Material for ground reflection pool?

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Hi, Just looking for advice, we want to dig out a 3 X 4mtr pool in a woodland (private) will only be 2 to 3 inches deep, as the ground is mostly soft dirt, what material would you go for other than pond liner? Expect some BOP to visit but mostly from Blue tits to Blackbirds and squirrels maybe.
Thank You, Russ.
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You could line it with clay, but a butyl (or similar) pond liner would be favourite and more easily removed if necessary.
What is wrong with using pond liner? Woudl appear to be teh obvious choice plus easy to manipulate and cover to hide??
How do you intend to stop it going stagnant- would be my 1st thought????

How do you intend to stop it going stagnant- would be my 1st thought????

A solar powered fountain or aerator would solve that problem. Either that or change the water regularly.
At 2-3inches deep it will more than likely dry out during the summer months, sunlight plus any animals trying to get that last bit of water wont do the liner any good (despite what liner manufacturers claim). Make it a bit deeper and/or make sure it has some shade to reduce evaporation.
Dig the hole fit the liner then cover the liner with a thin layer (1-2inch) of clay (or some of the soil you dug out). This will protect the liner and will be a nice breeding ground for bacteria so any insect pond life will thrive and give any plants something to get hold of. Get a small net and poke around in some other little ponds and move any insect life to your pond. A few Bee bombs spread around it will also help attract insect life and then birds plus gives some possible nice colour for images, a branch lying in the pond will provide a perch for birds or some dead branches dug into the ground overhanging the pond. Do it right and you'll end up with a nice wildlife pond that will attract birds and insects (if you enjoy macro).
Once its finished hang some bird feeders in the area to help kickstart visitors, and use the soil you are digging out to make a basic hide, even if its just a pile of soil you can hide behind, thats what i would do.