to live next door to either of you... or on the same street... both sound as bad as each other..
ive lived in my house 24 years, its off a busy road and parking is always an issue, we've 3 cars as has next door, most of the time by the time i get home from work i dont even manage to park in the same street, its never bothered me, its not the parking thats the issue with me here, its her telling my missus she cant park where she wants to even though she pays her road tax, im not about to let some little bell end tell me or my missus what or what we cant do even though legally we can, if you want to let people walk all over you thats up to you but im not a sh**house
I love the house in Greece I have terrible parking issues my 150m drive leads to my 4 acre (equiv) land with parking for about 600 cars :)
I have three cars but I never leave them parked on the road. I find it strange that others do even when they have drives and garages. Why not put your car away for gosh sake?

I have a neighbour who started to repeatedly park outside our house despite having a hundred yards plus clear on the other side of his driveway. This did annoy me as when shuffling cars I often couldn't park one on our front during the shuffling process and leave the drive clear to get another car out so after this new behaviour seemed to become the new norm I knocked on his door and asked him to park on his own front or adjacent to the field next to his house and I explained why and surprisingly he hasn't done it since. Well, by a foot or so maybe but that's all.

Just goes to show that a little politeness and explanation can maybe ease relations and lessen life's little irritations :D