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Hi all, I am looking to take a first trip up to the machloop area possibly this Thursday, or perhaps one day next week. Any ideas as to what is likely to be flying or if there will be any activity at all?
Will anyone from this forum be there. I am itching to get up there as I have known about the area for a number of years but never taken the chance.
Cheers Andrew.
It looks as though the weather is going to put the stoppers on a trip tomorrow.
Yes I have been told that lol. I may re plan for next week now depending on the weather.
Ok thanks for that, I will try and make plans for next week, weather permitting lol.
There is no info regarding activity. No timetables etc as this is the RAF & USAF low level training. You just turn up and take your chances. (y)

Belated reply, but new to this site and for future reference.

Although as Gareth says there is no website that gives a timetable etc, is very useful for low level info. You can often pick up rumours, general chat which might help you decide when to go (or not).

Yes, don't attack after 16.30 Friday, closed till Monday!

How did you get on with the loop? I couldn't even clime the fence now a days never mind the hill!
For what it's worth, I try to push out a Tweet every working day at about 0815L giving a note about Valley visitors, weather in LFA 7 and predicted 4 Sqn activity in the LFA and around the Mach Loop.


For what it's worth, I try to push out a Tweet every working day at about 0815L giving a note about Valley visitors, weather in LFA 7 and predicted 4 Sqn activity in the LFA and around the Mach Loop.



What's your twitter name please for this info ??

Ta, Paul
Never been to photograph the planes but the last time I walked up Cadair idris I could hear plenty of activity but didn't see much on the way up, on the way down again I could hear them, looked up to see where they were, only to see them flash by a long way below us ! Just what height are they flying at around there ?
There's always jets flying low around where I live in the Cairngorms, Highlands. A lot of Hercules as well. The best sight I saw though was when they were doing the filming for the latest Batman movie, a lot of it was shot above my house so got a couple good shots of the white Hercules...and of the stuntman who parachuted into the roof of a neighbours house lol. I'll have to dig these pictures out.

Here are some, these were not taken by me. The photographer who took these were told not to sell them to the papers, but they were too late:LOL:
I hope you are fit

Its a bloody slog to the top with all the gear :eek:

I had several stops to admire the views :LOL:

Even the sheep look at you as if you are mad :thinking: