Melrose Abbey HDR 2011

Edit My Images
Changed Camp to Nikon and am using the D5000. I set this up using only live view and aperture at f3.5 and the lowest iso settings I could get (Low something) and let the camera do the rest. Used the standard 18-55VR Kit lens and shot 1 raw then edited that into 5 at -/+ 1.5ev to get the depth and atmosphere I like.

I know HDR is not everyone cup of tea but I like it and hope some do to. :)


The rest of the set is here as well as some more of my own take and creativity if anybody would like to take a look :D

Thanks for looking

Its a good image, but its not HDR, saying that if it was it would be a good HDR.

Sorry, Its not HDR? How do you make that 1 out then?

5 shots all added then edited and used in photomatix using the "Generate HDR!" Button would constitute an HDR shot in my book.

That comment is a bit misleading ................How do you mean?

Sorry, Its not HDR? How do you make that 1 out then?

5 shots all added then edited and used in photomatix using the "Generate HDR!" Button would constitute an HDR shot in my book.

That comment is a bit misleading ................How do you mean?


Ok let me ask you this.

How many shots did you take for this image?
Who cares how many shots he's taken. It's the end result that matters and this is very good. Love the light on the abbey.
So you have answered my question then.
I've lost count of the amount of times this subject had been covered.

HDR requires a minimum of 3 seperate shots, not one RAW split into how-ever-many, that does not equate to multiple shots.

Anyway, like i said, i like the shot, but HDR its not.


I think you will find there is more than 1 way of composing an HDR shot.

There are many tried and tested techniques used in HDR photography

The method you are on about is using the standard technique of "Bracketing"

The way I used my shot is called "Pseudo HDR " Another technique used by many pro's

A link for you.........Maybe it will help.

I'm sorry but I'm not going to argue the point of how and why or what constitutes a HDR shot.

I have been in this game long enough to know what I'm talking about and have sold more than 10 or my NON HDR work, as you call it, to know what I'm selling and working on.

I'm glad you like the shot though.................but maybe you should go get a cup of tea and read up on Techniques used in HDR photography before you tell me MY work is not HDR.

Now..............Thanks for the comments but I'd prefer not to take this any further.


I think you will find there is more than 1 way of composing an HDR shot.

There are many tried and tested techniques used in HDR photography

The method you are on about is using the standard technique of "Bracketing"

The way I used my shot is called "Pseudo HDR " Another technique used by many pro's

A link for you.........Maybe it will help.

I'm sorry but I'm not going to argue the point of how and why or what constitutes a HDR shot.

I have been in this game long enough to know what I'm talking about and have sold more than 10 or my NON HDR work, as you call it, to know what I'm selling and working on.

I'm glad you like the shot though.................but maybe you should go get a cup of tea and read up on Techniques used in HDR photography before you tell me MY work is not HDR.

Now..............Thanks for the comments but I'd prefer not to take this any further.


You can't be serious. How has this turnt into you telling me to go and have a cup of tea, lol...

If you know what you are talking about as you state you do, then you will know that a true HDR image is a bracketed shot comprising of no less than 3 different exposures, its not a method as you put it, its HDR,(High Dynamic Range).

Thanks for your link but all that explains is how to get multiple shots from a RAW image and tone map them..

Here's a few links for you to browse and a few quotes, take a look.

"Creating HDR Photos from 1 image
It is possible to create a HDR photo from only one image. Although, it will not technically be an HDR photo. Creating a HDR photo from one image is often referred to as Pseudo-HDR"

"HDR Photography Explained
HDR Photography is also known as high dynamic range photography. HDR photography is the process of combining 3 or more exposures of the same image. The idea behind high dynamic range photography is to highlight the best exposure for different parts of the same photograph."

"Tone mapping is a technique used in image processing and computer graphics to map one set of colors to another, often to approximate the appearance of high dynamic range images"

Sorry for highjacking your thread and to everyone else reading, with this subject but it annoys me when people process 1 image and call it a HDR.
You can't be serious. How has this turnt into you telling me to go and have a cup of tea, lol...

If you know what you are talking about as you state you do, then you will know that a true HDR image is a bracketed shot comprising of no less than 3 different exposures, its not a method as you put it, its HDR,(High Dynamic Range).

Thanks for your link but all that explains is how to get multiple shots from a RAW image and tone map them..

Here's a few links for you to browse and a few quotes, take a look.

"Creating HDR Photos from 1 image
It is possible to create a HDR photo from only one image. Although, it will not technically be an HDR photo. Creating a HDR photo from one image is often referred to as Pseudo-HDR"

"HDR Photography Explained
HDR Photography is also known as high dynamic range photography. HDR photography is the process of combining 3 or more exposures of the same image. The idea behind high dynamic range photography is to highlight the best exposure for different parts of the same photograph."

"Tone mapping is a technique used in image processing and computer graphics to map one set of colors to another, often to approximate the appearance of high dynamic range images"

Sorry for highjacking your thread and to everyone else reading, with this subject but it annoys me when people process 1 image and call it a HDR.

Do you know what Thread spoiling is?

Good...................I am now going to contact a MOD and have the thread cleaned up and make a complaint about you and your obvious problem with letting it go............

Good bye

Do you know what Thread spoiling is?

Good...................I am now going to contact a MOD and have the thread cleaned up and make a complaint about you and your obvious problem with letting it go............

Good bye


I have said before sorry for highjacking your thread and appologised, but i thought the whole point of this site and content was to learn and share? How can people learn when there are threads like this given the wrong information?

Again sorry, if you feel the need to contact the mods that's up to you, i haven't said anything out of order, infact i told you i liked your images, i merely stated it was not HDR, if you had put "Tone-Mapped" in the title instead of HDR, i wouldn't have said what i did.
My commanding officer said, just days before we where due to depart on a plane heading for Afghanistan in 2009 which he never returned "think to the end" My point being it does not MATTER how we get their! as long as we get there??, lovely image just distracted around the centre seems to be a little out of focus :)
Excellent work:clap: I think you've got it just right for the subject matter(y)
I have said before sorry for highjacking your thread and appologised, but i thought the whole point of this site and content was to learn and share? How can people learn when there are threads like this given the wrong information?

Again sorry, if you feel the need to contact the mods that's up to you, i haven't said anything out of order, infact i told you i liked your images, i merely stated it was not HDR, if you had put "Tone-Mapped" in the title instead of HDR, i wouldn't have said what i did.

Please don't post any more comments about HDR. I think I have really had enough of your fetish with HDR techniques.

I have sold work I told you and continue to do so.................Please drop this.

And I have just reported you to a MOD. I did ask you not to continue to post on my thread about how HDR works!! :rules:

My commanding officer said, just days before we where due to depart on a plane heading for Afghanistan in 2009 which he never returned "think to the end" My point being it does not MATTER how we get their! as long as we get there??, lovely image just distracted around the centre seems to be a little out of focus :)

Cheers Kev

I like it to................I got there in the end, maybe not using the rule book but it works.

Thanks all for the comments, appreciated (y)

its 10.15pm, and im reading a rant/dummy combo about HDR? Really guys, its a good shot, being pedantic about how many shots its taken is petty.

Im not cleaning the thread as the essence of the debate is interesting, but i'd prefer if the discussion was carried out sensibly and maturely.
Decided to remove comment,
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its 10.15pm, and im reading a rant/dummy combo about HDR? Really guys, its a good shot, being pedantic about how many shots its taken is petty.

Im not cleaning the thread as the essence of the debate is interesting, but i'd prefer if the discussion was carried out sensibly and maturely.

Fair enough, i never intended it to get to this stage, and i have said sorry.

HDR is a very touchy subject on TP most poeple will only post to say they hate it, but others have build a living on creating, them. I love HDR, you can see that from my previous threads and posts, so this is not intended to destroy someones thread.

Learning photography is hard enough, without missleading threads about what is and what isn't, too many people think they have it in the bag and don't.

Like i have said, I LIKE THE IMAGE, i'm sorry if the OP doesn't agree with me about HDR, what do i know i only have a university degree, one subject covering HDR(y)

I will leave this thread now, good luck in the future Iceman.
its 10.15pm, and im reading a rant/dummy combo about HDR? Really guys, its a good shot, being pedantic about how many shots its taken is petty.

Im not cleaning the thread as the essence of the debate is interesting, but i'd prefer if the discussion was carried out sensibly and maturely.

"being pedantic about how many shots its taken is petty!"

My point exactly :clap:

[Dad voice on] Stop being so childish and petty the two of you! This is a photo forum, and critique works if done sensibly! [/Dad voice off]

Andy, I like your composition with the grave stones dominating the foreground. And the tones work well on the Abbey. But the sky is just OTT and spoils the shot. If you could tone the sky down this would work better IMHO.

Paul :)
[Dad voice on] Stop being so childish and petty the two of you! This is a photo forum, and critique works if done sensibly! [/Dad voice off]

Andy, I like your composition with the grave stones dominating the foreground. And the tones work well on the Abbey. But the sky is just OTT and spoils the shot. If you could tone the sky down this would work better IMHO.

Paul :)

Cheers Paul.


Melrose is my hometown and I rather like this. Stone looks great but I'm also not sure about the sky. I do think it would make a fabulous mono HDR.
I too think that is a well composed and effective image, and the PP has accentuated the atmospheric light. However, I do think that the saturation is set a bit high, particularly with regard to the greens, and the sky has been pushed just a little too hard. As a result of this it looks a little unnatural and there is a marked 'halo' line effect along the ruined wall in the shadow to the right of the main gable of the building. I just feel that if the HDR were pulled back just a little it would be even better. I also think it would also make a great conversion, but then B&W is my thing.
Looks good Andy I'd be proud of myself if I'd produced it. Which HDR programme do you use?

Hi Sean,

I used a few free programmes but the main programme is Photomatix (64bit version) and again free programmes to finish it of, or tidy it up a bit.

I do like HDR but its a bit of a contentious subject.............some like it and some don't.

I like to make the shots to be as creative as possible, but that does tend to draw words...........and interesting remedies to a problem some see!! I don't.

Democracy rules :LOL:

I too think that is a well composed and effective image, and the PP has accentuated the atmospheric light. However, I do think that the saturation is set a bit high, particularly with regard to the greens, and the sky has been pushed just a little too hard. As a result of this it looks a little unnatural and there is a marked 'halo' line effect along the ruined wall in the shadow to the right of the main gable of the building. I just feel that if the HDR were pulled back just a little it would be even better. I also think it would also make a great conversion, but then B&W is my thing.

Nice comments might be a tad over saturated but not bad.................I just like an atmospheric landscape and this has it. :naughty:

But for you I have done this


What do you think? better?

Love the shot mate, very well processed hdr from my view point mate.

What do you think? better?


As a dis-liker of HDR . . . I must say, in this case, I make an exception . . . very moody, atmospheric . . . I see it as mood setter for an advert, a Horror film maybe?

As far as the overall discussion of what is or is not HDR . . . ? The definition of the word Pseudo, as used by 'icemanonline' in post #12; Quoting Wikipedia:

"The prefix pseudo- (from Greek ψευδής "lying, false") is used to mark something as false, fraudulent, or pretending to be something it is not"

Thats my 2 penneth, simple to me, I like the image . . . (y)

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