Mac (and PC) Users... Safari 4 Beta... :-)

if you've got one of the new macbooks with the muti touch track pads you can also zoom in/out using the pinch gesture as well
It'll be alright just cuddle a big teddy bear whilst typing and nothing will go wrong :)
:O How amazing/easy is that, oooh it's all bloooooo!
I shall mess with the tabs in a bit, lol

I really cannot understand why the blue progress bar is not included in the preferences section it they had to mess with it at all !!:bang:
i think tech development is speeding up in general - i think it's all going a bit fast tbh
Anyone having problems with this affecting MSN Messenger (on Mac)? The cursor keeps disappearing from the box and Apple forums say its something to do with the WebKit that Safari 4 uses affecting the WebKit of MSN Messenger.

Annoying to say the least :(
don't use msn messenger - try amsn or adium - shouldn't be any conflicts there
Anyone having problems with this affecting MSN Messenger (on Mac)? The cursor keeps disappearing from the box and Apple forums say its something to do with the WebKit that Safari 4 uses affecting the WebKit of MSN Messenger.

Annoying to say the least :(

Ah... :cautious: ... is that what it is ... :eek: ... been driving me nuts that has... :nuts:

Cowasaki ... where's the fix for this one then... :shrug:


Ah... :cautious: ... is that what it is ... :eek: ... been driving me nuts that has... :nuts:

Cowasaki ... where's the fix for this one then... :shrug:



Directly above your post... Use an alternative :)

And for anyone wanting to revert to normal settings type

defaults delete {variable}

into terminal where {variable} equals the name of the key you changed, this will then put it back eg debugSafari4LoadProgressStyle

as for the refresh button! Where did that go? - Just right click and select RELOAD
The refresh button is there somewhere!

Directly above your post... Use an alternative :)

:LOL: ... :LOL:

Thanx... :thinking: ... keep your SOH Cowasaki... ;)

Don't really get on with any of the alternatives... :shrug: ... haven't found anything quite as user friendly as MSN... :cautious: ... unfortunately... :naughty:

as for the refresh button! Where did that go? - Just right click and select RELOAD

And thanx for that too... :cautious: ... can also use {View} {Reload} ... or {cmd} R ... :thinking: ... but that is still two actions over just one... :eek: ... call me a lazyB if you like... :LOL:

don't use msn messenger - try amsn or adium - shouldn't be any conflicts there

I didn't really get on with Adium but I'll give amsn a try.

For people who are interested (V) uninstalling Safari 4 Beta using the uninstaller in the Safari 4 download package solved the MSN problem. I'll just have to wait until Safari 4 is patched.
So far I've found 2 things not working with Safari 4 on Leopard...

1. Hotmail seems to be stuffed (can't click on emails or Junk box - it's like the mailboxes are frozen).

2. Safari stand makes the browser occassionally freeze. I've uninstalled it and Safari 4 seems to be working OK now. (I only used stand for the new tab button, but S4 has a button for this anyway!)

Other than these niggles it's fine... in love with coverflow and the new search facility:)

I'd still wouldn't mind if Safari allowed you to drag your cursor along the bookmark bar to open other folders (like Firefox), and also allowed different types of searches - ie. instead of
.... and also allowed different types of searches - ie. instead of

I'm disappointed :bat:

Apple have made it really easy for us to do that !!

Here goes...............

1) EXIT then Backup your safari application
2) Download a HEX EDITOR such as 0xED from here >>>
3) Unpack it and run it
4) Goto FILE>>OPEN and select the file "/Applications/"
5) Goto EDIT>>FIND and search for ""

then REPLACE above string with:

yahoo = "" = " " ( note there are 10 spaces after the last '@' )

Just copy the text about using [CMD] & [C] then adding the extra spaces and paste into the hex editor using [CMD] & [V]

YOURS MUST LOOK LIKE THIS !! You MUST NOT change the length of the string you replace it with see screen shot!





You will note that the last few lines with "new" at the end of the line 2nd from the bottom. If this is not in this location then you have either added or removed text.

6) Goto FILE>>SAVE

Thats it you have just HACKED safari v4 and it will now search using instead
anyone else having the problem of the tabs not scrolling like they do in FF when the amount of tabs exceed the screen width? Also those that exceed the screen width seem not to be able to be closed :shrug:
Wow... just wow :bang:

My thoughts exactly .. don't you just get the feeling that he's on in a different field all together :shrug:

Nothing bad, cowasaki .. just very impressed (y)
I just got an official warning from Mac-Forums for posting the same reply to two threads and pointing people at the tip a day thread. How absolutely pathetic can you get!! I only EVER post on there answering peoples queries and one of the mods had the cheek to warn me that I will get banned for cross posting (when the same answer was relevant to two threads) and advertising another forum. I hope you all like that last answer, it really is the only way I could find to do it!!

Oh and Wail, I got the USB interface project up and running.
anyone else having the problem of the tabs not scrolling like they do in FF when the amount of tabs exceed the screen width? Also those that exceed the screen width seem not to be able to be closed :shrug:

I just created a lot of tabs and when the screen was full another tab appeared with the name "..." which brings up a drop down when you click it.
cowasaki, your skills on apples are pretty incredible, though I'm afraid that what you posted earlier about the searches is like another language! I think if I had to attempt that I may destroy my computers. :LOL:

Wail - loving the black Macbook here BTW - I've got it all loaded up with software and she's handling very well - thanks again (y)
I did offer to email the hacked file to anyone who wants it though so just PM me your email address and I will send it to you already done.
I take it this fix changes the search engine once , but won't give you the functionality to change your search engine on the fly without having to keep going back into the editor?

Anyway, I've rolled back to 3 until Apple sort out the bugs with Hotmail in the non-beta release... thanks anyway.
I take it this fix changes the search engine once , but won't give you the functionality to change your search engine on the fly without having to keep going back into the editor?

Anyway, I've rolled back to 3 until Apple sort out the bugs with Hotmail in the non-beta release... thanks anyway.

Yes the search engine is bizarrely hard coded into the program so it is the only way you can change it. My fix simply writes over their hard coded search engine location with the equivalent version so no once it is done it is done and you cannot change it.

The modification also works with safari 3 too if you follow the instructions, the only difference will be that the offset value will be different.

If you want an apple plug to fit that PSU on the macbook let me know!
I just created a lot of tabs and when the screen was full another tab appeared with the name "..." which brings up a drop down when you click it.

yep...but there seems to be no way to close the tabs in the drop down list :shrug:
yep...but there seems to be no way to close the tabs in the drop down list :shrug:

Well if you click on one you can then delete it. Maybe they have done that so that you do not accidently delete a tab that you are not sure about! Well possibly :)
I just got an official warning from Mac-Forums for posting the same reply to two threads and pointing people at the tip a day thread. How absolutely pathetic can you get!! I only EVER post on there answering peoples queries and one of the mods had the cheek to warn me that I will get banned for cross posting (when the same answer was relevant to two threads) and advertising another forum. I hope you all like that last answer, it really is the only way I could find to do it!!


That's a pittyful site, then, not-worry to say!

I can understand such a rebuk, if the person doing the post is new, or is doing so to promote another site; but where the post is to give positive addition and contribution then it is very imature.

Shame you've had that experience :bat:


Oh and Wail, I got the USB interface project up and running.

Great ... but what about the USB board and cable? How do I get that sorted out? Sorry, not wanting to be a baby, but I am in no good shape to get my mind working much these day :thumbsdown:


Wail - loving the black Macbook here BTW - I've got it all loaded up with software and she's handling very well - thanks again (y)

I am really glad you are enjoying it. It is always a scray thing, to buy something without actually seeing it, and that puts pressure on the seller too.

I did offer to email the hacked file to anyone who wants it though so just PM me your email address and I will send it to you already done.

PM is on its way :)
For some reason the Hack I listed yesterday for Safari STOPPED WORKING !!!.........

I have now just spent an hour and re-hacked it and the new hack is listed above, this one should work on and on :)

For some reason the Hack I listed yesterday for Safari STOPPED WORKING !!!.........

I have now just spent an hour and re-hacked it and the new hack is listed above, this one should work on and on :)

your hacked hack is working a treat. for now.... (y)