Mac Vs PC - Things I miss......

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OK, not even 24 hours into my Mac ownership but I'm difinitely enjoying the trip.

However I do miss a couple of things...

Mouse buttons: I had a multi button mouse on my PC, and really miss the "right button" feature, and the forward/backward feature of the side buttons when browsing.

My Computer: I know I'll get used to the Mac, but having that icon on the desktop was really handy. I'm still trying to understand "Finder".

Anybody else miss some of the Windows features you'd got used to ?

My biggest complaint is that I now have to make a cup of tea BEFORE I sit at my computer. Before I would boot up the PC then put the kettle on, then come back to log in, and by the time I had made the tea and sorted out a biscuit, I would be ready for action. Now I just switch on and it all just happens very quickly.... No doubt with less biscuits I'll be healthier - Thank you Apple :D

When I got my first mac... I was frustrated initially. So much so, I almost gave up on it and took it back. It didn't take me long to fall in love with it though and I'm on my fourth now. I wouldn't give a pc house room. Right click was one of the things that frustrated me but when I realised it was simple a case of hold ctrl key and click and there you go.
I'll be very interested Steve in how you get on with your mac. Perhaps we could have some sort of blog?
Steve - Wireless keyboard an mighty mouse are the way to go. Just lovely to use.

Having to "unmount" usb sticks etc is such a bore though. ;)
You can use any mouse you like with a mac. I use logitech 'click' cordless optical rodents with scroll wheel on all computers and on both osx and xp.
You have a right button, just click the right side of the mouse and make sure you're not touching the left.
I would like forward/backward browsing buttons I agree, other USB mice are compatible though.
You wont miss my computer once you realize how powerful finder and spotlight are, just type filenames into the search thingy at the tip right of the finder window, the files appear as fast as you can type.
Why is that useful? If you know the filenumber of a low rez (eg forum) version of a photo but want to start from scratch with the RAW file, or find the .psd, there they are, instantly.
Same for music, vids or whatever.
Steve - Wireless keyboard an mighty mouse are the way to go. Just lovely to use.

Having to "unmount" usb sticks etc is such a bore though. ;)

Well that's why I didn't go for the wireless set up, there's not enough USB ports as it is, and the lack of a numberpad as well didn't help. I understand that Logitek have hardware too match, so I'll try that - maybe, when I have time.

Anyway, the other thing you don't realise when getting an Imac is that you suddenly have more room. I've got to tidy up under the desk as it was all hidden by the PC before :LOL:

Thanks for the "ctrl click" info, that's helped immensely. Now, if I could only have my forward & back buttons.....

Clive, will think about a blog - time is my only worry.

Yup Mac is way better than Windows at finding things etc.. Once you know all short cuts etc you be Happy as hell.. Spotlight is great to save you going to it using your mouse press command and spacebar and type away. Command is the apple key
Well that's why I didn't go for the wireless set up, there's not enough USB ports as it is, and the lack of a numberpad as well didn't help. I understand that Logitek have hardware too match, so I'll try that - maybe, when I have time.

Anyway, the other thing you don't realise when getting an Imac is that you suddenly have more room. I've got to tidy up under the desk as it was all hidden by the PC before :LOL:

Thanks for the "ctrl click" info, that's helped immensely. Now, if I could only have my forward & back buttons.....

Clive, will think about a blog - time is my only worry.



Wont be long before the mac mouse start to get clogged up on the wheel, why not just get you old usb mouse and use that, I reverted to my old one after having to disassemble the mac one to clean the wheel, got bored after doing this 4 times in the first 4 months.

Steve, doesn't have to be too detailed!

Just interested in how you get on as a recent convert.
Have a look a quick view, best thing ever :) (hightlight file in finder and press space bar)
Only reason i use my mac is because of aperture for mac, and to store music
One thing i hate about finder is the fact by default the dam thing dont keep my folder properties. It keeps folders messy and not tidy, don't keep the window sizes. ugh
One thing i find annoying is by default macs seem to want to boot from cd's and external drives so this if you leave any of these plugged in, it will mostly increase boot time.
Then sometimes my mac refuses to pickup some network clients whereas my windows laptop will. Solved that issue by creating network shortcuts on the desktop.

But the most annoying thing is the price of the dam things, they aint exactly cheap, and before someone blurts out your paying for the hardware and software and design etc. Im sorry but i can get the same hardware inside the mac for like half the price, and sometimes faster spec :(
Also before anyone else mentions yes i own an intel imac first gen core duo, as well as a windows vista dual core laptop and a linux file server.

But by far my main gripe with Leopard is the fact timemachine wont allow me to backup to my network file server, only an external drive :( Fair deals i could sync my external drive to the server but i would rather direct backup on the network.

The only good thing is because the software is tailored directly to specific hardware there is less chance of stuff failing due to drivers etc.

However i might add it was money well spent, it's got a fair bit of use from it
I use Logitech trackball and am very happy with it, gives me all the features I need, and then some.

I miss the simple way to expand a folder / application. In Windows you'd just have to double click on the top bar of the folder / application and it would open up to full screen size. I can't seem to find something similar to that under Mac OS!
Well that's why I didn't go for the wireless set up, there's not enough USB ports as it is, and the lack of a numberpad as well didn't help. I understand that Logitek have hardware too match, so I'll try that - maybe, when I have time.

Anyway, the other thing you don't realise when getting an Imac is that you suddenly have more room. I've got to tidy up under the desk as it was all hidden by the PC before :LOL:

Thanks for the "ctrl click" info, that's helped immensely. Now, if I could only have my forward & back buttons.....

Clive, will think about a blog - time is my only worry.

Steve, the Mighty Mouse uses bluetooth and therefore doesn't hog a USB port. On the iMac there are 5 USB ports... 3 on iMac itself and 2 on the rear of the keyboard. On the Macbook there's 2 USB ports, but it's a laptop yeah...? if you need loads of USB devices then try out a USB hub. The Airport Extreme wireless router has a USB port on it, to which I have connected a 4-port USB hub so when I am at home, all of us on our secure home network (4 Macbooks) can access a colour printer, a laser printer, and two external 500GB drives. Even then I still have 2 USB ports free!! :) I use these for my Synths.
Steve, the Mighty Mouse uses bluetooth and therefore doesn't hog a USB port. On the iMac there are 5 USB ports... 3 on iMac itself and 2 on the rear of the keyboard. On the Macbook there's 2 USB ports, but it's a laptop yeah...? if you need loads of USB devices then try out a USB hub. The Airport Extreme wireless router has a USB port on it, to which I have connected a 4-port USB hub so when I am at home, all of us on our secure home network (4 Macbooks) can access a colour printer, a laser printer, and two external 500GB drives. Even then I still have 2 USB ports free!! :) I use these for my Synths.

My problem is that I have the keyboard on one USB port, my printer on another, and my "My Book" 750Gb HDD on the other. The mouse and the Iphone plug into the keyboard. I've got nowhere for my card reader unless I remove my Iphone.

I'll get a decent USB hub and utilise that at a later date, and then use my wireless keyboard/mouse from the PC.

Aha, I see. Yes I agree, a decent powered USB hub, maybe 4 or 7 port sounds about the right way to go here, Steve.
The Belkin power hub is a good one Steve 5 rear ports and two on the top of the unit for USB Key drives or daily use devices.

Also it comes in silver..

Steve - Wireless keyboard an mighty mouse are the way to go. Just lovely to use.

Having to "unmount" usb sticks etc is such a bore though. ;)

You don't strictly have to unmount any devices, it just is highly recommended and OS X will moan at you if you don't :)
My problem is that I have the keyboard on one USB port, my printer on another, and my "My Book" 750Gb HDD on the other. The mouse and the Iphone plug into the keyboard. I've got nowhere for my card reader unless I remove my Iphone.

I'll get a decent USB hub and utilise that at a later date, and then use my wireless keyboard/mouse from the PC.


im sure there is an app to use your iphone as a mouse? :thinking:
The Belkin power hub is a good one Steve 5 rear ports and two on the top of the unit for USB Key drives or daily use devices.

Also it comes in silver..


I've been using one of these for years. Just plug everything in and forget about it.

I now have 7 usb ports (3 on imac, 4 on hub) permanently plugged in and another 3 or 4 occasionally in use.
You can use "Air mouse" to use your iPhone as a mouse.

I've never tried it so it might be rubbish, but so far I've not been let down by any 'official' iPhone apps.


Wont be long before the mac mouse start to get clogged up on the wheel, why not just get you old usb mouse and use that, I reverted to my old one after having to disassemble the mac one to clean the wheel, got bored after doing this 4 times in the first 4 months.

But that happens with all mice (windoze or Macs)
Regarding mice.

My main exercise WAS swimming cycling and my sport paragliding. When I got a repetitive strain injury I thought it was one of those things. It turned out to be a trackball mouse. Work of the devil! :D

I use my air compressor which I clean my camera gear with to clean my mouse scroll wheel and have had no issues.
The Apple store swap em for new under warranty, my new one seems to not have the trackball problem.
Odd it feels the same but maybe they improved it recently?
Lots of techy stuff in here that I use my Macs to avoid but I do know that I have forward and back buttons on safari.
I can honestly say I never missed anything about XP when I switched to my Mac Mini and OSX
Less than a year ago I was an ardent PC'er... :eek:

We now have my MacBook Air and 24" iMac for work and Jill's 20" iMac (Xmas pressie... :LOL:) for home... as well as two 3Gs... :love:

I guess you could say we are Apple converts... :D

Miss Pcs or have regrets... :thinking: ... NFW hosay... :shrug: ... the thing is now redundant and gathering dust... ;)

Chewy... you gotta go for it m8 or you're just wasting time... :naughty: ... go on... you know you want to... :D

macs are Personal Computers ;)

You gotta be joshing me... :eek:

A Mac in any form is a beautiful work of art... :clap: ... they are sensuous, sexy and so, so tactile... :love: ...

... personal - yes I guess they might be ... but in a truly, madly, deeply personal sense

... computers - nah, they are just so much more than just computers... :rules:

But I tell you one thing for nothing... :cautious: ... Personal Computers aka PCs they most definitely are NOT... they work all of the time for a start... :razz:

macs are Personal Computers ;)

Yup, this discussion is really Mac vs Windows

Though the boundary is more blurred now, what with those traitorous intel Macs...

Anyway, what about Mac vs Windows vs Linux?

There are some brilliant photography tools for *nix, aesthetics (of hardware) aside.

You gotta be joshing me... :eek:

A Mac in any form is a beautiful work of art... :clap: ... they are sensuous, sexy and so, so tactile... :love: ...

... personal - yes I guess they might be ... but in a truly, madly, deeply personal sense

... computers - nah, they are just so much more than just computers... :rules:

But I tell you one thing for nothing... :cautious: ... Personal Computers aka PCs they most definitely are NOT... they work all of the time for a start... :razz:


Macs are fine if you have the money. If you want good performance at a decent price, get a "PC", preferably using Linux.

They really are effing expensive, those Macs
I changed my home laptop in 2007 to a mac book pro , i resisted changing over for a few years purely because of all the pc software i had , then Adobe refused an upgrade so i switched over to Mac , really wish i had done this earlier anyway back to the topic , this should read things i do not miss about the PC
lols - tries to close can of worms :D

Quicksilver is the bees knees by the way :)