Macbook HD

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My MacBook hard drive has had it, and I was going to replace the system as it is a bit dated as its a 1.8 dual core 2gb RAM which is only just sufficient these days.

However seeing as it's not worth a great deal, I may as well get it back up and running so I'm going to put s new HD in. Now I don't want to throw too much money at it so I'm considering either putting a 1tb hard drive and a fresh install of Snow Leopard or a small SSD thinking 256GB (original HD was only 320gb)and a fresh install but I'm wondering if I'll really see a benefit as the macbook is getting on a bit.

Is it worth it?
Stick an SSD in there, I have the same setup that I use for the studio to run ,y gallery apps. It's still a good laptop with a few more years of use left!
I'd also upgrade the RAM to the Max of 4Gb . RAM for your machine should be very reasonable now. I'd opt for a spinning drive rather than an SSD as I don't think you'll see a major improvement with that speed of processor.
Seconded! I replaced the DVD-R on my previous MBP with a 256GB SSD, acting as the boot drive, and the speed boost was easily noticeable, even on (seemingly) simple tasks like browsing. The CPU may not be as fast as more recent models, but an SSD can make quite a surprising difference.

And yes, bump up to whatever the maximum possible RAM is for that model (EveryMac can tell you - sometimes, the official maximum, published when the machine is released, can be lower than the actual maximum) - that'll also help, even with an SSD, and for very little extra cost.
I've just explored, I'm thinking I'll chuck in a 256gb SSD, do a fresh install and use a desk mounted external for photo storage. Adding a decent size HD as well as a smaller SSD is pushing the price I want to pay, as I'll probably still invest in a new desktop PC.
256gb Sandisk SSD now inside and a fresh install running. Popped into Currys to pick up the Crucial 256gb for £75 and found this in the reduced bin for £60!

Shall report with my findings.
An SSD will prove to be a massive improvement to the speed of the macbook. Saves spending a fortune upgrading to a whole new system!
Well I fitted it and am asking myself why I did not do it sooner.

It's transformed what was on old Macbook to somethig perfectly useable that'll see another year or two out!