Daily MWHCVT(Matt's) Challenge 366 - 2012 - Now with added 5D3 Goodness

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Really enjoying what you're doing with the fisheye. Never thought of them as being that useful, really, so it's definitely an education!

Thanks :D I've got a photo of my tiny little 19 month old niece today from it but I'm just getting it edited up :D should be up in a little while :D

Day 20 - When somethings wrong but so right

In our family we have a family Friday :D I was round my cousins for that this evening and got to playing with my fisheye and my niece, it helps when there are two other TPers in the family and in the room :LOL:

I know there are lot's of faults with this image, but then it really made us all laugh and for out family that's what we are all about :D try and get a serious photo of our family and you will fail :D

This photo was such fun as it makes my tiny little niece look like a giant :D

20/366 (385) by mwhcvt, on Flickr

It's funny because around this time last year I took a photo of my niece as part of my 2011 challenge, she has grown so much since then but is still so tiny :D

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Awww she's gorgeous...Was she was amazed how big she looked with the FE ??

Bet you kept a beady eye on your gear with sticky, grubby little hands knocking about ....I have a nephew of a similar age...haven't seen hime for a while but I understand he is a typical toddler with hands into everything and everything into his mouth!!! lol..............Is there such a thing as a toddler proof DSLR? :-/
Awww she's gorgeous...Was she was amazed how big she looked with the FE ??

Bet you kept a beady eye on your gear with sticky, grubby little hands knocking about ....I have a nephew of a similar age...haven't seen hime for a while but I understand he is a typical toddler with hands into everything and everything into his mouth!!! lol..............Is there such a thing as a toddler proof DSLR? :-/

Well when you in a room with 4 under 3 year olds and one mad dog you have to keep a very close eye on kit :LOL: I only just stopped my little nephew from taking my camera when I was distracted for a couple of seconds :eek: and had to clean the front element twice :eek: :puke:

She is thought uncle matt is very proud of her (y) and she often comes out with Darrell (thedodo) a.k.a her daddy and me when we are taking photo's she when all the way to Blackpool with us the other day to meet Just Dave :D

Oooo Blackpool with sticky candyfloss fingers! lol Bet that's a bugger to get off any front element ! lol
A shot of Matt being buried under Blackpool sand by a group of 4 sub three year olds whilst the tide is on it's way in .......might not get top marks in creativity but would definetly be entertaining ( for the yung uns anyway!)
Oooo Blackpool with sticky candyfloss fingers! lol Bet that's a bugger to get off any front element ! lol
A shot of Matt being buried under Blackpool sand by a group of 4 sub three year olds whilst the tide is on it's way in .......might not get top marks in creativity but would definetly be entertaining ( for the yung uns anyway!)

Don't give them any idea's :LOL: I'm sure we will be back up that way at some point this year, my oldest nephew is up there at Manchester Uni so I'm sure at some point I will be either collecting him from there or dropping him back :cautious:
Day 21 - Fisheye on the Move

Having just checked back I now realised I did a long exposure for my POTD21 last year as well, hopefully this is better :LOL: I think that it is POTD21/2011 The see last years rather poor effort

I was one my own this evening so had to do the driving myself :LOL: and operate the camera :D

21/366 (386) by mwhcvt, on Flickr

Some great shots since I last had a look. Loving the start trails. Think the lone tree is still my favourite though.
Hi Matt,

Looks like you have had another interesting week and some really good shots. I'm enjoying your new fisheye your producing some really nice results:-

Your highlights this week for me have to be the light trail, I really like the @ / e shape type composition of the lights, The shot of your niece is quite funny with the exaggerated feet. The light trails from inside the vehicle are very good too - great image.

Good luck and best wishes for the next 7 days..... i'll check in again soon.

Some great shots since I last had a look. Loving the start trails. Think the lone tree is still my favourite though.

Thank you :D I'm waiting for the next clear night to get out and try the 8mm on star trails (y) the lone tree is a favourite of mine so far in this challenge

Hi Matt,

Looks like you have had another interesting week and some really good shots. I'm enjoying your new fisheye your producing some really nice results:-

Your highlights this week for me have to be the light trail, I really like the @ / e shape type composition of the lights, The shot of your niece is quite funny with the exaggerated feet. The light trails from inside the vehicle are very good too - great image.

Good luck and best wishes for the next 7 days..... i'll check in again soon.


Thanks Nick, I'm pleased that your still enjoying what your seeing from my challenge :D the fisheye is the most amazing lens to play with it gives you a whole new perspective on your photo's (y)

I only hope that I can maintain your interest (y) I'm still wondering what today will bring :thinking:

Day 22 - Take Two

This is the second time that this view of the church at Chesterton has featured in the challenge, I had high hope as I raced down the Fosse Way in the hope of taking my first ever sunrise photo...

A note for the future is what I though was the sunrise was not, it was a pre-rise :bonk: if I had stopped on location for another 5-10 minutes I think I would have done a lot better than I did :crying: that is why this challenge is a learning experience for me, I've always said that my POTD challenges are about learning for me, today I learnt a valuable lesson, patience :bang:

I can see many ways that this can be improved and I will get what I have as the pefect image in my head for this location before the end of 2012, so be prepared for a least one more photo from this angle :LOL:

22/365 (387) by mwhcvt, on Flickr

The light trails from inside the car is a great shot: how do you brace the camera to avoid vibration, or do you just find a very smooth stretch of road?

Thanks as to bracing the tripod is just wedged in so tight that it cannot move (y) and then yeah find good roads where possible, another trick it to drive really slowly, but I didn't do that with this one this was done at about 60ish MPH (y) I'm pleased that you like it :D

Day 23 - All Gold

Visiting the church of All Saints in the Village of Sherbourne on the outskirts of the county town of Warwick just into the infamous golden hour (y)

I know that this one is not going to be to everyone's taste because of the lens distortion but the nature of this church means that you need a UWA to get all that I wanted in frame (y)

23/366 (388) by mwhcvt, on Flickr

Day 24 - World Champion :D

A little bit of light painting for today's POTD, this features some of the medals that my Grandad won as part of his fishing career including a 1st place individual fishing championship medal and team 3rd as well as a bronze mantle ornament awarded as part of winning the world championship

24/366 by mwhcvt, on Flickr

HERE is a large collection of his metals and my grandad taken I believe in the late 70's

Cracking pics of the 2 churches Matt, really liking yesterdays. Very good light painting on todays. A cracking selection of medals in the link.

Thanks Michael, my Grandad did win lots of matches :D I don't think that there was a weekend he wasn't fishing :LOL:

I'm pleased that you like the recent churches too (y)

Day 25 - Getting Adventurous

A different take on a moving long exposure for me, a moving out of car long exposure, I decided I didn't want to risk this on a main road so I did it on the lane I live on :D take out of the sun roof of my car :D I'm quite pleased with the results :D

25/366 (390) by mwhcvt, on Flickr

Wicked!!...That is superb :clap: You do right to be pleased with it!

Liking your church shots as well Matt particularly day 23 with the gravestones and curvature of the church (y)

The light painting is something I could do to have a go at......if i can ever find the time!
Wicked!!...That is superb :clap: You do right to be pleased with it!

Liking your church shots as well Matt particularly day 23 with the gravestones and curvature of the church (y)

The light painting is something I could do to have a go at......if i can ever find the time!

Thanks, I'm pleased with today's, but itching to have a go at it somewhere a little different now (y)

I'm pleased your liking the church photo's :D you should give light painting a go it's a great deal of fun and can provide a really nice effect :D

Day 26 - Stretching the Sunshine

This evening I was passing near this church local to me that I'd never been to to have a look, the grave yard was actually a lot larger than I ever imagined (y)

26/366 (391) by mwhcvt, on Flickr

This one was a little bit of a learning experience for me as I've tried out a couple of little bit of different PP tricks including cleaning up the CA caused with my lens


This is a B&W ND110 long exposure the basic settings on this one were 75 Seconds - f/9 - ISO100
Looking great mate, amazing how much you miss being offline for a few days, im wondering if my daughter will ever actually lookm the tall:thinking:.
The fish eye photos are fantastic, amazing what you can fit in frame at 8mm(y).
My fave of what i have missed out on must be the shot taken out of the sunroof, it's different and has a really surreal feel to it(y):D
Looking great mate, amazing how much you miss being offline for a few days, im wondering if my daughter will ever actually lookm the tall:thinking:.
The fish eye photos are fantastic, amazing what you can fit in frame at 8mm(y).
My fave of what i have missed out on must be the shot taken out of the sunroof, it's different and has a really surreal feel to it(y):D

Thanks mate, I have to say I'm loving the FE though I knew I would (y) I really like the sunroof one too an I'm tempted to take that out for a spin tonight in a more vibrant part of town :thinking:

Great set of photos - really like the in car long exposure. :)

Thank you, I'm pleased your liking my start to the year (y)

Day 25 is excellent Matt, that appears to have worked very well.

Thanks Michael, indeed it has worked very well, I've just got in from shooting some stuff for todays photo now to get processing :D

Day 27 - As they pass above

I wonder if the motorists passing above us on the M6 near Corley services had any idea that 3 nutters from Talk Photography were having loads of fun as they thundered on past

For fun I've left the tripod of Darrell (TheDodo) in frame, I had noticed it when doing test exposures, this shows that a the FoV of the 8mm fisheye is massive, and that we like to get close to the action (y)

27/366 (392) by mwhcvt, on Flickr

Here we have spun some wire wool in a large underpass under the motorway, this is two exposures merged one for the wirewool and one for the colour on the walls, the merge was done using free to download software StarStax

This is the way our family likes to have fun :D with myself, Darrell (TheDodo) and Michael (m_hancox) all being family :D

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Hehe....Tonight was great fun, and this has came out great:clap: I love the way the fisheye really shows just how big the tunnel actually was(y)
Stunning set of images! I love the sparks bouncing off of the ground on day 27.
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