Mr G's Photo 52 2011 - Week 10 Trio

I actually like it, composition is good, I also like how the the white balance appears to have made the open sign stand out.

Thanks for the comments Michael

Hiya James,

I have been waiting to see an Open sign, and here it is. Well done! I absolutely love this image.

Good for you experimenting with the WB setting and being creative, I think you have achieved that here.

My only crit is the reflection on the window, you could have posted this in the 'Spotted a Tog' thread :D

Not sure there is much you could have done about the reflect, bar from setting up a tripod and taking the shot from a slightly lower angle.

But a brilliant take on the theme and a fab photo too.

Good luck for week 5.


Dawn :)

Thanks dawn did have a go at cloning out the reflection but ended up making a mess ;)

Loving the blue.... loving the sticks of rock in the window - true seaside ;)

I guess I must be weird :wacky: - but I really like seeing the reflections of togs... it makes it more real for me

Good job, James!

<bet it's brrrrrrrrrrrrrr down by the sea today (shiver)>

Thanks for the comments much appreciated(y)

Really like your 'open shot' the tungsten effect works well against the yellow and white of the sign. Also think the tog reflection adds rather than detracts to the overall effect. It's a great looking shop - looks like it has stayed in a time warp from the fifties.

Thank Sparrow ;) shame there prices didn't stay in the fifties bloody price for a stick of rock :|

Although I think the WB does help set off the yellow sign, I'm afraid I'm not i like it. I'd like to see it white too if possible? The reflection could have been sorted with a CP perhaps, but I didn't notice it at first, so its not bad!

The sticks of rock add extra detail to think about! good job!

Thank Shutter ;) eveyone's taste is different thats for sure...
Mr G said:
Well another challenge ;) tried to be a wee bit creative mmm... well try being the operative word... this is a pic of a little cafe I spotted just of the beach where I stay :) I had the white balance on tungsten and thought it gave it a little touch of the " I know what I am doing flavour" never mind learning curve and all that eh :D

Love the idea, I had the same but couldn't find a unique one.

Good use of colours.
Had what I thought was a couple of good ideas, but as usual too late !! as someone else done them :( I seem to be getting worse at this as the themes go on... but I aint gonna give up.. I am on holiday next week so I should have time to get something together...anyway here's my effort of hard this week :coat:

Hard Rock


Nice shot mr G, some of your landscape shoes are spot on. Think for this one I'd of liked to ave seena bit more sea...maybe a slightly linger exposure?
Nice shot mr G, some of your landscape shoes are spot on. Think for this one I'd of liked to ave seena bit more sea...maybe a slightly linger exposure?

Thanks Cris I took this delibrately to show the rocks!! as the theme was hard ;) as in "Hard Rock" :cool: I do have another with more of the sea etc ..I will keep that for hopefully another emergency theme :D
Great shot James,
Not only do the rocks represent hard but the clouds look hard in that they are dramatic and menacing. Really good take on theme, good lighting and composition.

Hi James, nice landscape, great dramatic sky! However, I think the horizon needs levelling a little and it may be the image compression but the it doesn't seem very sharp? I would have personally given it a bit more "fill light" to bring out the rocks a bit more.

Cheers, Kaz
Very nice shot James. As kaz said it needs a slight straighten. Agree with Martin as well that the clouds suggest hard as well.
A longer exposure would probably give an image that I would prefer to look at, but would also move it further from the theme. Either that or it would emphasize teh hardness of the rock.
Either way, well done and I look forward to the rest of your 52

Edit: If your ideas get taken early, do what I do. Never look at anyones images for the week until you have posted yours. It may well be that someone else has done a similar shot but if anything thats better as it allows you to compare your work and get ideas for what worked best and what didn't.
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I love the dof with the rocks and how the clouds almost appear to be moving while the waves are caught mid wave, certainly works for me, well done :)
Hi James, very nice landscape. Great idea for theme "hard" - those rocks look pretty treacherous. That's a wonderful sky which is nicely exposed and the WB looks spot on.

The horizon looks slightly tilted, but a quick rotate in PP will fix that. Also a little more sharpness would have been good - did you have a tripod with you?

Overall a really good shot which grabbed my attention as soon as I saw it.
Good selection James I think W5 looks good B/W.
Allan :cool:
Hiya James,

Somehow I missed your week 5 post amongs all the others, and now I am glad I have seen it because I love landscapes and sunsets.

You have done a good job with this one. Agree with some of the comments already made. I absolutely love the colours in the moody sky and the way you have captured the hard rocks. My only crit would be to clone out the mast or pose in the distance (nit picky I know, but it draws my attention).

Otherwise a brilliant shot, well done!


Dawn :)
I am on holiday this week and would you believe snowing heavily outside :( this gave me time to relax and try and come up with a eureka moment :LOL::LOL: well not quite a brainwave but enjoyed mucking about with this one and it never cost me a penny (y) just raked through the kids stuff :D

Colourful Clutter

Hiya James,

Well done on producing another lovely photo. I love all the colours of the bits and pieces you have used, combining all the different shapes, sizes and textures.

It's amazing the stuff kids keep, and only last night I was sorting out a 'doodle drawer set' for my son, with all the arts & crafts equipment and bits & bobs he owns.

Great take on the theme and a very nice colourful image.

BTW enjoy your weeks holiday.


Dawn :)
Very striking image, great colours. Has a Pop Art feel to it.
Can't really see anything to nit pick over, maybe add a border?
Really good start to your 52. The only one I'm not too keen on is the shop but I can see what you were trying to achieve with it.

Look forward to seeing more of your 52 (y)
Hiya James,

Well done on producing another lovely photo. I love all the colours of the bits and pieces you have used, combining all the different shapes, sizes and textures
It's amazing the stuff kids keep, and only last night I was sorting out a 'doodle drawer set' for my son, with all the arts & crafts equipment and bits & bobs he owns.

Great take on the theme and a very nice colourful image.

BTW enjoy your weeks holiday.


Dawn :)

Thanks Dawn with being on holiday and only my first day, had time to muck around :LOL: what a difference that makes ;)

Very striking image, great colours. Has a Pop Art feel to it.
Can't really see anything to nit pick over, maybe add a border?

Cheers Colin (y) you know I had a border round it but thought will I :thinking: then decided against it.

Really good start to your 52. The only one I'm not too keen on is the shop but I can see what you were trying to achieve with it.

Look forward to seeing more of your 52 (y)

Thanks Simon one has to do one's best and all that :D

Nice take on the image, good clear image. Did you play with the colours at all in post production?

Looks natural just interested how much pp you did?

Cheers Aaron Well kinda surprised myself ;) used 2 flashes one bounced off a white reflector the other above ..when I stuck it up on photoshop I did adjust the colour but it didn't look right so put it back to the way it was..adjusted the levels very slightly and sharpened a tiny bit and that was chuffed cause I usually end up getting well involved and then lose the plot :D:D

Found your Hard photo slightly overexposed and the colours a bit drab... but then it looked that kinda day... certainly depicted hard quite well...

However really felt you brought a bit of colour back in with this weeks photo! Real WOW colour... it's like an advert for photo paper or film deliberately picked so people think wow pint on that and it will be WOW! I find it slightly overexposed... and I mean slightly... maybe just needs the highlight slider moved down a little... but well done... great clutter shot!

Fab shots in your 52 James! I particularly like your 'Open' shot, quite different! 'Clutter' is great too; lovely colours and I like how you filled the frame - it really does say clutter! (y)
Great shots for both week 5 and 6. Week 5 - Lovely composition and the lighting and detail are spot on. Week 6. Again great colours and detail:clap:
Thanks for the feedback ;) what a difference it makes when you gotta bit of time to come up with something :D
Wow! I'm blind! As said I think a thin black border may work well. This is so the definition of clutter though, so well captured! The colours are vibrant but not overdone, how they would be in real life so congrats!

Week 2 New

New Day

Driving to work yesterday morning the sky was an incredible colour this was taken straight from camera ...Looks a little over sharpened/noisy on my monitor but it was taken hand held and I was late for work :D
Hope the next theme is bit easier :LOL:

Beach boulevard
My take on Delicate..

Not the most creative :crying: but work just gets right in the way of my photography and its really hacking me off :bang:...anyway here is my effort..

Week 7 Delicate

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Hiya James!

I like the photo and how there is symmetry in the it. Did you do it on purpose or by accident? I am not sure if the lighting you have used brings the best in the flower. I can't quite understand why it looks a bit... spotty... I am not sure if you understand what I mean.

I am sorry to hear that your work is keeping you away from the photography. I hope it will get better soon! (y)

Hiya James,

Indeed a lovely photo fitting the theme perfectly. Although I have to agree with Lynne about the brown petals near the top.

Well done

Dawn :)