Mating Damselflies @ RSPB Minsmere

…the only time they will stand still really
and you got them right! (y)
Amazing shot, like a couple of acrobats! :)
That's beatiful. And even though they tend to be still they're still not easy. Last week I had my head in a bunch of stinging nettles and still couldn't get the right position to get both damsels in focus against a good background!
"Cracking" shot Wez, nuff said.(y)

That's beatiful. And even though they tend to be still they're still not easy. Last week I had my head in a bunch of stinging nettles and still couldn't get the right position to get both damsels in focus against a good background!

Go Wez,that is stunning mate the bramble or dogrose with both algae and sheep wool /spiders webs cool Bg great use of DOF completely nailed mate,good for you kiddo wicked shot,print it

Janny,I thought I was brave sitting in nettles but ,lady togs stick their faces in 'em OMG,now I feel more of a girl than you are :eek:. Ahh mate we must all be completely mad,but it's a wonderfully cool madness to share,so I can only admire you and hope with all my heart you get one soon like Wez has. Best wishes mate very cool !!! I hope Wez doesn't mind me picking up on this,I love seeing folks graft and do well you guys push me both of you to be better
take care both

Absolutely lovely, well done (y)
Go Wez,that is stunning mate the bramble or dogrose with both algae and sheep wool /spiders webs cool Bg great use of DOF completely nailed mate,good for you kiddo wicked shot,print it

Janny,I thought I was brave sitting in nettles but ,lady togs stick their faces in 'em OMG,now I feel more of a girl than you are :eek:. Ahh mate we must all be completely mad,but it's a wonderfully cool madness to share,so I can only admire you and hope with all my heart you get one soon like Wez has. Best wishes mate very cool !!! I hope Wez doesn't mind me picking up on this,I love seeing folks graft and do well you guys push me both of you to be better
take care both


Thanks for your kind words, Stu.

The bg was what attracted me to it when I looked through the viewfinder. It was brambles and bracken together. Nice light helped too though ;)

One thing when I changed over to FF from APS-C, you always hear about the DoF being a lot better and, yes, in most instances it is.

But I didn't think this was too bad with the D500 :)