Most popular on flickr?

  • Thread starter Deleted member 3428
  • Start date
I really like this thread. It's a good way to see a good array of images.

most fav's

most views

most interesting
My most viewed is a Diamond Dove, presumably because they are a popular bird in USA?
Relatively new to Flickr, this is my most viewed to date, I guess it's just something that people search for:


I have to say that whatever the psychological reasons I find this photograph pretty disturbing - please tell me that I'm not the only one :eek: :D


This is due to a mistake where I made everything on my MySpace page link to this photo rather than where it was supposed to go. For about 2 months... This photo now has 2,426 views which is 10x the next nearest :eek:
My most viewed image.. (*360 views)

My most favourited/commented photo.. (8 favs/ 5comments)

(I personally like the not as edited version)
All time views is skewed on my flickr... there's a couple of joke images that went onto a rather popular forum and the hits sort of exploded.

As far as Favourites go though, this comes out tops...

I can't figure how to find most popular since they changed the stats system.

I can get most viewed today and yesterday, that's it. Anyone help?
I can't figure how to find most popular since they changed the stats system.

I can get most viewed today and yesterday, that's it. Anyone help?

from the today and yesterday screen - click the link that says All Photos and Videos below the yesterday column. Then on the next screen click the show: All Time link and it'll display your all time details.
An update on my flickr, still cats on top but not the same cats

Most views and comments


Most favs


This is my most viewed..
Cant think why! lol..

This has the most comments.. And ONE of them is me!! lol..

Most viewed

Most Interesting.

Most Commented.

Probably NSFW so I'll not post it here.
This is my most popular.
Due to my photos being mostly crap it has only 1 favourite, 2 comments and 8 views

The reason that your pictures don't have views, is that they don't have tags, non descriptive titles, and aren't in groups.
I've enjoyed flicking through this thread.

Here is my most interesting / viewed:

Vodka on Ice

Here is my most fav'd:


Here is my most commented:

Flash vs Ambient

My most viewed photo for long time (since I posted it on Flickr) was this shot

but since I posted portraits of my missus few days ago, that changed and now in first top 7 viewed photos on my flickr, 6 are portraits :)

This one is most viewed one at the moment

Most interesting, commented and with most fav's is this one:

All photos clickable