Daily Mr and Mrs West's Year of Change 366 for 2012 (366/366) -DONE!

Very nice again - this time its the first one, the cold hues bring across the mood.
Going to post the last of the mood miniproject out of sequence so they're together. Yesterday's shot is actually from a Lady Macbeth shoot.

Old and Tired (Mood Five) by DrHWest, on Flickr

Old and Tired (Mood Five) by DrHWest, on Flickr

I think I prefer the cleaner processing of the first one: the paler colours make the subject look older and tireder.

It was depressingly easy to turn the hair grey and make the face fatter, mind.

I really enjoyed this little task; being without the SLR forced me to think just that little bit harder.
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As always I disagree, I like the second!

Funny how teh old look of the curtains, chair etc is offset by the earbuds.
Like the Lady Macbeth 7 image, but surely a bloody blade methinks....

"My hands are of your colour; but I shame to wear a heart so white." An' all that!
Like the Lady Macbeth 7 image, but surely a bloody blade methinks....

"My hands are of your colour; but I shame to wear a heart so white." An' all that!

I was really torn between a bloody blade and keeping the reflections clean. I decided that, by this point, it really is a 'dagger of the mind' so strict realism wasn't necessary.
Yes well. Ok. I thought it was from the bit where Macbeth is too afraid to go back and 'smear the guards' (Act 2 Scene 2)

BTW Just done Macbeth in the school festival so that's why I can remember all of this! (y)
Your little lad's eye's are great mate and you've captured them so well in that one (y) and some more interesting work since I last called in (y) keep it (y) very close to that magical half way point (y) unless you get the bug like me :D

Like the 1940s 'Marlene Dietrich' type shot. Superb, although her left eye is very dark cos of the shadow.
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Like the 1940s 'Marlene Dietrich' type shot. Superb, although her left eye is very dark cos of the shadow.

It was interesting trying to replicate all the different lighting set-ups from the various periods; I know what you mean about the shadow - the 45 degree on the key really needs the model to look upwards. The head down works fine with 30s loop lighting and anything more modern, but I should have directed her to lift her chin.

But that was the point of the learning exercise.

then/now by DrHWest, on Flickr
I think I prefer the B&W version although all are very strong - love the now and then one too.

Oh theres a very nice hidden gem on your flickr too - A glimpse of England - nice landscape.
I think I prefer the B&W version although all are very strong - love the now and then one too.

Oh theres a very nice hidden gem on your flickr too - A glimpse of England - nice landscape.

I was driving Thor around and saw it through a gap in the trees. I also saw the best photo in the world ever; two horses, 3/4 lit from behind by the setting sun, golden hued with the church in the background. Alas, no camera and nowhere to stop the car.

What could have been, eh?
Ok. Thursday was a busy day that included a trip to a zoo/themepark, so a bit spoilt for choice.

It's either:

Love by DrHWest, on Flickr


Glower by DrHWest, on Flickr

Mind you, that night was foggy. But so was the next day.

Waiting by DrHWest, on Flickr


Enigma by DrHWest, on Flickr

then yesterday:

Scary Horse by DrHWest, on Flickr

and today's is still being voted on via twitter.