Meh - Slate me lol

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Just sold my 50D and bits for the grande sum of £825 :bang:

I have also purchased a minty 800 click 7D for £825 :bang:

So the deal cost me nothing but a 50 1.4 lens which from what i hear is quite crap anyway and may of done me a favour!

Now on the scout for a 24-105L to wack on the end and im away! Might have some toys to sell to fund the lens .. (MIGHT)

Haterz gonna hate lol :bonk:
Why the 24-105!? You're worse than a woman in a shoe shop!
Great, now go out and take photo's!

Oh wait you cant, you have no lenses.

I was waiting for this one lol

I'm going to open a book on how long it is before we see 7D or ..........

Congrats - looking forward to some shots !
Great, now go out and take photo's!

Oh wait you cant, you have no lenses.


Haha, harsh....

But true lol

You'd better hurry up and sort a lens, otherwise you'll be sat with a camera that cant do a lot.
I was waiting for this one lol

I'm going to open a book on how long it is before we see 7D or ..........

Congrats - looking forward to some shots !

Going full frame, haha.

I would actually love to see some of your photos, you have built it up now. Don't get me wrong, I change my camera a million times more than others too, I just don't make a thread (or 10) each time

Hope you enjoy it anyway. Just try and make an educated choice when choosing a lens, try and get it right first time hey?
Haha, I took a similar upgrade path a long while back. Sold old body and lens, but new body but had no lens to take any pictures until I could justify buying a 24-70 :( It was an annoying couple of weeks :/
You've got 2 other threads with pretty much the same subject, couldn't you just have updated one of them?? Lol

We don't need 3 threads to discuss your hunting and purchasing of a 7D lol
Look, all your threads are at the top now, to show you how special you are :D
This is like transfer deadline day on Sky Sports News. Keep us up to date with that 24-105mm I'm praying the paper work goes through before 11pm!
Geez Danny you are some laddy!
I can't keep track of what you are upto.
One minute you are pleading poverty, the next minute you have bought a new bag, traded current camera and lens for a 7d and are now on the hunt for a 24-105 L which will cost you at least 750d to 800 notes new, slightly less 2nd hand.

Taking into account your indecision and lack of understanding in other threads your almost borderline "all the gear and no idea".

I'm shattered just trying to keep up!
WE are going to start a Danny's 52

Betting on what camera you will have each week for the next year :LOL:

For gods sake when you get a lens stop swapping around and get some bloody photo's taken.

It's like listening to Ena Sharples and Betty Caldwell ( You'll have to google them )

We are going to demand One decent picture every week for a year from your 7D :D

ps I wasn't going to say nowt LOL

One minute you are pleading poverty,
it cost me £0 to upgrade from a 50D to a 7D .. okay i now have no lenses

but i was about to buy a cheap one anyway as im skint so

its not cost me a penny whats the problem lol?

Okay im lenseless but ill live with that for a couple of weeks and then ill be paid and have somethnig again everyone wins ..

But yes ill give you some pictrues lol

i do have a flickr in my sig if you want pics!
It's like listening to Ena Sharples and Betty Caldwell ( You'll have to google them )

you should have said, for the younger members you'll have to google them (y)

me, I'm old enough to remember them, and wasn't Elsie Tanner just a young'n then :)
Aah, I see! If you get off the forum, you can take some outside the house, hehe :D

Some nice shots mate.
Just remember if you finance it you can't sell it without the financers permission. You don't legaly own the goods until you've paid the last payment.

Put the 7D in the cupboard and get saving, then sort a guarentee'd second hand one and save yourself a load of money.
Why that lens!? Honestly why?!

it has extra focal length for a walkaround IF i chose to use it for that ..

Its f4 but has IS which is equivalent to an extra stop and its a newer lens

and its cheaper
No, big mistake. Buy a cheapo lens, a 28-80. Available for about £40 on ebay.

Learn to use the new camera as I'm pretty sure that it will be different from the 50D.

Save and save some more and then buy a good lens.

but then ill go through another 20 **** lenses before i finally bite and buy an L

the 24-105 has all the exact focal lengths id use .. i hae NEVER shot under 25mm .. ever! even with the kit lens
Don't forget the crop factor LOL

The 24-105 is a fantastic lens but there are some great lenses out there that aren't L glass.

And no I won't sell you mine :D
but then ill go through another 20 **** lenses before i finally bite and buy an L

No, not if you have the resolve (which is doubtful given your chopping and changing, no offence intended)

Buy a cheap lens, take pictures, learn the camera.

This give you time to research all your choices (although it looks like you've settled on the 24-105) and save for it.
my 50D and 500D were crops though lol thats fine i just wouldnt use 17mm its a stupid length .. its not wide enough for a proper landscape and its too short for a portrait so for me its one of them pointless things

i wnat candids and portraits .. so 24 is fine :)
Dare I throw the ef-s 17-55 f2.8 IS into the mix ;):exit:

*edit* maybe not just saw your reply lol
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