Daily My 365, taken everyday; let's see how far I get...

Some absolutely fantastic pix on here mate .... your manage to capture some great images from some pretty boring subject matter ..... how do you find the time ...

anyway ... I have no excuses ... even when stuck indoors.

Cheers for the inspiration.
@SteffB: Thank you very much! It's not finding the time; I spend very little time shooting, and even less time doing postwork (too much like the day job!) - it's coming up with the ideas and logging them all in a little A6 book so I always have something to fall back on when I can't think of anything.

@Matt: Thanks! This is the EL wire used for the pic. The "egg" is a 12" garden ornament, sat on the rug in our lounge.

Hills - 092/365 by alwyncooper, on Flickr
Quite a variety of photographs there. Nice and sharp, rich colours and I do like the apples.

I saw your photographs is AP recently. The one with your brother in is really well composed....(y)

I love the feel and processing on 98 :clap: it's a wonderful scene and the processing really works well...

Congratulations on getting to day 100 :woot: before long you will be at that magic marks of half way through :clap:

Wow that last one is wonderful, now I wish I had something like that near me, I have so many photo ideas that would be done that (y) but as it is I think that you've done a really nice job on it (y)

@ Photek: Thanks, The blue is totally intentional. Most of my BW stuff is fairly neutral; so I though, what the heck, let's chill that sucker.

@ Matt: Lol, yeah, You get Chesterton windmill on your doorstep and I get... a barn ;)
Mind you, I have been waiting since November for the light to be in the right place at the right time...

Next generation - 114/365 by alwyncooper, on Flickr