Model shots..

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I notice a lot of people hire models and take pictures of them, now of course I get taking shots of scantily (if at all) clad ladies, but assuming we're not all just dirty old men and women is it just to pad out the portfolio?

Just curious!
Don't think you will get the model Photographers answering after nearly calling them purves :nono:
It's just another subject,if we all just stuck to landscape and didn't take sports,wildlife,weddings,family etc, it would be very boring don't you think.Broaden you're horizon's.

If all you got where open crotch and anal shot's I might agree with you,but have a look over at the gallery and see how artistic they are.
It is really hard to get the lighting and pose to perfection, thats why I do not dabble.
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I notice a lot of people hire models and take pictures of them, now of course I get taking shots of scantily (if at all) clad ladies, but assuming we're not all just dirty old men and women is it just to pad out the portfolio?

Just curious!

I wrote a longer reply but chose to delete it.

You should choose your words more carefully, models are used in many different genres of photography, not just nude and glamour.
JohnN said:

I notice a lot of people hire models and take pictures of them, now of course I get taking shots of scantily (if at all) clad ladies, but assuming we're not all just dirty old men and women is it just to pad out the portfolio?

Just curious!

TBH I just like boobs
I think what JohnN is trying to say what happens to the photos are they for the photographers personally portfolio, the girls portfolio, or just general enjoyment of shooting nice poses.

I shoot cars there just my personal thing I enjoy doing is it same for glamour etc?

I don't think he's trying to offend togs that shoot girls by calling them perves, maybe light humour, after all we are men...
oops, didn't mean to offend.. good points though, I suppose I was just thinking that the financial outlay must be quite high and that I was maybe missing something.

Still I can hardly talk looking at the cost of my kit and I get nothing back other than enjoyment.
I don't think you are missing much at all. Looking at motivations in any form of photography is relevant
I think the simpliest answer to your question without elaborating into different genres, paid jobs, test shooting etc, is just to say, that people pay models to use to practice their lighting, posing, communication and direction skills etc.

I've never paid a model for a test shoot (read portfolio shoot), I test in return for my services, the better your portfolio, the better models you will get approaching you for "test shoots". I'm fortunate enough to test for several model agencies, so my access is good. It's like a hierarchy, and when you're beginning you have no shots to show, so MAY have to pay for the pleasure of using a model.

I dont shoot glamour, but it all works the same way, you'll never learn unless you just do it.
Ah, now that makes a lot of sense - thank you.
Ah, now that makes a lot of sense - thank you.

I get requests for fashion shots showing more flesh than I'm happy to shoot. And seeing as I'm a hetrosexual 25 year old bloke, many find that strange lol

I know what you're getting at though, many more amateurs appear to shoot glamour than fashion, or any serious portraiture. That's probably not correct but it's the impression I sometimes get.
Good question JohnN, IMO it opens your mind and improves your skills, the more you practice the better you get, and you can only really learn by doing in photography. With a model you've hired you can experiment with light, look at images that you think are aspirational and try to understand how they were created, then see if you can find away to get that result, you learn so much this way.

If someone aspires to be a good portrait photographer, and charge for the results of their shoots then its only right and proper that they have the appropriate skill level to acheive what they and the client have agreed.

As for 'Padding Out' a portfolio, its a bad idea in my opinion. Pick just a few shots and make sure they are outstanding, thats all you need.