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Newky Brown!


Newcastle Brown Ale me thinks, he may have had a glass or two
Sounds like he's had a crate or two!! ;)
Just got back from Colchester (driving), so I'm really quite sober! Ah, might just have some whisky on the rocks to finish off the day me thinks. ;)
Just done that :) An nice large 15 year old Glenmorangie over 2 ice cubes...Heaven:)
A pint o the tyne is all mine all mine...pint o the tyne is all mine :D
Just pulling the ring on another Caffreys meself. :nuts:
Just done that :) An nice large 15 year old Glenmorangie over 2 ice cubes...Heaven:)

Right, I need to finish off this bottle of Black Label :help: and go to single malts only. (y)
Ah now - a nice whisky would go down well at this time of night......but I'm trying to lose weight!!!! Damn!! Willpower needed!

And Glenmorangie happens to be my favourite!!! I'm with you Paul!
Ah now - a nice whisky would go down well at this time of night......but I'm trying to lose weight!!!! Damn!! Willpower needed!

And Glenmorangie happens to be my favourite!!! I'm with you Paul!

Go for it John, it's a known fact, a single malt on the rocks burns off more calories than 30 minutes on a treadmill. Honest!
Go for it John, it's a known fact, a single malt on the rocks burns off more calories than 30 minutes on a treadmill. Honest!

Sod it! My resolve gone in less than 24 hours!!!:D I'll sweat it off in a run tomorrow!:eek:........................................NOT!!!
Sod it! My resolve gone in less than 24 hours!!!:D I'll sweat it off in a run tomorrow!:eek:........................................NOT!!!


Just done that :) An nice large 15 year old Glenmorangie over 2 ice cubes...Heaven:)

Ooh, try that with 50% scotch, 50% drambuie on ice. I had LOADS of that in Cyprus - they call it a 'Rusty Nail'. Leave it to stand for 20 mins before drinking. Its magic.

[edit] woo. so much for my 'no more drinking new years resolution'. Lasted for all of 20 hours. :D
so much for my 'no more drinking new years resolution'. Lasted for all of 20 hours. :D

You did better than me :p
Life's far too short to deprive yourself of things you really don't want to do without ... it really is ... ;)

Don't want to drag the thread into misery but one of our neighbours died last Friday ... and they had so many things they were planning to do that they had not time to do before ... at least his wife can still give it a go ... :shrug:


Sorry to hear about your neighbour Ven. Bad time of year for that to happen :crying: You're right, things like that do make you realise that life's for living (y)
Absobloodylutely Grendel ... now where's my camera I need to get out and take some pics ... :D

BTB ... thanks for the kind words ... ;)


Sorry to hear about your neighbour Ven.... sobering news!
Reading your post has just kicked my butt in touch somewhat because Ive been sitting here this morning brooding about how many times Ive felt shafted by my industry during 2006.
Kind of puts things into perspective somwhat doesnt it.
Sorry about the news Ven, condolences from me to, cant be any easier at this time of year either - nevermind when you have soo much you still want to do:(
Thanx WS ... real shame of it is for the time they had after he knew it wasn't going to happen ... to think about their recent time together planning their future ... 'cos during the course of last year they gave up work to retire early and enjoy life ... ;)

And they were great to have as neighbours too ... always happens to the good guys ... or so it seems ... :shrug:


Sorry to hear about that Ven. You're right, it does always seem to happen to the good guys unfortunately.