More Light Painting


TPer Emerita
Yvonne, pronounced Eve...
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Not really posting these for C&C yet as I am very much using the technique for fun and relaxation, but I think they are worth sharing and if I can get a few more people to give this a go and enjoy it, then all the better.

For info, they were shot with a D700 and a Sigma 24-70 F2.8.

Settings: Set to manual focus and leave focused on infinity,F8 or F9 mainly, ISO200 [native to camera] and shutter speeds were...well, as long as it took. I used one of FitP's remote triggers to open and close shutter, and I have to say they work very well, even from inside my pocket.

The light sources were two Tesco light sticks, a red and green that come in a pack, a triple LED mag style torch and a longer led torch. This will probably have gels over it next time as I think its a bit too bright in its natural state. Had some willing help from teenage daughter, who also did a few of her own for her Facebook pages [:wacky:] and she is now question all the boys at school to track down any unwanted star wars light sabres :LOL:

1 - this was basically a test shot to see how well the camera would detect the coloured light sticks but I quite like the effect.

2 - trying out a few ideas for this months poty, not quite refined this one, but the model likes them

3 - I never was very good at drawing - trees and flowers, sort of

4 - A field of Poppies?? :wacky:

Bigger versions are available by clicking on the pictures and there are a ew more on my Flickr photostream.

So, If I can do it, so can anyone, so get out there and have some fun whilst we have longer nights than days (y)
Yv these are great! I really like #3 it's top shelf art (y) Would love to know how you explain this crazy painting behaviour to the men in white coats that watch while you work?
Yv these are great! I really like #3 it's top shelf art (y) Would love to know how you explain this crazy painting behaviour to the men in white coats that watch while you work?
Do you not mean 'top drawer' John? Top shelf is where the porn is kept. I can't see Yv doing painting with light porn with her teenage daughter!! :LOL:

These are all really good Yv, you clearly have better artistic skills than you thought. How many attempts did it take to get these images? It's not something I've tried but I'd love to give it a go.
i love painting with light photos and these look great!
a step by step would be fab too please!
:bonk: Sorry guys, I had completely forgotten these were here. The tutorial NP has just posted starts quite well, though I would already dispute one thing...'brighter the better' isn't totally true....remember the too bright and it there is more change of it lighting you as you run round...great if thats what you want, not if it isn't.

I will try and write something this evening, from a purely beginners viewpoint of course, this was only my second attempt. I also happen to know that there will be a tutorial by a far more knowlegeable perosn than me in Issue 94 of Digital Photographer magazine, though not sure how far away that is, my local tesco still has 92 on the shelf :shrug:
love the trees & flower pic, gotta try this with the kids it will be fun ;)

However look forward to the tutorial :)