Mac (and PC) Users... Safari 4 Beta... :-)

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Hi guys 'n gals... :wave:

Here's hoping I have not missed something from an earlier posting despite a search... :thinking:

I have just downloaded and started using Safari 4 Beta on my Macs... and wowsa is it so much better than the previous version and any other browser I have tried come to that... :clap:

Full details and download available HERE

And a summary of the goodies... well that would be HERE of course.

I could list them but they are far too many and I just couldn't do them all justice in words alone... :naughty:

For me it really is the next step beyond... others may have a different opinion of course but... and here's the rub... it works straight out of the box... :eek:

Anyway... just thought some of you might like another (better... ;) ) option for browsing as I :love: it... :D

Enjoy... ;)

I don't think i'll ever get over a statement like "Mac vs PC" i just laugh every time - just thought i'd let you know :D

I won't be trying it out - I use Firefox and don't even recall what using Safari was like tbh
it was your title - "Mac (and PC)" misrepresentation is all, it's just me
it was your title - "Mac (and PC)" misrepresentation is all, it's just me

Nah... :cautious: ... not misrepresentation it just means Safari 4 Beta is available for both even though Safari is primarily aimed at Mac based products... :shrug:

Do you think it is not clear from my wording then... :shrug:

no - i wasn't getting at you, my initial statement was just, well a statement. the fact that developers market things for "mac" or "pc" is misrepresentation. Apple have on theier website "Safari for MAC and PC" where 1) PC stands for personal computer and a mac is a personal computer and 2) when they say PC they mean Windows which in essence dismisses a mac as a personal computer and also discounts the Linux OS which can also be put onto x86 and x64 architecture hardware.

i'm just so politically correct - shoot me :D
Apple have on theier website "Safari for MAC and PC" where 1) PC stands for personal computer and a mac is a personal computer and 2) when they say PC they mean Windows which in essence dismisses a mac as a personal computer and also discounts the Linux OS which can also be put onto x86 and x64 architecture hardware.

But is that not just the same as saying 'hoover' rather than vacuum cleaner :shrug:
no, i think that hoover is typically british where as vacuum is more american
no, i think that hoover is typically british where as vacuum is more american

But hoover is a brand (like windows) of vacuum cleaner, and all vacuum cleaners tend to be refered to as 'hoovers' (or oovers if you live oop north :) ), in the same way that when someone says PC, they mean windows.
Yep really nice and seems quicker than the previous version :)

Oh yeah, back to the point in hand.

I've got in on my 'PC' running 'OSX' (that's a bit of double standards there! :LOL:) and it is visibly quicker than its predecessor.
yes, but the argument still stands :) saying is one thing, representing something from a sales/product point of view is different would you not agree?
Ive been using it for a few days now. Very quick, very polished. Love the "Top Sites" button (the plus in the corner). Also love the way you can drag a tab off the main window to become a second window and vice versa.
might download it to give it a look - doubt it will move me away from firefox but worth a look
i'm also downloading oniweb to try that - my main problem with other browsers now is non extensibility with add-ons, just try em out for the sake of it really.
Ive been using it for a few days now. Very quick, very polished. Love the "Top Sites" button (the plus in the corner). Also love the way you can drag a tab off the main window to become a second window and vice versa.

I reckon the iTunes style Cover Flow action for History items complete with page review is another excellent feature... :D

All round very user friendly in my personal view... ;)

Wow that is stunning. I love the iTunes coverflow and stacking of pages. It will be great for finding regular sites. However if you like to dable in a little shall we say 'light relief!!' [i think you know what i mean!!:LOL:] it's going to be a bit embarrassing when the wife looks over your shoulder to see where you have been surfing :LOL::LOL::LOL::LOL:
There is of course the "PRIVATE BROWSING..." option. If you click on "File" and scroll down you will find this option. When selected nothing is stored to disc :)
I love apple, but safari 4 is winding me up now.

The URL bar doesn't glow blue when it's loading a page any more - so it's not as obvious that a page is loading any more or how quickly it's loading.

The tabs in the title bar is quite annoying when you're so used to it below the URL input. Really annoyed they've not given you the option as to where you put the tabs.

Oh and Hotmail isn't working on the Beta, you can't open an email
May be worth a look over.

However, many of the features (from reading here) seem to indicate that it's a re-branded Opera :shrug:
Downloading this now, cheers! Will get back to you if I prefer to the current Safari, it looks like positioning of things, purely cos I do thing without thinking, it'll take a while to get used to, but I reckon I'll like this, cheers (y)
I read the list of new features but wonder what improvements have been made that I am actually interested in. I tend to browse the internet with mine.... I know, technology is wasted on me me!

If forgot to mention. I wrote this using Safari 4.

I've been using it since yesterday and its very buggy on PC.
It won't save User/passwords on many sites. Mainstream sites like eBay/Facebook/Flickr are fine but smaller sites don't seem to get saved.
The 'Top sites' page also bugs out when in a minimized window.

I might revisit it after the beta but i'll stick to FF for now.
It looks pretty stale in comparison to firefox now - i guess i'm just used to ff now, yes it's fast but that's it.
I downloaded it about 5 minutes before I saw this thread.
Seems fine to me, everything works as it should, really like the top sites page and the coverflow history, not yet sure on the tabs being at the top but I can see it being useful with a smaller screen such as on a macbook.
theres some applescript that puts them back to safari 3 tab locations - i'll see if i can find the pace again.
Thanks for the info Rog (y)

Off to download it now (for my Apple Macintosh PC ;))
theres some applescript that puts them back to safari 3 tab locations - i'll see if i can find the pace again.

Seems quite logical to have them at the top... :thinking: ... in fact I'm used to them already as I use tabs quite a lot... :D

I'm starting to not like this too much, like mentioned I don't like the missing blue progress in address bar, and it's proving hard to click on the tabs properly without moving the screen. I'm also not noticing a speed difference :cautious:
I'm starting to not like this too much, like mentioned I don't like the missing blue progress in address bar,

Tried this Shorty... :shrug:

Thursday 26th February
Tip 105 – Safari 4 [1] – Restore blue progress bar

Run Terminal

APPLICATIONS :: Utilities :: Terminal

And type the following into the terminal window:

defaults write DebugSafari4IncludeToolbarRedesign -bool NO
defaults write DebugSafari4LoadProgressStyle -bool NO
more safari 4 tips to come!


From THIS thread... :D

Seems they are trying to satisfy all tastes... :naughty:

You just beat me to it :)

I have added 3 Safari 4 tips to my tip a day for the mac thread with more to come. I picked the blue progress bar and tabs bar because they had been mentioned. I have no idea why they turned off the blue progress bar.
This is MY favourite:

Sunday 1st March
Tip 108 – Safari 4 [4] – Zooming in and out

Hold [CMD] and press [+] to zoom in

Hold [CMD] and press [-] to zoom out

This is proper zooming in and out not just changing the font sizes !!

more safari 4 tips to come!