Mac Vs PC - Things I miss......

i found mac os terrible to use and switched back to windows within 3 months, just couldn't get on with the work flow and gui design
I installed parallels thinking that I'd use MS Project, but I haven't had the need to be honest! XP never gets used on my Mac... even though I use a Dell laptop when at my current client site, I wouldn't miss not using the PC at all.

Don't think I will ever buy one again either.
you got a mac to put windows on it? philistine! :p :D

Necessity rules I'm ashamed to say... :eek: ... needed for work for the MS Office suite and SharePoint software accessibility... :shrug: ... was either that... :thinking: ... or get the Windows machine back out of mothballs... :shake:

I don't like it either... :help:


Necessity rules I'm ashamed to say... :eek: ... needed for work for the MS Office suite and SharePoint software accessibility... :shrug: ... was either that... :thinking: ... or get the Windows machine back out of mothballs... :shake:

I don't like it either... :help:

What about MS Office for Mac?
I did, got a vista machine last year purely for my IT and MS qualification studies.

Yeah I know "a mac guy doing MS Certs???!!!" :D
What about MS Office for Mac?

First thing I did m8... ;)

Unfortunately the Sharepoint software I need to access for work cannot be accessed through Safari... :cautious: ... even using the Develop/User Agent facility does not provide the full functionality I required... :wacky:

And because I needed Parallels or something similar to use IE... :razz: ... I also had to have the original MS Office suite to edit all sorts of files from within the Sharepoint programme... PITA but there you have it until the whole world does the Mac thing I'm afraid I'm stuck with a little bit of my precious Mac being dedicated to Windows... wash my mouth out with coal tar... :D

Totally agree on the mouse stuff, the ball clogs up and the mouse seems very unresponsive
I'm back to using my MX-Laser - much nicer

First thing I did m8... ;)

Unfortunately the Sharepoint software I need to access for work cannot be accessed through Safari... :cautious: ... even using the Develop/User Agent facility does not provide the full functionality I required... :wacky:

And because I needed Parallels or something similar to use IE... :razz: ... I also had to have the original MS Office suite to edit all sorts of files from within the Sharepoint programme... PITA but there you have it until the whole world does the Mac thing I'm afraid I'm stuck with a little bit of my precious Mac being dedicated to Windows... wash my mouth out with coal tar... :D


Try using NeoOffice - its OpenOffice for Mac. Pretty much fully compatible with your office stuff and free (as in speech and as in beer).

Save the money for toys :)
actually, one thing i DON'T like is the Mighty Mouse, it's awful
Well I've had it a few days now, and what with starting a new job yesterday my time has been limited.

There is something I can't fathom out.... I've got this bloody great big 24" screen, but why does all the text look so small ? :thinking: I can't find an obvious way of changing the size of the text/menus.

I'll have a look at Quicksilver..... And I'm going to try and order one of the "books" using Iphoto to see what the standard is like.

I spent a little time last night showing the Mrs how to drive it, setting up a user account for her and her email. She seems happy to use it.

One thing I will say is that MS Office on the Mac really rocks... It looks better, it's nicely laid out and is a joy to use. You have to ask the question "How come MS can't get it this good on their own platform ?"

I've booked in at the local Apple Store for a basic training session on Saturday.

Oh and CMD and - to get it to shrink again lol.
Doesn't do the menu's though, not sure about that one, think it may be set.
There is something I can't fathom out.... I've got this bloody great big 24" screen, but why does all the text look so small ? :thinking: I can't find an obvious way of changing the size of the text/menus.

I think maybe changing your resolution down a setting could help you out - or two even
I just gone back to Windows after a few months of the Imac. The daughter was coming home from school and she was not able to put into practise all the things she learnt that day. Given the choice of her development or mine it was a no brainer. Can't say I'm missing it to be completely honest.
I still miss some things from windows like being able to resize windows by dragging any side instead of always having to use the bottom right-hand handle. Also, having a Macbook Pro with the 1920 x 1600 display I would kill to be able to change the system font size (can you believe you can't do this??)

Finder does take some getting used to but it's very very cool when you do dig into it. Also Spotlight is just excellent. One add-on I'd recommend to anyone using a mac though is LaunchBar - just the coolest add-on I've ever had on any system I've owned.
Make sure Finder is selected on your menu bar, then go to VIEW - Show View Options. This lets you change the size of icons and text.

Apple key and J (CMD+J) is the keyboard shortcut.

Cheers buddy - that's helped a great deal (y)

Well looking at the Mac World, no update to the Imac, so thanks to the persuasive powers of Ven and HuN, I think I'll be going shopping soon !!

Go on you know you want to.... I can't stop playing with mine - I'm trying to learn how to use it, honest !

This reminds me of a year ago. I was so used to running maintenance on my PC when I got home from work that when I got the iMac I felt I wasn't using it!
Turning it on doing the things I actually wanted to do take so little time, it's given me my evenings back.
There are no back and forward buttons on a mac? no way at all? not even if you install mouse drivers from Logitech??

So what happens when you plug in a Logitech Evolution ?
I still miss some things from windows like being able to resize windows by dragging any side instead of always having to use the bottom right-hand handle. Also, having a Macbook Pro with the 1920 x 1600 display I would kill to be able to change the system font size (can you believe you can't do this??)

yes you command+J or select view+view options to get this screen to change the font size:
Right click was one of the things that frustrated me but when I realised it was simple a case of hold ctrl key and click and there you go.

if you have one of the new mighty mice that ship with new macs then you can turn the right click feature on in the mouse control panel as well to save having to hold down the ctrl key when clicking....for those with laptops you can turn on right clicking plus a host of other feature as well in the same way:
yes you command+J or select view+view options to get this screen to change the font size:
This doesn't affect menu font sizes which is the main thing I want to change as they are really tiny on the macbook display. For example in Windows you can go right-click on the Desktop->Personalize->Windows Appearance (I think it's called) and in the Advance settings change the font size for your menus.
This doesn't affect menu font sizes which is the main thing I want to change as they are really tiny on the macbook display. For example in Windows you can go right-click on the Desktop->Personalize->Windows Appearance (I think it's called) and in the Advance settings change the font size for your menus.

ah, right - didn't know that you wanted the menu font size this case tinkertools may help, although the system wide fonts are hard coded into the OS so altering them may have unforeseen consequences!
yep, had a look and tinkertool should be able to do what you need:
only in a legal sense ;)
I just installed Leopard on my windows PC..., does that make me bad ;)

Nope - it makes you very wise ;)

I did the same a while ago, and have just gone full retail via an EFI boot partition.

Works as if it was the real deal including updates :)
DId you ever sort right click out without using the CMD key? System properties, somewhere. Then the right hand area on the mouse works. Also, dragg the APPS folder to the DOCK, gives you a funky "start menu" :D
Steve - Wireless keyboard an mighty mouse are the way to go. Just lovely to use.

Having to "unmount" usb sticks etc is such a bore though. ;)

Mighty Mouse? Are you joking? That's one of the worst mice that Apple designed, second only to the circular one that looked like a bar of soap. Ditch the apple mouse and get yourself a Logitech. You'll find your productivity increase massively.
Install Quicksilver and you'll never miss your windows desktop icons again.

This is fantastic application. I no longer use the finder or the toolbar. Plus you can make it do all sorts of things like control your iTunes or even automate tasks.
yep, had a look and tinkertool should be able to do what you need:
Thanks. I did look at it some time ago but it still wouldn't change the font sizes for menus. However they may have updated it since then so I'll take another look.

I switched many years ago. I'm forced to use Windows at work all day and other than the Mac's inability to resize a window from any corner everything about them is better IMO. I occasionally have to brign the Macbook into work and it is able to find the other PCs on the network at least 10 times faster than my actual PC does which I find hilarious!

Apple Mice are crap though, I use a Microsoft Trackball.
if you have one of the new mighty mice that ship with new macs then you can turn the right click feature on in the mouse control panel as well to save having to hold down the ctrl key when clicking....for those with laptops you can turn on right clicking plus a host of other feature as well in the same way:

Yep, I use the 'two finger tap' as right click on my MacBook Pro, and 'two finger drag' to scroll.

I find it frustrating using a 'normal' pc trackpad now as I can't scroll!
Is tinkers Tools really that good? does it mess things up and make the system perform poor?