Manfrotto 055C tripod on EBAY going cheap , 4hours left

Damn... that's cheap, although there could be people hanging back on it.

I can't find any info on the 055C Steve. Do you know if the legs splay out for low down shots and if the centre column can be mounted horizontally? I need to know.. I might be tempted. :suspect1:
the 055c is the ' classic ' it is now badged as the ' CL ' tho the pod its self is no different, and it is the polished alluminium ( silver ) in finish

the legs will splay out for low level and can even be set at different angles to each other at the same time , there are 4 preset leg angles plus any position you like , but there is no provision for the ' horizontal ' mounting of the center column , that is a feature of the ' pro ' versions, but this is really the only difference between the two , it will also put the head to over 6 feet off the ground, about 12 inches higher than a 190.

for reference, the 055 has thicker more sturdy legs than its brother the 190,

i have the 055 pro in black , to be honest , its the best pod i have ever touched and way too good for the likes of me, lol


ps........who is ' Steve ' ?
Thanks for that. :thumb:

I have a Manfrotto Pofessional ART 144 which I've had probably 20 years. It's very like the 055C except that the legs don't splay for low down shots.

I really want the splaying legs and the horizontal mounting centre column, so I'll pass this one up then. I've bought two tripods and I'm determined that next time I'm going to get it right. :nut:

You're not a Steve then? LOL :whistle2:
I'll be wathcing it till the last second :) I could do with a tripod

try...Vince, lol

i thought long and hard about the one i just bought, i even ' test drove ' a 190B , but found it a bit small, but still a v-good pod, and pushed me in the direction of the 055 , and for the price i paid the 055ProB was the one for me, and is advertised as ' fully accessorisable ' which means you can fit prety much anything made by manfrotto onto it ?

Gemok said:
I'll be wathcing it till the last second :) I could do with a tripod

if the price stays below £100, you will have a bargain , especially as its ' post free ' and the head is included

MyPix.....just my opinion boys and girls and i take nothing away from any other brand or level of other tripod...........:thumb:
Can see a couple of you bidding against each other on this ;)
well, the best thing is to think of the most you want to pay, bung in a bid and see if you thought it was worth more than the next guy,

cuz bidding ' just one more quid ' will never get you this sort of item

MyPix said:
well, the best thing is to think of the most you want to pay, bung in a bid and see if you thought it was worth more than the next guy,

But do it in the last 15 seconds otherwise someone will keep nudging up their bid just to see how far you went :(
well in that case it is worth more to them than you , and you didnt spend any money.......

I have bid on something where I could not be there for the end.... say I bid £20. I don't win and it sells for £21.
Another time i am there and I bid £20 in the last 15 seconds and I win the item for £14.
Same item different approach. Sniping is not in the spirit of fair play perhaps but it definitely works.
As a seller I have seem most things double in price in the last 15 seconds. The price before the end is only a guide - its the final bid that counts.
i understand, but in the first instance, the winning bid may have been £21 but the buyer entered £40, but it only had to beat you by £1 over your best bid,

i personally have feedback of 590 and know that it all depend on the day and how much you are willing to pay for something compared to the next person that wants it


the highest bidder wins, bargain or no....
plus its not un-heard of for sellers to bid on their own items to bump up the price
DJW said:
Can see a couple of you bidding against each other on this ;)

currently I don't NEED a tripod so if anyone else here has their eye on this speak now and I'll abstain from bidding can't say fairer than that now can I?

p.s. Anyone have a guess why this is listed under photographic paper??
In the case I mentioned the bid history showed he made 10 bids each a pound more until he won it :(

Shill bidders usually have a history of it and there are tools to detect them.
RobertP said:
In the case I mentioned the bid history showed he made 10 bids each a pound more until he won it :(

Shill bidders usually have a history of it and there are tools to detect them.

my point matter what his method of bidding, he thought it was worth more than you ( if it was you ),
if you thought it was worth more, you should enter a different amount.....surly ?

this is what an auction is....full stop

anyway, my point of this thread was to highlight a potential bargain,not debate ebay tactics......

ended at £65 all in..

someone got a bargain,

hope it was one of us

that'd be me Chris AKA gemok AKA cbashton :)
:banana: :dance: :banana: :dance:

thanks for the heads up mypix gave me enough time to install my snipe program and set up a bid for 10 secs to go :D
It's not about value and worth it is about stupid people on ebay that bid for the sake of it. A week later I got the same thing at a better price by changing tactics and bypassing the nutters ;)

So who got the tripod? :D
Gemok said:
that'd be me Chris AKA gemok AKA cbashton :)
:banana: :dance: :banana: :dance:

thanks for the heads up mypix gave me enough time to install my snipe program and set up a bid for 10 secs to go :D

well done m8, it looks like a great pod at a very good price..

Gemok said:
that'd be me Chris AKA gemok AKA cbashton :)
:banana: :dance: :banana: :dance:

thanks for the heads up mypix gave me enough time to install my snipe program and set up a bid for 10 secs to go :D
Yes well done! like to see someone get a bargain.:thumb:
Well done! :thumb: Bargain for a tripod of that quality.... and a free head.
CT said:
Well done! :thumb: Bargain for a tripod of that quality.... and a free head.

I'll let everyone know what head it is when it arrives in a few days :) god alone knows why it went that cheap :nut: was expecting someone else to out snipe me. Who says all the ebay bargains are gone :woot:
You did really well, I thought it would go for at least 90 quid but probably more. I'm a sniper from way back I like to get in in the dying seconds in case my top bid is beaten, but I didn't know you could set up a sniper programme! :D
There are a few sniper programs about now called things like "auction sentry" "bid slayer". Basically its a little program that you give your login details tell it what auction you're interested in your highest bid and how long before the end you want to bid I generally use 10secs to give the program time to do its stuff. It logs in as you and bids for you at the appropriate time, some of them even have servers on the internet so you don't have to have your computer on to bid!
Naturally I change my password after I use one of these its not that I don't trust people ........... well actually it IS that I don't trust people :D
LOL Real sneaky - I like it! :smilenod:
bless the seller she's going to post it tomorrow and was worried if I'd be happy with parcelforce 48 hr delivery. She's paying she could send it by pack mule if she wanted as long as it gets here :)

Plus she's already given me +ve feedback :D
SammyC said:
So which app did you use Chris?
This time I used "BidSlayer" worked pretty well and had some funky sound effects as it placed the bid. One usefull feature is it hooks into your watched items list so you easilly bid on an item you're watching.

Another cool program I'm using is called Roboform adds a tool bar to IE or firefox to auto complete forms and fill in passwords for you. The feature that is usefull in this instance is its got a password generator so you don't have to think up a random passwords :smilenod:
Its arrived :woot: all seems to be in working order all the legs slide very smoothly :)
The free head is a manfrotto 115. £23.99 from jessops :D or £129.99 for the pod and head from warehouse express :smilenod: thanks again mypix now all I need a Dslr to put on it my ickle e900 looks a bit silly :embarasse

glad it all worked out well, the 115 head ( is that a 3 way jobby ? )

btw, Mr MyPix is currently unavailable ( is pc is ****ed up ) so Mr NoPix is standing in for him on his lappy ( but had to set up a new account as he couldnt login , lol )

pics of the pod would be nice m8,

NoPix ( yet )
NoPix said:
pics of the pod would be nice m8,

have no fear pics of and from the the pod will follow tommorow the bats on my camera are currently dead. Oh the 115 is a 3 way head so up down round and round just have to remember which lever to pull for which :D

looks like this except mine has baddly aligned cork on the plate